I wanted to put this where it would see the most traffic. Mr. & Mrs. Rowland have put together the greatest book about living healthy I have ever read. I would say bodybuilding book, but its much more than that.

I dont have the proper vocabulary to truly do this book justice. This is by far the most complete book I have ever read. The information is put together in a very organized manner, and anyone that can read it, can comprehend it.

This book isnt just for bodybuilders, this book is for anyone wishing to live a longer, healthier life. This book is the best purchase I have ever made. If I didnt need trt, I would trade this book for all the AAS I will ever use. Since I have incorporated techniques in this book, my workouts have been the best ever. Im starting to lean out, and my diet isnt dialed in yet.

I'm not focusing on getting leaner, I'm actually eating to put on weight, but with the functional diet/training getting leaner is just happening. I have not been able to fully incorporate everything yet, but im working on it.

I was forced to put the book under the tree, so I opened it Christmas day. So I haven't had much time to implement everything, but I do know the past year my workouts have been sub par.

I think anyone will benefit from readjng this book. A very advanced lifter (someone like marcus), may choose to do some things different, but I beleive there is something in this book for everyone. I took pictures at the beginning of utilizing the methods outlined in this book. I plan on taking pictures after this year is over to show the progress. I was looking to hire a coach this year, but I will be using this book as my coach.

Go out and get this book. You will supporting a great member of this forum, and I guarantee you will learn something from this book.

If you see this Ronnie, and you do online coaching send me a pm. I would like to possibly hire you later this year, that way I can send pictures and get reccomendations based upon my situation.