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Thread: Normal recovery vs TRT recovery

  1. #1
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Normal recovery vs TRT recovery

    Ok so its not uncommon when a user finishes his cycle and hits PCT his libido is down until he recovers - which basicaly fvcking sucks.

    My question is if your on TRT, and you finish a cycle/blast then go back to your TRT dose is there any loss in libido (i know it will be lower than when on the higher dose) but is there any libido/temp ED issues for you TRT guys?

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  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    No.... its not the same as on cycle though and you get acne when blood levels are not stable

  3. #3
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    PCT sucks, if i wasnt 28 years old, id actualy consider self medicating on a TRT dose for quicker recovery and keep libido there and avoid temp ED

    Im dreading coming off my cycle mainly for the libido issue, my wife is supportive but when it starts running into weeks/months it can get us both down. The only experience i have of this is when i ran test and deca at 23 with no AI etc i was ruined downstairs for like 10 weeks :/ even when on cycle

    This time is great but when i come off in 6 weeks im dreading it

  4. #4
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    i have done that.. and i am younger than you. I don't know if one day i will regret this...

  5. #5
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    So your planning on staying on permantley gege ( cruise on trt dose then blast? )
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 12-20-2015 at 05:19 PM.

  6. #6
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    So your planning on staying on permantley gege ( cruise on try dose then blast? )
    yes... moderate high trt(like 250mg of test e) and then blast at high dosage. when i was 18 my t level were 450 so now after 5 year should be lower, i try to justify my choice with that.

  7. #7
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    I suspect i have pretty natural low test levels (im fine in terms of sex etc) just not wanting it as much as id like or expect for a man in his 20's unless im of course on cycle then i feel what i think is normal at my age, wanting it daily.

    Wish i got bloods done when i was younger to compare now and when older :/

    Always good to know TRT is always there to help us.

    Your on 250mg per week, thats pretty high for a TRT dose? If anything id go 200mg cyp per week or per 10 days

  8. #8
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    No matter what you guys decide. Be sure to run labs to see what's going on. 250 is so high dose for trt. I understand your cruising not on trt but I think your safety is important
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  9. #9
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    Yea id get regular bloods done to try and decide what is a safe and sensible dose.

    I want to see what my recovery is like after my 6 month cycle before deciding

    Just like to have options and a plan B which in return can take the stress and worry when coming off and if i experience poor libido etc

  10. #10
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    I suspect i have pretty natural low test levels (im fine in terms of sex etc) just not wanting it as much as id like or expect for a man in his 20's unless im of course on cycle then i feel what i think is normal at my age, wanting it daily.

    Wish i got bloods done when i was younger to compare now and when older :/

    Always good to know TRT is always there to help us.

    Your on 250mg per week, thats pretty high for a TRT dose? If anything id go 200mg cyp per week or per 10 days
    me too man, when i was off (natty) i was barely a man and had low sex drive ,now i am a bull. My doctor for trt give me test prop

    0.75 mg e3d but i keep the prop and shot test e. I am young and stupid, the more the better. Downside i have to donate blood e6week.

  11. #11
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    No matter what you guys decide. Be sure to run labs to see what's going on. 250 is so high dose for trt. I understand your cruising not on trt but I think your safety is important
    what you would check on blood work for safety a part from hemoglobin?

  12. #12
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    Liver values

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gege2003
    what you would check on blood work for safety a part from hemoglobin?
    I would get a full hormone panel as well as CBC. Keep an eye on the hematocrit level

  14. #14
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    hormone panel is so expensive, i get liver value,cholesterol,CBC and other thing for free. My hematocrit is only thing that scare me... as it increase my heart rate drop and my blood pressure get high. On my last cycle went to 55 never let go again that high.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gege2003
    hormone panel is so expensive, i get liver value,cholesterol,CBC and other thing for free. My hematocrit is only thing that scare me... as it increase my heart rate drop and my blood pressure get high. On my last cycle went to 55 never let go again that high.
    it may be expensive but your worth it

  16. #16
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gege2003 View Post
    yes... moderate high trt(like 250mg of test e) and then blast at high dosage. when i was 18 my t level were 450 so now after 5 year should be lower, i try to justify my choice with that.
    Curious about blasting. Someone mentioned it to me in my first thread when I was asking for advice. How long do you blast for & how much higher do you go? How often do you repeat blasts? Sorry, I'm not trying to get personal - just getting ideas. At the age of 57 and starting the TRT 3 months ago was like Christmas coming early and so far it's like opening new packages every week (steady progress). When the progress slows, I know my personality - blasting is in my future.

  17. #17
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    it may be expensive but your worth it
    for full hormone panel what do you mean? total t and estradiol are enough?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal
    Curious about blasting. Someone mentioned it to me in my first thread when I was asking for advice. How long do you blast for & how much higher do you go? How often do you repeat blasts? Sorry, I'm not trying to get personal - just getting ideas. At the age of 57 and starting the TRT 3 months ago was like Christmas coming early and so far it's like opening new packages every week (steady progress). When the progress slows, I know my personality - blasting is in my future.
    the only difference is not having to run pct. The cruise is letting your body recover. So really the idea is the same time on equals time off as a general rule
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  19. #19
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Curious about blasting. Someone mentioned it to me in my first thread when I was asking for advice. How long do you blast for & how much higher do you go? How often do you repeat blasts? Sorry, I'm not trying to get personal - just getting ideas. At the age of 57 and starting the TRT 3 months ago was like Christmas coming early and so far it's like opening new packages every week (steady progress). When the progress slows, I know my personality - blasting is in my future.
    for now i never get over 700mg of test( only compound that i take). i don't program thing, i go by feeling. If i now that for a month i have to train less or i am on holiday i cruise 2 months then blast.
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    Quote Originally Posted by gege2003 View Post
    for now i never get over 700mg of test( only compound that i take). i don't program thing, i go by feeling. If i now that for a month i have to train less or i am on holiday i cruise 2 months then blast.
    Thanks gege2003 - appreciate the feedback. At 250mg. that does seem high end, what are your blood testosterone levels like? I'm doing 150 per week and my blood testosterone is at 1200 / my HRT doctor wants me to back off some.

  21. #21
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Thanks gege2003 - appreciate the feedback. At 250mg. that does seem high end, what are your blood testosterone levels like? I'm doing 150 per week and my blood testosterone is at 1200 / my HRT doctor wants me to back off some.
    i get it only one time on trt and was over 1500 i don't know exact number. But this is my self trt not my prescription, my prescription is 0.75mg of test prop e3d so like yours. how often your hrt doctor make you take blood work?

  22. #22
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    Every three months. However, I am being seen by an Endocrinologist for an additional problem, so I might be checking things a bit more often - I want to keep my T as high as possible but keep my blood work healthy.

  23. #23
    gege2003 is offline Junior Member
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    if your blood work is healthy and everything is cool,no problem.

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    I taper down & still notice drops here & there

    Our body is interesting that way

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