So this might as well be my first cycle because the one I did before this was about 7 years ago.

Approx 12% bf

Currently in 5th week of test only cycle.

Week 1-4
Test p. 300mg/wk
Test E. 500mg/wk
HCG 500mg e3.5d

So I'm dropping the prop this week and was planning on running just test E to week 10.

I'm up about 29lbs in the passed 4 weeks and very happy w/ size and strength gains but wanted to cut because I don't want to get to high in bf/bloat then go through pct + maintain till next cycle. I like to stay lean being under 10%.

I have anavar that I was thinking of running at 60mg/day for 5-6 weeks. And possibly get clen .

Whats your guys thoughts?