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  1. #1
    xLoganx's Avatar
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    Second Cycle Suggestion/Review


    Start up front by saying thanks to everyone on here that contributes with your extensive knowledge. Would never be able to do something like this and be 'somewhat' well-informed about it.

    40 years old
    Current BF%: 20% (Guesstimate)
    Macro Intake: 250-300gr Protein - 250-300gr Carb - 75-90gr Fat (Just started this about two weeks ago, still hard for me to get over 3000 calories)
    Goal: Put on size

    Ended my first cycle in April of 2015, which consisted of:
    Week 1-10: Test Enth 250mg ‘Every 3 days’
    Week 1-12: Anastrozole (Arimidex ) 0.25mg ‘Every Other Day’ (reduced to 0.125mg EOD in last week)
    Week 3-10: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin 250iu (with Test E injections, but separate SubQ)

    While finishing up the Anastrozole in weeks 10-12 and being off the Test-E for two weeks, I began the PCT on week 12 with:

    Week 12: Nolva 20mg 2x/day
    Clomid 75mg / day

    Week 13-15: Nolva 20mg/day
    Clomid 50mg / day

    Overall, I was happy with the results. Question I have with eliminating all assumptions, what is the best approach for starting a second cycle? From what I've been reading here, a lot of the suggestions are to just stick with this basic cycle again, but maybe increase the Test-E a little bit... to say about 600mg/wk.

    Also, can someone educate me if I have any advantages over adding DBOL for short duration due to liver toxicity? Maybe like 15mg ED for a couple weeks within the cycle? Or should I just stay away from it?

    Thanks in advance...

  2. #2
    NACH3's Avatar
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    You were actually running 580+ mgs of test w/pinning e3d!
    So I wouldn't say up your test... I would however, say get your bf down to sub 15% that way your cycle will be that much better(barring your diet/training are on point)

    You could add in an oral - I'd run it on a backload tho... idk about d-Bol everyone thinks it's an easy oral to dial in but it's not w/it's high aromatization rates! What about var/T-Bol...

    If it worked well stick to it... Your nutrition will dictate your results
    Last edited by NACH3; 10-09-2015 at 08:42 AM.

  3. #3
    xLoganx's Avatar
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    Sorry Nach3.. it was actually a copy and paste from my first cycle post.. but I ended up pinning 250mg 2x/week with my work schedule (travel a lot). You actually helped me out a lot on my 1st go around. Thanks again....

    Which one would you lean towards for trying to put on size? the Turinabol or the Anavar ? Also what doses you think? 20mg a day/ ever day in weeks 7-10?

  4. #4
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xLoganx View Post
    Sorry Nach3.. it was actually a copy and paste from my first cycle post.. but I ended up pinning 250mg 2x/week with my work schedule (travel a lot). You actually helped me out a lot on my 1st go around. Thanks again....

    Which one would you lean towards for trying to put on size? the Turinabol or the Anavar? Also what doses you think? 20mg a day/ ever day in weeks 7-10?
    Ahhh XLoganx I remember!

    Well dosing is up to you - just remember that var is faked very often... And why are you planning for this to start?? How long have you been off, etc?

    Tbh... I'd not even think about var orT-Bol until your bf is lower say around 12% you'll see the gains w/those orals much better...

    If going for size I'd not pick either of em - drol or d-Bol like you mentioned but they're very real drugs w/real sides - hence having a higher bf will not open up your growth window(prime your body b4 your cycle)

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