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  1. #1
    liftdroprepeat is offline Junior Member
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    Masteron prop any one??

    Right I'm now on 1.5 ml of test prop 100 every eod and 50mg of D bols a day I was just looking up and seen something called masteron prop do you think it would suit this cycle I'm on? I'm looking for lean mass and it says it goes well with d bols etc or will it stop my gains

  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Imo dbol and mast would be a wierd mix as masteron usualy gives a dry look (if the user is low bodyfat like 10%)
    and dbol fills you with water so they are kind of competing against eachother imo

    But some people prefer to run something like winstrol or mast to keep the water retention from dbol down,

    I see a lot of seperate threads from you asking quite a lot of basic questions and you seem desperate to add more compounds to your cycle. I dont know why you didnt just start one thread and put your cycle layout and all questions there instead of all the individual threads.

    You should do your research and cycle planning before starting a cycle not during.

    Imo you should just stick to whatever cycle your on now

  3. #3
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cooke View Post
    Right I'm now on 1.5 ml of test prop 100 every eod and 50mg of D bols a day I was just looking up and seen something called masteron prop do you think it would suit this cycle I'm on? I'm looking for lean mass and it says it goes well with d bols etc or will it stop my gains
    MASTERON is best when used as a finisher in a already lean condition. Save it for a cutting phase when your ready for it.

  4. #4
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post

    MASTERON is best when used as a finisher in a already lean condition. Save it for a cutting phase when your ready for it.
    This is very true it helps clean up the little things when ur competing or getting lean 9% or lower but I honestly have to say that my favorite cycle would have to be 750mg test e and 1g mast e. Felt like a million dollars even when I was 12%bf. Not saying to run it that high but if gave me a euphoria feeling. Like everything would be "okay" feeling

  5. #5
    NumLock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    MASTERON is best when used as a finisher in a already lean condition. Save it for a cutting phase when your ready for it.
    Agreed, mastever is great for cutting.

  6. #6
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I guess the ver gives it an extra kick

  7. #7
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    50 mg dbol ed? I think that is extreme. Real bad for cholestrol. And masteron is one of the most harsh on cholestrol and unless youre damned serious or live the life as a fullblown bodybuilder i wouldnt add anything to your cycle. As a matter of fact i would cut dbol to 25 and then maybe add masteron if your midcycle bloods are not too depressing. If you do not bother with bloods cut the dbol in half and dont add anything.

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