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Thread: Female- 1st cycle-Anavar question

  1. #41
    Hirow is offline Female Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Got the labmax test kit in yesterday and tested my Anavar and from what I can tell it is Anavar. It was difficult measuring out just 1mg but I kno i didnt put too much in there, if anything it may have been a tad bit less. 1mg isnt

    Anyway, strength gains are still coming just not as quickly as they did at first. I think I am still retaining some water but that should subside once the cycle is over. So far i have leveled out at a gain of 5lbs so that isnt too bad, as the 14th of Sept will be three weeks into the cycle.

    I have gone up from 65 to 90 on leg curls, 70 to 90 on hamstring curls. From 10 to 15 on side shoulder lifts. From 25 to 45 on bent over lawn mower pulls and was even able to do 3 and 1/2 pull ups with no assistance... Before i could barely do one. All other exercises i have gone up in weight at least 10 pounds or more.
    Not any unusual negative side effects, just the normal. Diet is clean, doing really good on my numbers @ 1500 calories 40g(P) 25g(C) 35g(F). I changed the fat and carbs up a little from the beginning. I think my body does better at losing fat with less carbs. My scale is one of the digital ones that measures body fat% and it has gone up 1%, i guess that is expected along with the weight. I will lower the calories at about 5 weeks into the cycle and see if i can get some cutting going on.

    Here is a picture of the anavar sample, what do you guys think?Click image for larger version. 

Name:	test.jpg 
Views:	334 
Size:	357.9 KB 
ID:	159394
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  2. #42
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is online now Neurologically Intact
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    Looks about right

    Pics or it didn't happen < Jk Jk

    Watch your sodium - like mentioned - all AAs have a tendency to make you retain water and keep up a solid water intake.

    I'd keep the carbs low as possible - but not extremely low & protein high

    You should b aight with everything else

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