Hey Guys I am new here, and was wondering about a certain Anavar my source has described to me. First my stats for what its worth,

27 yrs of age, Have not cycled since 22. 3 cycles in my history, ALL test-cyp and Enethate based. I ran winny tablets with the cyp, and test-e with Drostanolone-e the 2 other cycles. I had pretty darn good gains all 3 times, and never really stopped working out so its tough to say what I kept. Back then I remember thinking I kept some size/strength for awhile after but as the months went on I couldn't differentiate between what was natural and gained via aas!

NOW A days..
The last yr I have gotten in the best shape I have ever been in, natural.
I decided to cycle again. I have been getting really close with my old buddies from college and of course they are still strong on the aas! Some of them, INSANE gains since our Dormitory days! I remember they used to Homebrew, with the help of those couple dorky friends in the crew. You know, the chemist/physics majors and what not. Their Test-E ended up being my second and third cycle.

ANYWAYS - Pre Cycle I was 5'10 / 171 lbs 7% bodyfat
I am 6 1/2 weeks into my cycle.
Im running:
~550mg/wk Test-Cyp
~450mg/wk Drostanolone-E
I have had AI on hand but never needed them my first 3 cycles so as fate would have it, haven't needed them this time either..
AS IT STANDS TONIGHT: at 5'10 I am now 187 lbs 8.5% body fat
Its weird though, I am extremely hard. and I do not appear to be really any less lean. But I believe its in my legs! I have really done work this go around on heavy lifting with the legs and they are not as lean.

I've been telling my source I want to up the ante with an oral on my last 6 weeks of this cycle. I want low body fat when this cycle exhaust... This Masteron is wonderful but I have been bothering him about some ANAVAR.
So he is telling me about a UG ANAVAR that they compound with exemestane. He states Each Capsule is 25mg Anavar and 12.5 mg exemestane. I mean, YES if I am going to do 50 mg anavar ED for the remainder of my cycle, I would want to run Exemestane as my AI. BUT I have never heard of the 2 being compounded together like this.
HAS ANYBODY ever received capsules that were an oral mixed with an AI like that? I mean I have NO reason to doubt my source. He tells me this is the ONLY anavar he would ever run, so that makes me feel better because he is ****ing SOLID.

But seriously, it like kind of has me thrown off guard? The powder inside is a sort of white/brown ish.. Very light brown and some specs of white.

To me it would seem like anybody could easily mix the 2 into a capsule if they wanted too but I am just wondering, is this common practice at all with ugl's? Or anybody else that has personal experience when creating these compounds.....???