Quick background. Im 36 will be 37 in a few months. Only experience with any type of gear is the Andro that I took back in the day. Got really fat (35-40%BF) about 5 years ago and it went downhill from there. I got put on CPAP and TRT and BP meds. Started lifting again and running and lost about 60 lbs and a lot of fat. Now Im about 19-20%BF and and weight 260. All my clothes that fit when I was 220 fit great now even though I am 40lbs heavier. Anyway I just switched my TRT doc and he helped me align my levels. I am taking about 250mg per week and got my levels to just over a 1000. But my E is close to 100. Doc says I don't need an AI but I want one to bring them down to under 45. I have a local source who can get me Novadex or Clomid. Which one is better?

Also I have been planning on blasting at some point this years but I am now stuck at this weight/BF. My lifting partner is trying to get me to try Tren as he says it will help cut he fat off but everything I have read and researched says Tren is not for cutting fat. Id be willing to try it will help my strength while I am eating in deficit calories.

Thanks for all your help.