I am a 20 year old male. Last year in November i took anavar which dropped my test levels from 820ng/dl to 157ng/dl in 7 days.
I started heavy drinking too around those days.
My endo later on put me on clomid which soon got my test levels to 979ng/dl. But i had every symptom of low testosterone : Diminishing muscle gains, NO libido, very less facial and armpit hair growth(could grow them easily earlier) etc.
I even started injecting myself with 500mg of test e per week and got my bloods done, my test levels came at 1460 but i still had every symptom of low T as mentioned above.
I dont know whats wrong here. Why am i not responding to exogenous or endogenous testerone ?
Before the anavar i had high libido and was making amazing gains naturally. But now inspite of my training and diet being in check nothing is happening.