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  1. #1
    NiceGuyResearcher's Avatar
    NiceGuyResearcher is offline Associate Member
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    Went from Test 400 mg/mL to Test 250 mg/ML; pinning pec is slower delivery. help....

    Hi everyone

    *background info.: I pin my pecs mostly since I can aspirate easier, but I alternate & do delts and my glutes, too.

    **In other words, I know enough in other words, to alternate to prevent problems pinning the same spot.

    I Went from a Test 400 mg/mL Bottle to Test 250 mg/ML Bottle or Vial just recently.

    My stats are 42 yrs old, 193 lbs. 5 feet 10 " tall.

    I'm like 90 days into my cycle. I still have 1 month to go & then tapering off/lowering Test dosage 3 weeks more. (so 1 month & 3 weeks left till my cycle is done & I PCT).

    My cycle history is I've been doing a 1x per week Test 400 mg/mL where I take out like half a ML actually .6 mL which comes out to 200 mg - 250 mgs per week of Test.

    Last week I got Test 250 mg/ML since it's lower concentration, I thought there'd be less problems with delivery of the medicine into the muscle.

    *I noticed a bump on my left pec that whenever I used the Test 400 mg BOTTLE, would go away in 3-4 days, But that bump is still there for 7 days already the longest it's been there, although it seems to slowly diminish in it being raised. In other words, the bump/lump is going down a little bit.

    Also today, I used the Test 250 mg/ML bottle, I noticed the same problem, but this time in my right Delt: DELIVERY OF medicine into muscle is real slow to the point, I have to really push down (much harder than usual) on the plunger.

    The pushing down of the plunger coupled maybe with my Clen . tab regimen recently started 3 days ago, made my hands shake & although I aspirated & saw no blood, my shaking hands caused the needle to move & ultimately blood began to drip a little bit from my pec.

    ***You may want to know I also take an antibiotic to avoid problems with bad injections like Abcesses & also to prevent pimples. It's call Doxycycline 100 mg tabs. I take them 1-2 x per day.

    *Should I totally avoid pecing delts now?

    Is the pec muscle shot?

    Or is this normal?

    Should I increase by antibiotics from 1 tab to 2 tabs per day in order to completely eliminate faster that little bump still there 7 days after my injection when normally it'd go away 3 days after the injection?

    Any other thoughts on why this is happening?

    Thanks for any help you can give me.

  2. #2
    NiceGuyResearcher's Avatar
    NiceGuyResearcher is offline Associate Member
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    Oh btw there's no pain or redness asssociated with that linger tho diminsihing bump. it's just still there.

    my clen dosage is low (3 days into it), at only 2 tabs per day in the mornin'

    clen is used 90 days into cycle to speed up metabolism & burn off winter or holiday fat.

  3. #3
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    Jul 2013
    So, your cycle is 139 days long? 90 days plus 7 weeks.

    I get a lump also lasting from 3-6 days. It helps if I heat the oil first and I also notice it isn't as bad if I exercise after injecting. Not sure if this will help you. You are pinning more oil now though, maybe that is the reason it sticks around longer. Needs more time to absorb.

  4. #4
    NiceGuyResearcher's Avatar
    NiceGuyResearcher is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2013
    Thanks. That's real good info., Brett. It's so reassuring. It's not really 7 weeks of a cycle. It's 4-7 weeks tapering down from a 2x a week of 250 mg Test every 3 days to back down to 250 mgs/week. The last 7 weeks will be 250 mgs of Test per week & then 100 mgs of Test per week. 120 days is a common cycle. there'll be like 2-3 weeks of only 100 mgs of Testosterone per week so I can come off easily & then of course the normal Clomid/nolvadex Pct oral tabs. Have a safe fun New Year's eve & successful, safe, healthy New Year 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N View Post
    So, your cycle is 139 days long? 90 days plus 7 weeks.

    I get a lump also lasting from 3-6 days. It helps if I heat the oil first and I also notice it isn't as bad if I exercise after injecting. Not sure if this will help you. You are pinning more oil now though, maybe that is the reason it sticks around longer. Needs more time to absorb.

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