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Thread: Cruising or PCT HAVE QUESTIONS... As I never cruised?? Any help please??

  1. #1
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Cruising or PCT HAVE QUESTIONS... As I never cruised?? Any help please??

    Hey everyone,

    I'm 5'10" 182lbs Male, w/BF% down to about 8%(give or take a half a point)...

    Current cycle includes - prop .75mg ed 525mg a wk/Primo 1.0mg ed 700mg a wk/& Anavar 60mg ed, which was introduced in wk 6 & will take til wk 12...

    hCG 500iu twice a wk, but thinkin of upping it to 1275iu a wk for fertility and sperm count to get higher(tryin to get wife Prego's)

    Exemestane - 25mg ed, but have been thinkin about dropping dose as I've been more lethargic, dry mouth/lips, diarrhea( but took a few laxatives for toe straight days, feelin kinda nauseated lately too, + They are the only sides I've had while on cycle... Still getting really intense workouts in!

    Tadadafil 5mg ed

    Benadryl for the antihistamine while on cycle

    I would like to drop all other compounds except Test prop at like 250mg a wk or Sust at 1.75ml equaling a total of 350mg a wk if not a lil lower...

    1. I'm ready to start a Cut Stack cycle w/50/50/50 ratio of prop/Tren Ace/& Mast - with a total of 400mg for first 2-4 wks and asses my body and blood levels - then if all is ok up it to a total of 600mg a wk!

    2. Is this safe as long as I'm taking a form if test, hCG, AI, tadadafil, and aspirin(baby aspirin)???
    And if I'm missing anything please reply... I really appreciate everyone's info!!! Please any replies would be much appreciated as I've always PCT'd but am thinkin of cruising into my next cycle?? All help would be greAt!!!
    Last edited by NACH3; Today at 09:27 AM.
    Last edited by NACH3; 06-19-2014 at 01:08 PM.

  2. #2
    m314 is offline Junior Member
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    How old are you? Cruising should be thought of as a lifetime commitment. The longer you're on, the less likely it is that you'll get your natural testosterone levels back to what they were.

    I made that decision at 33 after a lot of research. It was the right decision for me. If you go ahead with it, get regular blood work done to make sure everything's where it should be. Dose your aromasin based on blood work, not based on how you're feeling from day to day.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by m314 View Post
    How old are you? Cruising should be thought of as a lifetime commitment. The longer you're on, the less likely it is that you'll get your natural testosterone levels back to what they were.

    I made that decision at 33 after a lot of research. It was the right decision for me. If you go ahead with it, get regular blood work done to make sure everything's where it should be. Dose your aromasin based on blood work, not based on how you're feeling from day to day.
    Great point... It becomes a lifestyle rather than then anything else, I'm understanding!!! Thanks for the advice as I've been contemplating this fir some time... No
    I'm 30 gonna be turning 31 soon( couple months)... The reason I was considering was b/c I'm tryin to have kids too... And have low T( thinkin of TRT and with that comes cruising IMO... Doesn't gave to be that way of course!
    Thanks again for putting it like you did... Makes a lot of sense bro! I appreciate your outlook!!
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    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    This costs quite when added up. Juice itself is not the most expensive. It's BW - unless you have a hook up.

  5. #5
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Gotcha... Yeah I have been pricing that out, actually...definitely in the expensive side! Lol - Thanks Samson, I am appreciative of your knowledge regarding this and many other issues I've seen u post about... Thanks my man!

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