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Thread: HORRIBLE PIP from Tren A

  1. #1
    loyalsonofrutgers is offline New Member
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    HORRIBLE PIP from Tren A


    I pinned with some Test A in both delta (on different days) and was in horrible pain. Felt like a golf ball was under my skin. Only did 2 pins b/c of the pain. Is this normal with Tren A? Thanks.


  2. #2
    got fina?'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loyalsonofrutgers View Post

    I pinned with some Test A in both delta (on different days) and was in horrible pain. Felt like a golf ball was under my skin. Only did 2 pins b/c of the pain. Is this normal with Tren A? Thanks.

    Yes it is pretty normal. Everybody is different and while i have never had bad PIP, from any compound, there are many that cant handle certain ones. Especially while pinning certain areas. Some have mentioned that it helps a lot to warm up the solution before pinning, i have also read that many claim slowing releasing it into muscle from pin also helps a lot. I would not be able to back any of this up, since i never bumped into this problem. You might want to give these suggestions a try though and see how it works.

    Good luck! :")

  3. #3
    loyalsonofrutgers is offline New Member
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    Thanks Fina. Would Tren E but less painful since it's slower acting than A?


  4. #4
    got fina?'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loyalsonofrutgers View Post
    Thanks Fina. Would Tren E but less painful since it's slower acting than A?

    There are too many variables that will give PIP for anybody to answer this correctly. Like brand, dose, where your pinning, person, etc. You can also try cutting the oil down a bit with something else to see if that works. Like B-12 or just a bit of sterile oil. I used to cut some of my steroids that gave me slight pain with EQ. This used to work pretty well when i use to do this.

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is online now Neurologically Intact
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    Way too many variables

    All the way from crap gear to a shoty techinique

    Shit you just learn over time. . . . - Worst shit I have ever pinned was Tren E - Due to the high EO content < Cut it with GSO and pumped down the next 2 vials without issues
    got fina? likes this.

  6. #6
    uhit's Avatar
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    Try pinning in the glutes.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    What is the strength? What else are you using, any test?

    It would also help to have some more details.
    Body fat %
    Gym experience
    AAS past experience

  8. #8
    loyalsonofrutgers is offline New Member
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    I'm embarrassed to admit it but I'll be honest...
    44 yo
    30% BF
    Been on TRT for about 2 years

    Used to be a heavy gym rat in my younger days. Working on power lifting with the big 3 of bench, squats and DL and that's my main concentration w/a 5x5 strength plan.

    I'm well aware that I should be 15% or below before AAS but I'm tired of being fat and weak. I decided that if I'm going to be fat, I'm going to be strong too. I also figured that an AI 3x p/wk would keep the aromatization down.

    I've read a ton on the site and decided not to do the Tren -A as I'm still an AAS noob. Instead, I've bumped up to 500mg p/wk of Test C for the next 12 weeks. I'll then back it down to 200mg a week for a bit. Just want to add some muscle mass and strength gains. I can deal with the bloat as long as I'm not adding a bunch of fat along with strength and muscle gains.

  9. #9
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good choice on dropping the tren . Save it for later.

  10. #10
    PBJtime's Avatar
    PBJtime is offline Associate Member
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    (Could be user error) . My self I press the pin against my skin and push in slow and straight and then I administer whatever I'm using ..

    I have used prop several times and tren A for my first and NO PIP . Yes I know everyone is different but anything is worth trying ! My 2 cents

  11. #11
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Pip happens!

  12. #12
    Haydenz's Avatar
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    Just remember to go nice and deep brother

  13. #13
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    Sounds like virgin muscles on the shoulder. It's gonna hurt anywhere where there's virgin muscles. Based on your bf % I would take .25mg/ed of adex. Be sure to add cardio along with your weight training. It will help drop bf %.

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