I'm 22, 203 lbs at 10-12% body fat, 6'2. I've been training for 4 years without taking more than a week off every 6 months or so. I'm in the gym 5 to 6 days a week depending how my routine fits in. I warm up on the elliptical for 10-15 minutes, weight train for abit over 70 minutes, cool down for 15-20 minutes on the elliptical and then stretch and foam roll for 15 minutes.
I train in the 8-12 rep range normally but occasionally I will train with lower reps to change things up. My diet is very very clean. I cook everything myself. My metabolism is very fast so I have to eat around 5000 calories just for maintenance. I'm not exaggerating either I count my calories when making my diet. I don't drink alcohol either. I'm considering doing my first cycle in alittle while and was wondering if this looked good?

Week 1-12 test e 200ml twice a week

Week 1-12 hcg at 250iu twice a week

Week1-14 arimidex at .25mg every other day

week 14-16
Clomid 75,75,50,50
Nolvadex 40,40,20,20

For gyno
60mg daily ralpxifene (only to be used if needed)