So ive been off the juice for 6 months now and its about time I got back on it. Ive been on 4 cycles in the past. First cycle (Sust 250 & Deca 200 for 10 weeks) second cycle (Tren e 200 and test e 250 for 12 weeks) third cycle (Tren A for first 5 weeks and tren e and test e for the whole 12 weeks) fourth cycle (sust 250 and deca 250 for 12 weeks)

So ive messed around with juice quite a bit over the last few years. Im 20 years of age btw. So out of all those cycles, my best results cam from my third cycle, where i put on about 17 kgs and reached my heaviest weigh in of 91kg (mind you im only 5"7). And when I came off i was taking clomid and i had no problems with my natural reproduction later on, and managed to maintain my weight at 87kg up to 12 months after coming off. Currently i weigh 84kg, but with more fat now as I took some time off training and dieting to allow injuries to recover and just enjoy life a bit.

Now that im back into training and am motivated, I thought it would be a good time to get back on the juice at the same time one of my mates is.

So heres the idea (and feel free to give feedback, because i want to run this one right, and not fluke it like the others)

The plan is to run test e, tren e, tren a, and deca.

Test e - 2ml/week for 14 weeks
Tren e - 1ml/week for first 5 weeks, then increased dose to 2ml/week for the remainder of the 14 week cycle
tren a - 2ml/week for the first 5 weeks
deca - .5-1ml/week for the first 10 weeks

The reason for tren a is because its fast acting and it will kick start my growth (this worked for me on my third cycle)
tren e dose will be increased once im off tren a, and once the 1ml/week dose is staring to do its thing
deca is to be kept at a low dose. Although i am aware that mixing deca and test e isnt all that great, deca has been a real life saver with my shoulder injury and im hoping the low dose will allow for some better movement as ill most likely be aiming to lift heavier as the cycle goes on. and i will want my shoulder to be able to support these weights.

Im hoping you guys can give some opinions, and help suggest a good PCT. As in the past with three of my cycles i didnt even bother with a PCT, i just ate lots and trained hard like lee priest did, and i found my reproduction kickstarted without any issues.

cheers in advance