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Thread: Advice for newb

  1. #1
    otisfirefly13 is offline New Member
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    Advice for newb

    Hey, I'm 25 years old 5 ft 10 an currently weighing in at 185lbs. I started my first cycle eight weeks ago, started with 2 Dianobol tablets a day, after thirty days switched to Anadrol 25 mg tabs three a day. My goal is clean 225. I workout twice a day from home using free weights an bench. Gym is not option as I'm single dad of four, am I getting correct dose?, also is there anything I should be taking during cycle, and when coming off cycle, 12 on 12 off, what should I use. Apologies for newb questions but gotta start somewhere. Any other info I can forward. Cardio is 20 minutes skipping then 5 km run. Also should I be working out daily or 1 on 1 off, again thanks for helping the new kid in town

  2. #2
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Pick up some Nolva and Clomid for PCT immediately. Within the next few minutes, someone will be here to explain to you why what you're doing is terrible. Oral only cycle? Please stop now, and run a proper PCT. You can find dosages for the Clomid and Nolva by using the search feature, but I'm sure someone will chime in with that as well. I would help you out more, but I'm pushed for time here at work. You're seriously risking permanently damaging yourself with this cycle, not to mention, you will not keep any of these gains after discontinuing. Testosterone should be the base of every cycle. All you're getting from those orals is water weight; orals are meant to kick start a cycle, not BE a cycle. They are also very hard on your liver and cause a host of other problems.

    That's all I have time for right now but, please, take my advice and STOP what you're doing. Get your PCT asap!

  3. #3
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    By the way, you can find Clomid and Nolva by clicking the top right banner on this page.

  4. #4
    otisfirefly13 is offline New Member
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    Thanks, I just picked up bottle of test, ennthate think it's called, I just got rung out by a body builder I know, glad I man up an asked before doing serious damage, he's schooling me on pct now

  5. #5
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    Quote Originally Posted by otisfirefly13 View Post
    My goal is clean 225

    Lol - Not gonna happen

    Slow down, before you fvck yourself up

    Do some reading - A whole lot of reading

  6. #6
    otisfirefly13 is offline New Member
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    Ok I didn't realise it was a unrealistic goal. Thanks for heads up. Gonna hit the books as I seem to of ****ed this up from get go

  7. #7
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    I'm back. What Samson means by a clean 225 not going to happen is that it's not going to happen with this one cycle. Even if you did a proper first cycle (Test only, or Test based) it wouldn't happen. It would take years of hard work and dieting to pack on 40 pounds of muscle, but that's not really the point...the point is you're not ready to cycle in the first place. Again, I'm not trying to flame you here; I'm just looking out for you.

    Great that you got some Test E. Here's some advice on what to do with it: store it in a dry place at room temperature. Do NOT put it in your body. You're not ready for it quite yet. I'm not saying you don't have the body stats to start using AAS (although you didn't post your body fat percentage so I can't be certain), but you need to hop on PCT and sort out the stress you've put on your body by running those orals for 2 months. About 3-4 months after PCT, get bloodwork done to see if your natural test has recovered. During these next few months, do as much research as you can on how to run your first cycle. Use this thread to educate yourself: My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle In addition to this link, all the information you need you can find on this site by reading through the threads and using the search function. After reading, post up your diet plan in the nutrition section, as well as your workout regiment in the workout section. If, after you've read the above link I posted, you still have questions regarding AAS, you can post them in this section.

    But take it step at a time. First things first, you need to run a proper PCT. I would suggest running Nolva at 40/40/20/20 and clomid at 50/50/25/25 (these are mg/day for 4 weeks), although I'm not as much as an expert in the PCT field, so feel free to ask other members (I always ask advice on my PCT plan for each cycle I do). Although I'm not a fan of orals in general, I'm not bashing on them nor am I telling you to throw them out. All I'm saying is stop using them the way you're using them; they're not meant to be run that way. They're not actually even recommended for a first cycle. They're more for someone who has already ran a cycle or two of test only to see how you react to Testosterone . If the first one or two cycles go well, you can add in the orals for your next cycle, but only for the first 4 weeks (on average) to kickstart the test.

    Best wishes man. Come back if you have any other concerns. And remember, you can get the Nolva and Clomid from the board sponsor at the top right banner on this page if you have trouble finding it elsewhere.

  8. #8
    DOSA is offline Associate Member
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    hit the books brotha and learn before you go.
    this is not somehting you want to learn as you go, especially seeing that you are a father of 4.

  9. #9
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You should start pct as soon as you get it. I see you have been pointed in the right direction to do some research. Please take the time to educate yourself before you go for round two. I don't want to come across like a dick but so far you have done all the things not to do. I am a father of 6 year old triplets so u understand the constraints of children but unless your home gym has EVERYTHING your training will suffer....

  10. #10
    ojm3 is offline Associate Member
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    Glad you got squared away! You were headed for trouble.

  11. #11
    otisfirefly13 is offline New Member
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    Hello, I've pounded internet searches, got face to face advice from some lifetime users I've met, and have been watching an reading all I can on proper cycles, I ran pct immediately after everyone's responses. Started clean at my normal levels again, however my doctor is heavily involved this time. So I've come here to see your thoughts on the current cycle I am on, 1ml test400 every three days, also 1ml of decadurabolin 300mg once every three days,, I know I'll hear it but I am also on two 60mg anadromous tablets a day while on cycle. My diet consist of all chicken an fish, no red meat or pork, grain an carb intake are restricted to dry toast always demotes ancient grain an a serving of of plain pasta, vegetables are my snack food an the majority of my meal at meal times. Zero fruit or junk food an no sugars if can be helped. I'm currently weighing in at 198lbs. Cardio is a 5km run pushing four kids in a stroller lol. I am still stuck lifting at home but my home gym is higher end then most. A basic day training for me consists of curls, standing military press, chin-ups, tricep dibs, tricep extensions, lateral raises, bench press, chest press, chest flys, overhead bench extensions, deadlifts, bent over rows, shrugs, preacher curls, calf raises, weighted lunges & core work. I do all this as I'm a local semi pro wrestler. An in our business if you want to get signed with big boys you've gotta be big, cycles are now 8 weeks at a time with a strong pct after. My question now is I feel I've reached max my gym well allow, stamina an endurance is increasing an strength is great but I'm now at my max for most of my exercises. I've bought in to a gym an usually can get three nights a week there but still maintains 5 days a week at home as well. Is what I'm doing now still a waste? If so my doc has a lot explaining to do on where she went to school haha, don't worry bout being harsh its motivation an useful

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