Hi all, just a quick question really and looking for a little help I'm currently running my 5th or 6th cycle(can't really remember) I mainly run tren and test cycles as I seem to get good results from it but as always a month or so in to my cycle I get the swollen puffy nipples(little pea size lumps) they don't usually bother me as I usually just take 20mg a day of tamox and it always sorts me out,but anyway I'm now 5 week in to my cycle and decided to add some hgh in last week( ive just got my hands on 6 kits at a very reasonable price ) and now the swollen nipples have decided to show,I know this is down to the test and nothing to do with the hgh but what do I do to stop it I've been told and have read that taking tamox while on hgh hinders the results basically making taking the hgh pointless, is this true? Or will I be ok having my usual dose of tamox? or I'm I best just stopping the hgh?(I really don't want to) Thanks