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Thread: How do you guys feel about meal prep and diet?

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    212OlympiaBound's Avatar
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    How do you guys feel about meal prep and diet?

    I'm asking this because almost every guy at my gym puts huge emphasis on cooking and nutrition. I am by far the biggest (no brag), and I get asked alot about my diet.

    Well... I hate cooking. It feels like such a waste of time. I live on 5 food groups:
    ~steak: which i put on the stove while i'm brushing my teeth at night
    ~whey protein.
    ~peanut butter straight out of the jar
    ~taco bell on the weekends.
    ~Cookies which my mom and grandma send me in the mail frequently

    I work my 9-5, hit the gym until 6, then I go home and tinker on cars, do housework, go out an shoot pool, hit up a hookah bar, drive to denver, or some other random thing until bedtime. I just have 0 desire to add cooking into this routine. Anybody else live like this? I tried meal prep and counting cals for about a week then just said screw this. Would meal prep/cooking give me a huge advantage? I make steady progress without it, so i'm not too keen for jumping on board

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    73rr's Avatar
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    I like to meal prep. It helps me make sure I eat enough. If I don't meal prep for a day, it turns into me not eating enough and or only eating out ones or twice a day.

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    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Meal prep is a big part of this for me. If your meals are prepped then you do not risk not being prepared
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    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Meal prep is a big part of this for me. If your meals are prepped then you do not risk not being prepared
    Never realized how important it really is... I prep for the wk as stated it helps me eat enough if not I don't eat enough or as frequent as I'd want! Plus nutrition really does dictate your results - even better I guess I'm saying... It's time consuming but definitely worth every bit! I didn't do it and now do it - results definitely speak for themselves... GL w/it - try it

  5. #5
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Wait? You brush your teeth before eating steak?!?!
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    Khazima's Avatar
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    I don't prep often either, only if i want to guarantee my intake for the next day. In saying that i do count my calories using myfitnesspal so i know my actual intake. If i just ate as i felt i'd never lose a pound.

    It's not inconvenient at all, take 30 seconds after a meal to put it in the tracker and i know how much leeway i have later in the day for ice cream/chocolate/whatever i want.

  7. #7
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    I hate meal prepping but I do it every weekend. It's a necessary evil.

    What are your stats pls.
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    here2grow's Avatar
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    Buy a George foreman grill type cooker... I cut my cooking time in half, So no more excuses. I can cook up to 4-5 pieces of chicken in under 10min and don't have to do anything really because both sides get cooked. And put them in the fridge, im lazy most days

  9. #9
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    I prep every 2 days

    Example on monday i will cook all my meals for 2 days and put my shake in my bag etc etc so when i wake up in the morning for work its all there and ready to eat. I hate meal prep nights but it is a must!

    If i didnt do this id be eating 2 meals a day and the food wouldnt be home cooked either.

  10. #10
    212OlympiaBound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Wait? You brush your teeth before eating steak?!?!
    haha naw. I cook it for the following day. That has been the extent of my meal prep

  11. #11
    212OlympiaBound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    I hate meal prepping but I do it every weekend. It's a necessary evil.

    What are your stats pls.
    5' 10" 235. i guess i might try it. it'll definitely cut into my "fun time." I love lifting weights. but cooking....gahhh such a girl's job.

  12. #12
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound
    haha naw. I cook it for the following day. That has been the extent of my meal prep
    I wish I had time. I cook my protein all at once for the week and separate it out into Tupperware. Protein has a 7 day shelf life so that works out well and do my carbs a couple days at a time

  13. #13
    bloodchoke's Avatar
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    I love food prep. I cook up a bunch of chicken, elk, roast, rice, potatoes (and yams), broccoli, and collard greens and some combination gets weighed and packed into three meals and taken with me for the day. I also scoop 40 grams of whey into sandwich bags and keep several of the on me at all times. When I get hungry and I am prepared, I eat clean food and rarely think twice about it. If I get hungry and I'm not prepared, I end up dipping corn-dogs in a mixing bowl full of Cap'n Crunch, chocolate sauce, and ketchup.

    I have friends who will get really hungry, go to the store, and leave with just some fruit and almonds. I remain perplexed on how that happens.

  14. #14
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
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    Every Sunday I meal prep. I plan my meals out for the week Saturday night, wake up Sunday, pop an Adderall (ADHD) and start cooking. Typically looks something like this:

    X2 family packs of chicken thighs + some kind of low-cal sauce like light coconut milk and curry, or taco seasoning and salsa.

    Scrambled omega3 eggs and egg whites, low-sodium bacon, low fat cheddar , sriracha in an Ezekiel wrap.

    Steak into ziplock bags with low sodium soy sauce, garlic, and ginger.

    Meatballs 50/50 beef/pork. Both extra lean. Oats instead of bread crumbs.

    2nd crockpot oats, apples or pumpkin purée, Apple or pumpkin pie spices, stevia.

    Pre-chop a bunch of bell peppers, carrots, etc..

    When all is done I weigh up, and pack into individual meals. I use Betty Crocker Tupperware from the dollar store. They fit perfectly in my 6 pack fitness bag. At the end of the day my fridge is packed to the brim with Tupperware organized by meal.

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  15. #15
    212OlympiaBound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bloodchoke View Post
    I love food prep. I cook up a bunch of chicken, elk, roast, rice, potatoes (and yams), broccoli, and collard greens and some combination gets weighed and packed into three meals and taken with me for the day. I also scoop 40 grams of whey into sandwich bags and keep several of the on me at all times. When I get hungry and I am prepared, I eat clean food and rarely think twice about it. If I get hungry and I'm not prepared, I end up dipping corn-dogs in a mixing bowl full of Cap'n Crunch, chocolate sauce, and ketchup.

    I have friends who will get really hungry, go to the store, and leave with just some fruit and almonds. I remain perplexed on how that happens.
    I guess my current strategy is to keep a jar of PB and some whey in the car. Do you weigh it for calorie counting?

    For you guys that count, do you have everything prepped like the night before and that's all you put in your mouth? What if your boss wants to take you to lunch, or your coworkers bring a bunch of bakery, or your buds want to go hit beer and wings after work. How do you factor that in?

  16. #16
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound
    I guess my current strategy is to keep a jar of PB and some whey in the car. Do you weigh it for calorie counting? For you guys that count, do you have everything prepped like the night before and that's all you put in your mouth? What if your boss wants to take you to lunch, or your coworkers bring a bunch of bakery, or your buds want to go hit beer and wings after work. How do you factor that in?
    everything that I eat each day is weighed out to the exact amount. The only time I don't weigh my food is my cheat meal once each week

  17. #17
    212OlympiaBound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    everything that I eat each day is weighed out to the exact amount. The only time I don't weigh my food is my cheat meal once each week
    God man. I don't think I could do that unless I was like 4 weeks out from a major comp. I like whiskey and taco bell too much.

    Props to you!!! Must take alot of self control.

  18. #18
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound
    God man. I don't think I could do that unless I was like 4 weeks out from a major comp. I like whiskey and taco bell too much. Props to you!!! Must take alot of self control.
    I'm a control freak it's kind of the way I am with everything. If you take control of your food intake then you have total control of your appearance

  19. #19
    73rr's Avatar
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    I make my meals Sunday and thursday. Weigh it and everything. To answer your question olympiabound, if I'm on a bulk (Witch i am) I will eat away. Someone wants to go out or bring food to work I'm all for it. If I'm on a cut (witch I'm almost never) I will not eat out but I will still go out with the guys and have a vodka water or two. Maybe 3. Haha

  20. #20
    bloodchoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound View Post
    I guess my current strategy is to keep a jar of PB and some whey in the car. Do you weigh it for calorie counting?
    Calories and macros. I usually will pull out a big hunk of meat for the day. Then I weigh it, divide it into thirds for my packed meals and enter all of that into MyFitnessPal. Natural peanut butter is about 100 cals/tbsp; the trick is being honest about a true tbsp.

    It was recommended to me to keep my daily fat grams close to 0.4 g/lb of LBM. I have found this to be nearly impossible while still keeping my meals quasi-palatable. I usually come in around 0.8 g/lb of LBM.

    As far as brews with the bros or burgers with the boss, that's your call. Priorities. I'm not at all freaky big, but I'm big enough and composed in enough of a way that it is obvious that I lift and pay attention to what I'm eating, so people almost expect that me to politely decline offers to hit up Jack in the Box. Plus, the amount of food I bring to work with me makes it look like I volunteer to deliver meals to the less fortunate, so it's clear that I already have food.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by bloodchoke View Post
    Calories and macros. I usually will pull out a big hunk of meat for the day. Then I weigh it, divide it into thirds for my packed meals and enter all of that into MyFitnessPal. Natural peanut butter is about 100 cals/tbsp; the trick is being honest about a true tbsp.

    It was recommended to me to keep my daily fat grams close to 0.4 g/lb of LBM. I have found this to be nearly impossible while still keeping my meals quasi-palatable. I usually come in around 0.8 g/lb of LBM.

    As far as brews with the bros or burgers with the boss, that's your call. Priorities. I'm not at all freaky big, but I'm big enough and composed in enough of a way that it is obvious that I lift and pay attention to what I'm eating, so people almost expect that me to politely decline offers to hit up Jack in the Box. Plus, the amount of food I bring to work with me makes it look like I volunteer to deliver meals to the less fortunate, so it's clear that I already have food.
    Food is just such a social item. Even for work, I take guests/clients out to dinner once a week. Also, I lead a young employees club that does lunch once a week and happy hour on thursdays. I'm not trying to make excuses, and I got alot of respect for you guys that do this, but doesn't it drastically interfere with your professional/social life?

    Also, i'm never home on weekends. I usually go camping/fishing/skiing/snowmobiling/hiking from friday until sunday. Seems almost impossible to track macros if you are outside with extremely limited access to modern conveniences.

    Sorry for the random threads. I'm halfway trying to convince myself to start working more on diet. Halfway trying to talk myself out of it.

  22. #22
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound
    Food is just such a social item. Even for work, I take guests/clients out to dinner once a week. Also, I lead a young employees club that does lunch once a week and happy hour on thursdays. I'm not trying to make excuses, and I got alot of respect for you guys that do this, but doesn't it drastically interfere with your professional/social life? Also, i'm never home on weekends. I usually go camping/fishing/skiing/snowmobiling/hiking from friday until sunday. Seems almost impossible to track macros if you are outside with extremely limited access to modern conveniences. Sorry for the random threads. I'm halfway trying to convince myself to start working more on diet. Halfway trying to talk myself out of it.
    no it doesn't interfere at all. Almost anywhere you go has either chicken or steak salad. I just stay away from the crappy carbs that restaurants sell

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    no it doesn't interfere at all. Almost anywhere you go has either chicken or steak salad. I just stay away from the crappy carbs that restaurants sell
    Well that is what I do right now. Intuitive eating i guess you'd call it. I usually go sirloin steak and a baked potato plus some veggies.

    I was more directing that question at guys who weigh everything. Like If they had to go out to eat for professional reasons about 3x per week, would that be a bad thing?

  24. #24
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    Just do a ruff estimate of what u ate and change your meals for the rest of the day to fit into your macros correctly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound
    Well that is what I do right now. Intuitive eating i guess you'd call it. I usually go sirloin steak and a baked potato plus some veggies. I was more directing that question at guys who weigh everything. Like If they had to go out to eat for professional reasons about 3x per week, would that be a bad thing?
    I do weigh everything and if I had to eat out 3 times each week it would be chicken salad

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    bloodchoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound View Post
    Food is just such a social item . . . but doesn't it drastically interfere with your professional/social life?
    Not when you're a misanthrope!!
    (But I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying really hard to be the shepherd.)

  27. #27
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound
    5' 10" 235. i guess i might try it. it'll definitely cut into my "fun time." I love lifting weights. but cooking....gahhh such a girl's job.

    And bf%?

  28. #28
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound View Post
    I guess my current strategy is to keep a jar of PB and some whey in the car. Do you weigh it for calorie counting?

    For you guys that count, do you have everything prepped like the night before and that's all you put in your mouth? What if your boss wants to take you to lunch, or your coworkers bring a bunch of bakery, or your buds want to go hit beer and wings after work. How do you factor that in?
    Fortunately, I work in an environment of likeminded individuals(personal trainers) so we all bring our own food and if they want to go out to eat I'll stay behind or go just bring my own food that's been prepped/& eights out!

  29. #29
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    You dont need to necessarily prep a week ahead...but how hard is it to cook a sweetpotato n chicken breast after a workout? I come home throw them in the pots and halfway through a cigarette theyre done :0

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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    You dont need to necessarily prep a week ahead...but how hard is it to cook a sweetpotato n chicken breast after a workout? I come home throw them in the pots and halfway through a cigarette theyre done :0
    What if your at work... W/nothing to cook with? I mean done people on here im sure work in the field - oil - power plants/refineries etc there in the middle of no where...

    If you have a good solution im all ears - really

  31. #31
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Well OP doesnt feel like im just pointing out that it only takes a bit of time. 90% of you here arent 21 like i am so im sure you all dont have the time to dick around all day like i do (whats work?), in which case id obviously agree that meal prep is vital. Some people just make cooking all that food sound like a drag and it really holds them back so i say that you dont necessarily have to do it a week in advance... i personally prep food if i know my friends want to go out and eat like animals so i take my chicken and sweet potato with me. Otherwise i just cook when im home. Nothing wrong with being prepared.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    And bf%?
    geeze. IDK. how do you tell? If anything, I have much more trouble with bulking than cutting. My body still wants to go back to 130 pound soccer-player mode.

    I really appreciate the responses. They're making me think. I almost have a desire to go throw some chicken and sweet potatoes in a pot.

    Last question: How critical is meal prep and calorie counting if you never really do contests. I don't want to start doing something that I hate (cooking) if it'll only help me marginally. I mostly just love pushing weights.

  33. #33
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    I find it is nearly impossible to eat enough clean food if I don't meal prep.
    I find it has helped me tremendously in my lifts in that I am stronger at a lighter weight.
    It also takes LESS time if one cooks in bulk versus cooking every meal or going out to buy food.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Well OP doesnt feel like im just pointing out that it only takes a bit of time. 90% of you here arent 21 like i am so im sure you all dont have the time to dick around all day like i do (whats work?), in which case id obviously agree that meal prep is vital. Some people just make cooking all that food sound like a drag and it really holds them back so i say that you dont necessarily have to do it a week in advance... i personally prep food if i know my friends want to go out and eat like animals so i take my chicken and sweet potato with me. Otherwise i just cook when im home. Nothing wrong with being prepared.
    Absolutely agree - I meal prep myself - never know... We've had people on here whose parents get buy em gear lol - like a B Loyd haha

    Just good to hear you don't have the time to dick around either like most of us on here... Unless one works from home it hafta be easier

    I too, like DLD if I didn't prep I wouldn't eat nearly as clean or maybe even not enough...

  35. #35
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound
    geeze. IDK. how do you tell? If anything, I have much more trouble with bulking than cutting. My body still wants to go back to 130 pound soccer-player mode. I really appreciate the responses. They're making me think. I almost have a desire to go throw some chicken and sweet potatoes in a pot. Last question: How critical is meal prep and calorie counting if you never really do contests. I don't want to start doing something that I hate (cooking) if it'll only help me marginally. I mostly just love pushing weights.
    Absolutely imperative for competition. If u are interested in comp, there's a subforum for comp prep. Use it. There's some vets that hang there and can offer advice. But I seriously doubt u are ready for completion prep when u are eating sh!t food like Taco Bell and drinking. No flame just being honest.

  36. #36
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    Bf % here.

    Or post up a pic. The guys here have a good eye. Don't cut off your legs. Post up front and back. No full Monty. Lol.

  37. #37
    Lee_1978's Avatar
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    I'm a foodie, so creating great-tasting training food is my passion. I could happily sit down all weekend devising recipes!

  38. #38
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212OlympiaBound View Post
    I'm asking this because almost every guy at my gym puts huge emphasis on cooking and nutrition. I am by far the biggest (no brag), and I get asked alot about my diet.

    Well... I hate cooking. It feels like such a waste of time. I live on 5 food groups:
    ~steak: which i put on the stove while i'm brushing my teeth at night
    ~whey protein.
    ~peanut butter straight out of the jar
    ~taco bell on the weekends.
    ~Cookies which my mom and grandma send me in the mail frequently

    I work my 9-5, hit the gym until 6, then I go home and tinker on cars, do housework, go out an shoot pool, hit up a hookah bar, drive to denver, or some other random thing until bedtime. I just have 0 desire to add cooking into this routine. Anybody else live like this? I tried meal prep and counting cals for about a week then just said screw this. Would meal prep/cooking give me a huge advantage? I make steady progress without it, so i'm not too keen for jumping on board
    You're going to die young! Especially if you are taking steroids . Food prep is must! I highly suggest you read my book- "Functional Training with a Fork". You can purchase it on Amazon- Functional Training with a Fork: Innovators of the 7 Types of Functional Training: Kathy C Rowland, Ronnie J Rowland: 9780692502365: Books
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails How do you guys feel about meal prep and diet?-book_cover1.jpg  
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 10-30-2015 at 05:34 AM.

  39. #39
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I feel lucky that I get to work from home at least 80% of the time since I spend at least 2-3 hours a day cooking and/or eating.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    You're going to die young! Especially if you are taking steroids . Food prep is must! I highly suggest you read my book- "Functional Training with a Fork". You can purchase it on Amazon- Functional Training with a Fork: Innovators of the 7 Types of Functional Training: Kathy C Rowland, Ronnie J Rowland: 9780692502365: Books
    cliff notes?

    I don't read very well at all.

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