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  1. #1
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    Masteron 8 or 16 weeks?

    I've ran mast at 200mg eod for 8 weeks and loved it.

    Would it be better to run it at 100mg eod for a full cycle say at 16 weeks?

    Wondering if anyone has tested something like this.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    No. It would be best to run it at the 200mg for the full cycle. Mast is best run high and long.

  3. #3
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    are u cutting for a show?

  4. #4
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    Yep. Cutting for a show. I have 10,000mg worth. So 1200mg short of running 200mg eod for 16 weeks.

  5. #5
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    then wait two weeks in and start it then, or get more. Mast makes you solid as a rock u definitely want it at the end

  6. #6
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    To really notice the effects of mast it's best if your bf is 10 % or lower. Otherwise you will not really notice the effect

  7. #7
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    To really notice the effects of mast it's best if your bf is 10 % or lower. Otherwise you will not really notice the effect
    I've used it a couple cycles. 7%bf absolutely love it. Gives me the grainy look.

  8. #8
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Athlete127
    I've used it a couple cycles. 7%bf absolutely love it. Gives me the grainy look.
    i love the way mast works at low bf.. Why not just run 100 Ed if your wanting be around 700 ew?

  9. #9
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    i love the way mast works at low bf.. Why not just run 100 Ed if your wanting be around 700 ew?
    Hm. Never thought of it that way. 100mg ed>200mg eod?

  10. #10
    newguy92's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Athlete127
    Hm. Never thought of it that way. 100mg ed>200mg eod?
    there's no different except for less pinning On 200mg eod. Still works out to be 700 a week (7 shots every 14 days). You'd probably feel like a pin cushion having to pin ed

  11. #11
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Pinning Qd gets old & quick

    A im shot every day is not that fun

  12. #12
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newguy92
    there's no different except for less pinning On 200mg eod. Still works out to be 700 a week (7 shots every 14 days). You'd probably feel like a pin cushion having to pin ed
    You pinning less volume when you pin daily. That's the difference. Pinning less volume makes it easier to use smaller pins and less scar tissue

  13. #13
    K_PIN is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027
    To really notice the effects of mast it's best if your bf is 10 % or lower. Otherwise you will not really notice the effect
    Why does this get repeated and repeated and repeated so much???? I am not at 10% and I love mast. I will never run a cycle without it again. I think this was said one day and for whatever reason everyone and their mom seems to believe it. Mast for me keeps a lot of sides in check, keeps water retention down, adds strength, hardens muscles, and I feel great the whole cycle. All make perfect sense to what masteron is supposed to do and how it works. I also haven't needed an AI since I started using mast. I know everyone's body is different but for me it's a no brainer to run it every cycle. Yes if you are single digits visually it works better... No sh*t... Everything will show better results at that bf %

    The ONLY thing bad I can say about it is that you will shed some hair. For me this is actually a good thing because I have thick ass hair. But if you are going bald and cherish the hair you have left then it would be a concern.

  14. #14
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K_PIN

    Why does this get repeated and repeated and repeated so much???? I am not at 10% and I love mast. I will never run a cycle without it again. I think this was said one day and for whatever reason everyone and their mom seems to believe it. Mast for me keeps a lot of sides in check, keeps water retention down, adds strength, hardens muscles, and I feel great the whole cycle. All make perfect sense to what masteron is supposed to do and how it works. I also haven't needed an AI since I started using mast. I know everyone's body is different but for me it's a no brainer to run it every cycle. Yes if you are single digits visually it works better... No sh*t... Everything will show better results at that bf %

    The ONLY thing bad I can say about it is that you will shed some hair. For me this is actually a good thing because I have thick ass hair. But if you are going bald and cherish the hair you have left then it would be a concern.
    This is because so many people think that masteron will help a person get leaner which nothing is further from the truth. The only thing that helps a person really get leaner is there nutrition. If it works for you above 10 % bf great but most will not notice the difference

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