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Thread: what is happening in the body right after pct?

  1. #1
    longchi is offline New Member
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    Question what is happening in the body right after pct?

    im about to finish pct and im wondering what exactly happens once i stop and what changes occur?

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    you will crash for a short time, then slowly your body will go back to where you were, hopefully! at your age who knows what your natural potential could have been if you didn't disturbed it!

  3. #3
    longchi is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    you will crash for a short time, then slowly your body will go back to where you were, hopefully! at your age who knows what your natural potential could have been if you didn't disturbed it!
    What do u mean crash

  4. #4
    longchi is offline New Member
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    Also my natural potential for what

    Edit: if i continue to stay natural will my future natural musclr potential be limited? Fuk.. that is a depressing thought
    Last edited by longchi; 02-04-2015 at 01:40 PM.

  5. #5
    Frenchy93 is offline Junior Member
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    Good thread, I'm also curious.
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  6. #6
    Motardpdx's Avatar
    Motardpdx is offline Associate Member
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    PCT crash in a nutshell....

    "I think that the majority of it is definitely psychological - just that lack of feeling augmented beyond your normal capabilities. When coming off cycle and even long after PCT is over, training in the gym does become a mundane thing for me. You need to learn to make it interesting and teach yourself that its not all about being 'ON'. I personally have never had a post-cycle crash. The only thing that happens is I just feel a bit dissapointed that my cycle (like all great things) had to come to its scheduled end, and that I know i'd no longer be able to make the vast leaps in progress until my next cycle down the road. I never found the coming-off period any worse between when I use things like test or a cycle that has tren ." This might be helpful... and this too....
    Last edited by Motardpdx; 02-04-2015 at 09:13 PM.

  7. #7
    longchi is offline New Member
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    ^ but what exactly is the crash? i mean biologically speaking. Test falls aftee pct?

  8. #8
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    Your hormonal balance is in limbo hell

    That about sums it up
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  9. #9
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by longchi View Post
    Also my natural potential for what

    Edit: if i continue to stay natural will my future natural musclr potential be limited? Fuk.. that is a depressing thought
    PCT jump starts your system kind of works like a car battery, jump start a car then it runs, but the battery is still dead, it'll take few hours/days of motor runing to full recharge the battery. As for full potential search for a thread called The Young a Steroids . I'm on my cell right now but will post a link when I get on my computer.

  10. #10
    Motardpdx's Avatar
    Motardpdx is offline Associate Member
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    Did you read the threads? Your natty is deciding if and when it's going to start communicating with your pituitary gland again.

    What Happens When A Steroid Cycle Ends?

    When an athlete is on a steroid cycle, the testosterone or other anabolic steroids that are administered to him make his body retain more nitrogen and use up the ingested protein more effectively for creating muscle mass. This process affects many anabolic activities like increasing IGF, decreasing cortisol, increasing RBC count, and protein synthesis. When an athlete is on cycle, the anabolic steroids in his blood increase the levels of androgens in his body. This is similar to the androgen increase in boys during puberty.

    There is another factor that needs to be focused on before you can fully understand what happens after the end of a steroid cycle. This factor is called the negative feedback cycle of testosterone, and this is what controls the HPTA or the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular axis. When testosterone is generated in the body, it undergoes some processes that tell the pituitary gland to signal the production of testosterone to be stopped. When testosterone is not being produced, however, the pituitary goes back to its normal functioning and generates signals to start its production again. This goes on in a loop so that testosterone levels never rise above a certain limit. This process is called homeostasis.

    When the athlete is taking steroids, he breaks this cycle by increasing testosterone and androgen levels above the natural limit. This causes the pituitary gland to stop the endogenous production of testosterone completely. And in this way, homeostasis ends. Being on a cycle, the athlete will never lack the androgens needed by his body because he is supplying them externally. The problem starts when the cycle ends. The pituitary cannot immediately understand that the external intake of the androgens has stopped and it needs to signal the start of the internal production.

    The pituitary eventually does understand this, but it takes longer than what the body can survive on healthily. This is called the lag time, and it is extremely catabolic. It makes the athlete lose out most of what he has gained through the use of steroids.
    Source Post Cycle Therapy - Adjusting Your Body Properly For Steroid Cycles
    Last edited by Motardpdx; 02-04-2015 at 09:37 PM.

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