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Thread: Test E pills

  1. #1
    nikospapai's Avatar
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    Test E pills

    Hey all, i want to start a cycle of D-bol and testE but not have acces to injectible test.
    Is Test E available in pills?
    Cycle will be:
    Week 1-12 500mg test e/week
    week 1-4 25mg d-bol /ed
    week 13-15 40mg nolvadex /ed
    Because im prone to gyno maybe i'll take 10mg of nolva during the cyle too
    Which AI is better to use during the cycle? Aromasin or Arimidex ? I got acces to both of them
    I know that 2 orals or more is going to be warsh for the liver.Any other suggestions to avoid that?

  2. #2
    VegasBody's Avatar
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    There is andro gel but wont do s?!&) for U

  3. #3
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Injectable or forget it sorry

  4. #4
    MODO's Avatar
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    If you can get dbol , you can get injectable test.

    If you're not ready to stab yourself then you're not ready to cycle.

  5. #5
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Ha, I couldn't do it for my first whole cycle. My woman had to do it for me.

    Injectables only or home, sry

  6. #6
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    I remember that feeling right before you poke the first time. Heart pounding, sweating, my hand feeling weak. Trying to psych myself up to push the needle into the skin. Forgetting to breath. LOL

  7. #7
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Straight up, I was always too *****. She's like, it ain't shit

    By, 2nd cycle I was doing them myself. It's just easier.

    But, the first time I did my own - I was like oh wow! After that, I have just been spiking away. Just hit my Qd shot right now, straight pin cushion.

  8. #8
    Brewster's Avatar
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    I fainted my first injection,
    A hot flash went over my body as soon as i pulled the needle out and then I fell to the floor.

    My second injection, I was lying down on my bed. Everything has been fine to date

  9. #9
    MODO's Avatar
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    I had a full on anxiety attack my first time. The attack hit full swing immediately post injection, and the anxiety symptoms made me mistakenly think that I had injected IV and was having a heart attack or something, which made things worse haha. But sat down for a minute, calmed down, and was fine.
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  10. #10
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    So funny, now I just pin while eating & watching tv
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  11. #11
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigshotvictoria View Post
    I remember that feeling right before you poke the first time. Heart pounding, sweating, my hand feeling weak. Trying to psych myself up to push the needle into the skin. Forgetting to breath. LOL
    I remember the first pin... Haha... Never had a problem w/the needle part, as when I'm on prop I pin ed!lol

    As far as Bigshotvictoria said... I remember the not breathing part as sometimes I still catch myself(only as I'm pushing the needle in... Probly wondering if I'm gonna hit a vein or something)... Lol!!! But we all have our weaknesses! Haha in some sorta way or another!

  12. #12
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikospapai View Post
    Hey all, i want to start a cycle of D-bol and testE but not have acces to injectible test.
    Is Test E available in pills?
    Cycle will be:
    Week 1-12 500mg test e/week
    week 1-4 25mg d-bol /ed
    week 13-15 40mg nolvadex /ed
    Because im prone to gyno maybe i'll take 10mg of nolva during the cyle too
    Which AI is better to use during the cycle? Aromasin or Arimidex ? I got acces to both of them
    I know that 2 orals or more is going to be warsh for the liver.Any other suggestions to avoid that?
    As for you takin two orals at the same time, What about a combo of NAC and milk thistle... Not sure if that's too much or not but the NAC FOR SURE 4 your liver bro!!! I'm also assuming your gonna do this regardless if ya can't find the Inj. Test E... which seems hard to believe that your havin troubles finding the injectable E)
    Check AR-R as I know I've heard of them havin test 400 tabs if I'm not mistaken(also not sure if it's a short or long ester test)!!

    Take care bro??

  13. #13
    MODO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    I remember the first pin... Haha... Never had a problem w/the needle part, as when I'm on prop I pin ed!lol As far as Bigshotvictoria said... I remember the not breathing part as sometimes I still catch myself(only as I'm pushing the needle in... Probly wondering if I'm gonna hit a vein or something)... Lol!!! But we all have our weaknesses! Haha in some sorta way or another!
    Try to timing the insertion with exhaling just like a sniper. Makes you more steady, plus you remember to breath.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MODO View Post
    Try to timing the insertion with exhaling just like a sniper. Makes you more steady, plus you remember to breath.
    Yeah that does make a lot of sense... Thanks for the advice my man! Much appreciated!

  15. #15
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikospapai View Post
    Hey all, i want to start a cycle of D-bol and testE but not have acces to injectible test.
    Is Test E available in pills?
    Cycle will be:
    Week 1-12 500mg test e/week
    week 1-4 25mg d-bol /ed
    week 13-15 40mg nolvadex /ed
    Because im prone to gyno maybe i'll take 10mg of nolva during the cyle too
    Which AI is better to use during the cycle? Aromasin or Arimidex ? I got acces to both of them
    I know that 2 orals or more is going to be warsh for the liver.Any other suggestions to avoid that?
    Teste is injection.
    i would rec arimidex at 0.25-0.5 eod ( start lower end IMO n move up if needed)
    keep serm on hand, but use and focus on AI to prevent gyno, if you need to up AI dose from gyno starting then add 10mg ed for a couple weeks while AI with upped dose has a chance to have its effects IMO

  16. #16
    m314 is offline Junior Member
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    Androgel and dbol would be a better cycle than dbol alone. At least you'd have normal testosterone levels through the cycle.

    I agree with everyone else. Just learn how to inject yourself. It's only scary if you haven't done it.

  17. #17
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikospapai View Post
    Hey all, i want to start a cycle of D-bol and testE but not have acces to injectible test.
    Is Test E available in pills?
    Cycle will be:
    Week 1-12 500mg test e/week
    week 1-4 25mg d-bol /ed
    week 13-15 40mg nolvadex /ed
    Because im prone to gyno maybe i'll take 10mg of nolva during the cyle too
    Which AI is better to use during the cycle? Aromasin or Arimidex ? I got acces to both of them
    I know that 2 orals or more is going to be warsh for the liver.Any other suggestions to avoid that?

    There are no effective oral testosterone "s

  18. #18
    MODO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Yeah that does make a lot of sense... Thanks for the advice my man! Much appreciated!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    So funny, now I just pin while eating & watching tv
    Haha thats awesome

  20. #20
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz
    Haha thats awesome

    I don't know if it's a good thing. Just so used to this shit.

    She gave me the shot today, while I was on the phone. It's like fvcking daily ritual.

    Shit, HCG I just hit when I'm getting other shit out of the fridge.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    I don't know if it's a good thing. Just so used to this shit. She gave me the shot today, while I was on the phone. It's like fvcking daily ritual. Shit, HCG I just hit when I'm getting other shit out of the fridge.
    How... do I become more like you?

    F*ck I should just start cruising already... if the roids don't kill my chance at having kids my career probably will anyway.

  22. #22
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    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  23. #23
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    It's not a good thing, I'm damn near test dependent now. I wanted more kids, but now who knows.

    I replaced everything else I use to do, with Aas. It works so far, shit - I feel better.

    But, this sure is a change of life for me. If I stop lifting I will get so fat & so fast. And if I come off test I know I will just fall apart.

    I'm just doing the best I can to be semi safe with myself. From now on, I am only running one cycle got the summer. Everything else will be test only. Orals give me awful acid reflux & I am damn big enough. I thought I wanted to see 220+, but fvck - I am big now @ under 205

  24. #24
    nikospapai's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the replies and advices. You are all very helpfull

  25. #25
    MODO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    It's not a good thing, I'm damn near test dependent now. I wanted more kids, but now who knows. I replaced everything else I use to do, with Aas. It works so far, shit - I feel better. But, this sure is a change of life for me. If I stop lifting I will get so fat & so fast. And if I come off test I know I will just fall apart. I'm just doing the best I can to be semi safe with myself. From now on, I am only running one cycle got the summer. Everything else will be test only. Orals give me awful acid reflux & I am damn big enough. I thought I wanted to see 220+, but fvck - I am big now @ under 205
    Gotchya. I was semi joking above, but I do honestly think about it once a week. I've got lots of reasons for or against cruising. My only real hold up at this point is wondering if I will ever want to take a break from pinning myself or lose my source/s.

    It's more than just gains for me though, I've got 2 independent and unrelated health issues that the test treats better and with less side effects than the traditional prescriptions believe it or not.

    Also, being fully hypothyroid and on Levo for life, I have really lost respect for the sanctity of the natural endocrine system, and have become desensitized to the idea of life supplementing.

    But I digress, sorry for jacking the thread but I think the OP got what he needed anyway lol.

  26. #26
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Well, either way - all this shit is self educational. Can't just go to a Md & ask this

    But, I don't take it back - so far at least. I look 10x better & feel better 90%

    If I start to feel crappy from whatever I am on, I refer back to the time before I started. So far, I am still way better off.

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