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  1. #1
    Faacus is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2015

    Antiaromatase during cycle; questions

    Hello guys, I have some questions. Example, I adex. How do I set the dosage? On a cycle of 500 mg of testosterone per week is the standard dose of adex eod 0.25 to adjust to 0, 5 or d or 0, 25 and or increase. Ok. Suppose I after analysis in 6 weeks of my cycle to 500 mg of testosterone dosage 0.25 eod is right. When I do another cycle, use testosterone and deca 500 400 per week, the dose of adex in theory will be higher or lower ?? In the event that I use 500 testosterone and 600 primobolan or other compound does not aromatize, adex is necessary? O values ​​lowers estrogen in the blood? Another question sorry my doubts: if I'm doing only testosterone cycle 500 with hcg and adex, if testosterone is fake and adex is real, which can have negative effects from too low estrogen?

  2. #2
    NACH3's Avatar
    NACH3 is offline VET
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    I'm not following your ?'s really!

    A-dex is dosed at .25 EOD and like you said pull bloods at 6wk mark and see if you need to adjust!

    In theory yes about the test and deca but it individually affects people differently(some are more sensitive than others regarding estro and aromatase)
    But still start at .25 EOD unless you realize how you react w/a-dex(could find that .5 e3d will suffice or .5 EOD) regardless you can always pull bloods to see like suggested and advised...

    And yes if your gear is bunk and your dex is g2g then you'll crash your E2... No Bueno!

  3. #3
    Faacus is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2015
    Sorry for my English and thanks for the reply. Last question. Theoretically Ai is always necessary also as a stack test and tren or test and masteron or primob etc. Or test + anabolic compound does not aromatize?

  4. #4
    NACH3's Avatar
    NACH3 is offline VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faacus View Post
    Sorry for my English and thanks for the reply. Last question. Theoretically Ai is always necessary also as a stack test and tren or test and masteron or primob etc. Or test + anabolic compound does not aromatize?
    Yes AIs are always necessary on any test or test + whatever(& w/19nors as Tren and Nandrolone both are progestins) which raise prolactin and can cause serious sides(hence a DA like caber or Prami in addition to AI - or on hand til you pull your mid cycle bloods and make adjustments) if you can control your estro in a successful manner than prolac will be much easier to control or keep controlled...

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