I joined this forum because I am in desperate need of some advice from long time users.

I am 4 weeks into my second cycle, this one being a test only cycle of Test Cyp 250mg/week and Test Prop 100mg/eod.

I through the cyp in there because I felt my levels drop too much between shots of prop and the aggression wasn't fun.

So the other day I decided to try some Ephedrine to help with cutting.

I'm 26, 250lbs, 18% bodyfat.

The first few days were fine. Then about a week ago I had the day off work and doubled up on my workout. I usually go at 6am and I went again at 2:30 pm. In the morning I took 24mg Ephedrine and 1 scoop of Hyper-FX 280mg caffeine. I felt fine in the morning but took another dose of Hyper -Fx before my 2:30pm workout.

As Im lifting the 100lb dumbells up for a shoulder press I feel my heart rate go through the roof. I dropped the weights grabbed some 80lbs and did my set. As I stood up I felt flushed, short of breath, dizzy and my heart was beating irregularly.

I went home and checked my vitals (wifes a nurse) and my heat rate was still 110 2 hours after I stopped my workout. I then became tired and fell asleep.

I stopped the caffeine and Ephedrine for my next workout and it went pretty smoothly a little shortness of breath but nothing major.

The next day I wanted a boost so I took a simple energy drink with 80mg Caffeine, 1000mg Taurine and B-vitamins.

Next think you know my arrithymia is back and I'm in the hospital my heart rate is jumping from 70-150 in 10 seconds and Im feeling like crap. They kept me over night and ran some tests and turns out I have an enlarged heart. I went for a MUGA scan yesterday and will have the results today hopefully.

Lifting weights is my life and I cant imagine stopping and being happy. Has anyone else had this problem and found a way to work past it?

In case this helps my first cycle was Test E 600mg/wk Deca 400mg/wk for 8 weeks then Sust 250 500mg/week and Equipoise 600mg/wk I followed up with a PCT of hCG and arimidex .