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  1. #1
    NeedSomeAdvice is offline New Member
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    Advice needed

    Alright, so wanted to come ask advice from people who are impartial,

    The situation is this:

    I've done a handful of cycles using test-e and oxandrolone(anavar ). I generally take 80mg/day of var and 150~ mg of test every 3rd day ad run 10 weeks. I don't take test prop as I get brutal test flu every time, lasting 2-3 weeks, and incapacitating pain making training unbearable.
    I still have gotten test flu every time on test e, but lasts only a few days and the pain is significantly less.

    I'm taking low test as I'm just trying to keep my sex drive existent as anavar on it's own kills my sex drive.

    I also take after bulking to try to retain muscle mass. I have the body type where I pile on strength and mass with no PEDs needed and minimal effort. Keeping my cardio and metabolic conditioning intact and staying lean is my problem.

    Currently I compete in crossfit, which is what my goals are.

    The friend I buy from is recommending I try HGH instead. Money isn't an issue, but he's suggesting I 'blast and cruise' at the end, forego my PCT and keep taking my test and add HGH

    Is this recommendable? Knowing my goals and what my body does, is HGH a better alternative? Should I take my PCT then wait 3 months before starting HGH or blast and cruise?

    If HGH is a better alternative what type of cycle is recommended for the first time?


  2. #2
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    First off what are your stats and age? Anyone who suggest you blast and cruise is not your friend and needs a slap. Having only done two cycles is not to be taken lightly and not sure I see the point of it in the sport your in. It is very expensive and highly faked.

  3. #3
    NeedSomeAdvice is offline New Member
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    I'll be 30 in may,

    Currently 5'11 223

    I did a cycle in August/September and am half way through one now

    I was 177~ in July. In July I was running a sub 20min 5k, 12 second 100m, 1minute 400m, could do about 40~ strict pull ups and 15 Kipping bar muscle up with a 52" plyo jump

    My max strengths were pretty weak though. 250 bench, 155 shoulder press, 275 back squat, 315ish dead lift 165 snatch

    Now I can't run 5km unbroken, haven't timed my 100/400m but my box jump is down to 44ish, I'm down to 20-25 unbroken strict pull-ups and 4-5 bar muscle ups,

    My strength has skyrocketed though. My deadlift was 450 before I started this last cycle, my back squat 405, bench press 365, power snatch 215, strict shoulder press 215 and can do a weighted pull up with a 155# belt

    Ideally I want to keep my current strength gains but lean down 20 pounds of excess fat I've gained

  4. #4
    NeedSomeAdvice is offline New Member
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    Also not sure if this is pertinent but doing my blood pressure tests at the pharmacy my systolic and diastolic have remained in the 'ideal' category but my sitting heart rate was always in the low 40s and is now in the mid 60s

    I have also gone from sleeping 7hrs a night and waking up full of energy to 8.5hrs and waking up groggy and needing an afternoon nap most days

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Blood work would be a good start for you. Some examples are in the Finding A Doc sticky thread in the HRT Forum or in Austinites "Successful First Cycle" thread there's a link to a thread by Docd regarding blood work via private labs.
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  6. #6
    NeedSomeAdvice is offline New Member
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    What type of blood work? I was sick pretty bad in my August cycle and didn't think at the time it was related. My first blood test came back 11x the max normal inflammation and severely anemic

    I went back for blood work two weeks later and was within normal ranges across the board. Doctor thought it was a virus but dawned on me it could have been test flu?

    I'm looking for the best solution to keep my mass/strength at or near current levels while leaning out and focusing on getting my cardio and metabolic conditioning back to where they were in July

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    It's always prudent to pull BW pre, during and post cycle. Austinite breaks it down in his First Cycle Thread. It's good to see you did do some BW though. I keyed in on your groggy comments which makes me think your blood's getting thick and or iron levels are off. A low 40's heart rate would be that of a marathon runner and if consistently there it's impressive.

    I assume the "11 times max inflammation" comment is referring to your CRP level?
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  8. #8
    NeedSomeAdvice is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    It's always prudent to pull BW pre, during and post cycle. Austinite breaks it down in his First Cycle Thread. It's good to see you did do some BW though. I keyed in on your groggy comments which makes me think your blood's getting thick and or iron levels are off. A low 40's heart rate would be that of a marathon runner and if consistently there it's impressive.

    I assume the "11 times max inflammation" comment is referring to your CRP level?
    Not a long distant runner but at the time when it was low 40s I was spending 3-4hrs a night at martial arts twice a week, 3x a week was doing a HIIT program that was 90 minutes max effort 40seconds on 40 off with always changing stations(usually 11 different movements per day) then 2-5km runs a week and 1 day of sprints a week

    My heart rate increasing is understandable due to increase in weight and muscle.

    Not sure what it was, but my doctor said it was inflammation markers. Said max normal range was '3' and I was at 34, but realistically should be at 1. Was down to 1.5 two weeks later.

    I'm also taking 1000mg/day of naproxen but that's a prescription, I need shoulder surgery(joint replacement)

    My doctor also knows about my cycles and cautioned me to come in it I felt ill again but I actually feel better than I did when my 2nd blood test came back.. Just still less energy than before my first cycle(and that didn't rebound after PCT and 3months off)

    I've hypothesized it could also just be as simple as I'm taking in 50% more calories and lifting heavy, so my muscles and body are slowed down recovering.

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Sounds like your C-Reactive Protein marker. Labcorp's normal range is about 0.0 to 4.9 so it seems to fit.
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  10. #10
    NeedSomeAdvice is offline New Member
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    So I'm gathering reading the HGH forum that I shouldn't bother trying as it's almost always fake

    Any suggestions on cycles other than what I'm doing now for my goals?

  11. #11
    NeedSomeAdvice is offline New Member
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    Also when you go to inject and draw back if blood shows up do
    You have to throw out the entire syringe? Or just inject in a different spot as it's your blood going back to your body?

  12. #12
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I pull the pin out as soon as I aspirate and see any trace of blood then pick another spot.

  13. #13
    NeedSomeAdvice is offline New Member
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    But do you have to throw away the gear and fill another syringe? Or can you inject the gear with blood in it?

  14. #14
    tectime's Avatar
    tectime is offline Member
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    Inject it. It's your blood so no harm.

  15. #15
    NeedSomeAdvice is offline New Member
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    I also don't remember it working this well a few years back.. Like I'd still be sore after training, just not as sore

    I've now gone hard alternating between heavy lifting day 1, crossfit day 2 and then HIIT training with a warm up run 6 days straight going in to training today feeling almost 100% fresh.

  16. #16
    NeedSomeAdvice is offline New Member
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    My appetite is out of control. Like can't keep food in my house, buying food for the day from the grocery store, giving my girlfriend my car keys at night so I don't drive to get food to over eat.

    My buddy claims anavar increases appetite but this seems extreme, also my gains seem unreal for what my cycles are/2 cycles

    46 pounds gained and I'd say 25 is muscle,

    The pills are stamped and look identical to what my S&C coach at a major MMA gym provided me with a few years back so at first I didn't question if it was var... Is it possible that it's something else? Or is this type of gain and appetite realistic/plausible?

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