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Thread: Basic Q's

  1. #1
    humanpaste is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Basic Q's

    Hey Dudes,

    First post, great site. I know I have an a** ton of research still to do, but I've come across my first source (that I've read I will get myself into trouble going into detail over so I'll keep it vague) but I came across his number online and we've been texting. The dude's pretty much not budging and saying if I want to get anything out of him I'm going to have to start with Winistrol and Dbol for my first cycle and idk if I'm allowed to mention pricing or not but, well, it's way the hell up there. I've only been lifting a little over a year (queue the hate comments) and am straight trying to bulk as I'm a hardgainer. I'm more curious than anything and if I could start with something less I would but this is the only source I've managed to come across.

    Of course, I'm also extremely speculative and hesitant since I'm not looking to break out like I'm in middle school, lose all my gains if I choose never to cycle again, am not interested in paying for post cycle (I wouldn't even be able to get ahold of anything), and most importantly want to avoid the stereotypical man-tit (which without pct from what I hear is practically inevitable despite the fact my source says "nah don't worry bro").

    Should I just wait for something less intense than dbol that I can get locally by holding out? Should I wait til I'm 30 like Ronnie Coleman? If I'm concerned about gyno effects should I even f*** with this at all? And is ordering from a total stranger way to sketch? Not expecting an answer to everything just provoking thought and, again, I'm a total beginner in this journey so bear with me I'm not claiming to be something I'm not. Thanks so much guys.

  2. #2
    dk94's Avatar
    dk94 is offline Associate Member
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    what are your stats, age/height/weight/bf? If you dont want to spend money on ai and pct dont cycle. Your source sounds like a big scam. If money is tight, dont cycle. Aside from your compounds you need hcg , aromatise inhibitor, post cycle therapy , blood work, copious amounts of quality food and a gym membership. If you read anything about cycling you would know running a dbol /winstrol only cycle without test is a bad idea, running anything but test on your first run is a bad idea. That dbol/winstrol combo can seriously damage your liver, theyre among the most toxic compounds to your liver. Do you know about liver support? probably not. Bud, you have to do more research, your heading down a dangerous path

  3. #3
    humanpaste is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014
    Yeah that's what I was afraid of, and thanks for the reply. And for the record 5'8" 160 lbs. 22 years old bf% I'd say around 15% or so can't say for sure. Again I want to be careful not talking source on here, but do most people go the mail-order/online route or just stay local?

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    My best advice is to hit the diet section.Post your diet with macros and they will show you how too get big.Leave the sauce alone for now bro.You will be glad you did.And really you only been training a year.You need to give it time! Good luck.

  5. #5
    humanpaste is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014
    Alright reassurance I needed, again thanks for the timely reply. I know it sounds stupid, but I've gained 25 pounds in the past year and now have come to a complete stand-still for months. How do you tell that you've hit your "genetic ceiling" per say? I know this won't be for like a decade or more and there are many more plateaus to break before then but generally speaking...

  6. #6
    VegasBody's Avatar
    VegasBody is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2014
    Hey Dude
    Look in the diet section U will grow again
    Maybe U need to change the way U work out and what U do
    Read all the stickies(highlighted stuff on top)

  7. #7
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Sep 2012
    Have a read at this link and as already said have a look in the nutrition section it's great.

    The young and Steroids

  8. #8
    tango02 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2012
    Sounds like your source knows about as much about gear as you do. Not trying to be a dick but it is what it is right? It also sounds like a huge fuking scam bro. Take these guys advice here man they know what the hell they are talking about.

    Read the stickies they will be more than helpful.

  9. #9
    humanpaste is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Good stuff, I'll read into all the suggested material and solid advice all around. People here are so much, for lack a more bro-tastic term, nicer than on all the other big lifting forums. Good shit!
    tango02 likes this.

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