Quote Originally Posted by aesthetics_sexy View Post
you are ignoring the side effects. The roids you have written above may produce more gains but they also have more side effects:-

1. Deca - notorious for causing low libido drive for long period of time
2. tren - the list of side effects from this compound is endless . insomnia, night sweats, shortness of breath to name a few .
3. npp- same side effects as deca
4. mast- it doesnt have much side effects but then it also produce less gains .

whereas eq is very mild with less side effects at moderate dosages.

If you are talking about a better roid you also have to take side effects into account mate
Your thoughts on nandrolone are off my friend... And same w/tren(but the sides are worse than Nandrolone)...

If you keep your E2 in check(at your sweetspot) and manage your prolac, you won't experience any loss of libido! Deca dick is simply caused by not managing your Estro and prolactin(as all 19nors Tren/Nandrolone are progestins) hence the importance of your AI/DA(if E2 isn't controlled well)...