Stats: 25 years old, 220pounds 5"11
About 10-15%bf
Done a few basic cycles with test and orals, such and dbol and var. Really like var i seem to react very well to it.

Goals: This will be my first time cycling to cut weight. I wanna get down to about 210 and increase strength. Calories will remain at 3200 calories, haven't yet figured out what kind of split I wanna do yet.

Purposed cycle: 12 weeks
Test 500-750
Mast 400-600
Var 80-100
Pct is all oh pharmgrade
And a few supplements.

I'll prob keep it on the lower end of usage 500/400
Bloodwork will be done before/mid/after cycle

Questions: how should I take my Adex e3d .25mg if needed at all due to mast being in the cycle.
2)I'm read to take 5mg cialis while on mast due to prostate. I'll also be taking cycle support and nac during this cycle.

Any suggestions? Thanks.