I'm new to this site but was looking for advice feedback on my upcoming cycle. Stats are: Age:26 Weight: 180 Height: 5'11" Body Fat: 10%

Cycle: Deca - Weeks 1-10 at 300mg
Test E - Weeks 1-12 at 400mg
HCG - 2x week at 250iu
Arimidex - take as needed or (.25 every 3 days)

Post Cycle: Three weeks after last pin - Nolvadex

Few questions I need help with:

With the HCG 10,000iu is it good to start third week so it will be available leading into my pct? How many days before my pct starts do I discontinue HCG?

Also what would my dosage be with Nolva and how long?

Thanks for the help