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  1. #1
    Spintix is offline Junior Member
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    Is my gyno suppressed?

    So the last time I came on these forums I was asking questions as far as how to treat gyno that I developed from estrogen rebound in post cycle. I ran nolvadex at 40/40/20/20 and clomid at 100/100/50/50 for 4 weeks as my pct after an 8 week test prop cycle at 100mg eod combined with the very poor idea of using superdrol based prohormones which are the reason I believe this all started. The gyno developed during pct. a slightly painful lump under each nipple the size of a quarter and when squeezed hard enough they would lactate slightly. Lumps would itch and hurt when bumped into things or when I slept of my stomach but were not bad enough to hurt rubbing against shirt material. After pct I was told by members of the forums to run Ralox at 60mg ed until symptoms were gone. During that time I had a mammogram done and was diagnosed with bilateral gynocomastia. I then went on to see a surgeon which inspected me. He told me that he felt surgery was not needed and put me on a list to have surgery if it still bothered me after a year. He also told me during the inspection that he could barely feel anything and if I had any gyno it was very slight. I have been on raloxifene for close to 145 days now. Around 3 weeks ago all pain went away completely and no matter how hard I press on them now there is no pain or lactation. My nipples are also no longer puffy. However, after playing with my nipples and starring at them for the past 3 months I have lost sight of what my nipples should look and feel like. They are still Slightly pointy at certain times of the day but I am also a lot heavier (with fat) than when I started the ralox due to starting my bulking in september so I am not sure if the pointiness is due to just slight fat deposits now or are still due to lumps. I also cannot remember what the texture of my nipples should feel like, I can tell they have shrunk but I cannot tell if they are just slightly squishy fat deposits now instead of hard lumps. All in all, I am just trying to determine if I have my gyno is suppressed to the point that I can start my bulking cycle of test cyp and deca . I can post my past cycle history if needed. If it helps at all I told my girlfriend about this gyno issue when it all started and she thought I was crazy because she couldn't tell a difference and thought my chest looked fine. Any words of advice would be helpful and thank you all for your time reading this.
    Last edited by Spintix; 12-21-2013 at 02:52 PM.

  2. #2
    ickythump's Avatar
    ickythump is offline Member
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    Lose fat and check...I've personally never lost enough fat to get rid of what's under my nipples, I'd have to be at an unhealthy, unsustainable the question, I know fat can feel hardish and I also know how you can easily forget how things were once they've become the way they are (ha...felt like Tolkien right there...) anyways, lose fat lol

  3. #3
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Cliff notes?

  4. #4
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    ickythump is offline Member
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    Read my response, you'll get the tl;dr

  5. #5
    ickythump's Avatar
    ickythump is offline Member
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    Is my gyno suppressed?

    Lose the fat. Then check....

  6. #6
    Spintix is offline Junior Member
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    Damn, that's it?

  7. #7
    ickythump's Avatar
    ickythump is offline Member
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    Unless you get scoped out by a medical professional...I haven't had gyno, but from what I understand you should know if you have it...getting rid of fat would great anyways but yes that's about it

  8. #8
    Spintix is offline Junior Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20131223_104129-1.jpg 
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ID:	147221 This is me right when I woke up this morning. Am I overreacting?

  9. #9
    EasyDoesIt's Avatar
    EasyDoesIt is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spintix View Post
    <img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/> This is me right when I woke up this morning. Am I overreacting?
    From everything u stated, definitely need to lose bf first and start training without gear. Also deca kicks my sensitivity up. Might just want to do test. That very well could just be bf. I would not start gear at present bf levels.

  10. #10
    Spintix is offline Junior Member
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    I thank you for your advice, but it's really hard for me to decide to cut in the winter when I usually bulk. Also cutting without gear is really going to make me look like a stick. I have never run anything except test only cycles so I would definitely consider your advice of cutting out the deca I have. This is just a really tough decision to make cause I was hoping to start up again since its been going into 5 months without gear

  11. #11
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Have you run a prolactin inhibitor??

    It dries me right up and never hurts anything to use..
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  12. #12
    Spintix is offline Junior Member
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    yeah I was considering getting some prami but that was mainly if I was going to go on cycle with deca . Maybe I should try prami first by itself

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