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Thread: Tren e, test e & Anavar

  1. #1
    Ridel's Avatar
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    Tren e, test e & Anavar

    What can I expect from a 12 week cycle including Test e, tren e and anavar .

    This will be my third cycle.

    1-12 weeks test e. 500mg/ week
    1-8 weeks tren. 400mg/week
    Anavar. 6-10 40mg/ED

    I'm 5'11'', 200lbs and 16%bf. I'll be building pools this summer so that's a hard labour job. I'm thinking of eating like I'm bulking and cardio like I'm cutting.

    What's your opinion on this? I want to drop atleast 8% and hit 10% by the week 8.

    My tdee is around 2500calories.

  2. #2
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    I'm on a similar cycle right now just with different dosages. I'm in wk 4 but only wk 2 of the tren . I'll let you know in a few weeks lol. I think tren a would have been a better choice if you only want to run it for 8wks. The enanthate ster is just getting warmed up at that point.

  3. #3
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    I agree with doc. I wouldn't run anything with the enanthate ester for less than 10 weeks. The active levels in your system won't be high enough to notice a difference for a couple weeks anyway. I personally would rather kickstart with var than run it at the end of a cycle. I hate waiting for my test levels to come up though

  4. #4
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    The tren and test looks decent - but, I agree. 12 weeks + I liked my long tren and test cycle. But, the lower dose is key since this a long ass cycle. I'd even consider dropping the tren a tad, but 400mg is fair.

    I hope you know about your ai's, hcg and prami or caber(I like having letro on hand now when running tren, this is just my preference) After 5 months of being on tren e with a month break in the middle I got some sort of gyno flare up. I know it's not from the test since I was only on 350mg per week.

    Also if you want to drop massive Bf% you can run a pretty strong caloric deficit. The tren and test combo will still try to pack on LBM while you are losing fat.

    As far as the var, I'd throw it in at the end - when you are the leanest. I'll be doing this on my next cycle.

    Also, I can't really say the best for a long estered cycle for a cut. I was doing it & water retention was a bit of a bitch.

  5. #5
    saiyangod is offline New Member
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    Whatever it is bro make sure u keep us posted on then gains! Good luck

  6. #6
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post

    I agree with doc. I wouldn't run anything with the enanthate ester for less than 10 weeks. The active levels in your system won't be high enough to notice a difference for a couple weeks anyway. I personally would rather kickstart with var than run it at the end of a cycle. I hate waiting for my test levels to come up though
    That's why I used it the first 4 wks and will use it for the final 8-10 also .

  7. #7
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    OP I forgot to mention but I hope you have plans and bought your AI, HCG , SERMs/PCT, plan on blood work, donating blood, etc.
    < <Samson> > likes this.

  8. #8
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    Test/Tren is an awesome cycle. When I diet properly I get down below 10% bf and get awesome 6 paks. I've never run anavar with the Test/Tren cycle because it seemed redundant to the Tren.

  9. #9
    Ridel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    OP I forgot to mention but I hope you have plans and bought your AI, HCG, SERMs/PCT, plan on blood work, donating blood, etc.
    Yes I've aromasin /armidex, letro, prami, and hcg on hand.

    How should i dose aromasin with this cycle? I was thinking 12.5mg E3D

    Im planning on running HCG once i finish this cycle at 500mcg EOD for 2 weeks.

    Donating blood? Is it because tren results in excess red blood cells?

  10. #10
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ridel View Post

    Yes I've aromasin /armidex, letro, prami, and hcg on hand.

    How should i dose aromasin with this cycle? I was thinking 12.5mg E3D

    Im planning on running HCG once i finish this cycle at 500mcg EOD for 2 weeks.

    Donating blood? Is it because tren results in excess red blood cells?
    Run hcg through cycle....

  11. #11
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    One of my favorite cycles!! you should be well pleased.

  12. #12
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ridel View Post
    Yes I've aromasin /armidex, letro, prami, and hcg on hand.

    How should i dose aromasin with this cycle? I was thinking 12.5mg E3D

    Im planning on running HCG once i finish this cycle at 500mcg EOD for 2 weeks.

    Donating blood? Is it because tren results in excess red blood cells?
    With test E i would run HCG from week 4 (or as soon as testicular atrophy occurs) till the end of cycle.

    The purpose of PCT is to get your body to start producing its own gonadatrophins again naturally so you don't want to be adding exogenous hormones

  13. #13
    Krb367's Avatar
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