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Thread: Superdrol + MaxLMG and Test Base Cycle Review

  1. #1
    Tearracodo is offline Junior Member
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    Superdrol + MaxLMG and Test Base Cycle Review

    Height: 5ft 4”
    Starting weight: 78kg
    Final Weight: 85kg

    Oncycle Support:
    Milk Thistle (80% silymarin 40:1) 1000mg
    N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) - 500mg
    Hawthorn Berry - 400mg (1 week preload)
    Saw Palmetto - 200mg
    Celery Seed Extract - 75mg
    Grape Seed Extract - 75mg
    Bupleurum Root extract - 50mg
    Dandelion Root 4:1 - 50mg
    Red Yeast Rice 1200mg (1 week pre-load)

    Planned PCT: Nolva(20/20/20/20) + Clomid(100/50)

    Actual PCT: Nolva(1-3 days 40mg, followed by 4 days at 20mg)

    Planned Cycle Length: 21 days (actual 15 days)

    Max LMG Info: 13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)diene-17-one (Max LMG): What is it?

    So this was a short sharp cycle, which got cut short which I will discuss later. Cut a very a long story short, there was a preload with hawthorn and RYR for 1 week. Then 1 shot of test per week at 250mg followed with 10mg Superdrol and 30mg maxLMG per day. Very quick to increase water weight within a week I had hit 82.5kg the gains continued. Strength drop at first but gains at week 2 and continued in PCT. Final weight 1 week after last dose was at 85kg so a 7kg increase in weight mostly water, but at the moment I still seem to be holding onto it.
    Blood pressure became a very big issue while resting with this stack. Despite running it before without test and having no issues this time this was a major issue. Despite crap loads of celery I was unable to control so cut the cycle 5 days short. Although I have to say it was still very effective, much quicker acting then last time.

    What I believe to be issue given the rise in gyno as well is the estrogenic effect from the test E. It was Pharma grade test but maybe an AI should have been used even at the HRT dose that I ran. Compared to my last run of this stack at 21 days, the gains have been much less lean, far less definition, even if there is more mass.On the flip side there were no other sides, mood was great, felt like an 18 year old again, lol. Not much hair loss, No acne but never had an issue with that anyway.

    For PCT after 15 days I may have gotten away with just coming off, but used nolva for 7 days and felt fine. I would say this cycle was a success and would run it again, but with AI to ensure E2 and BP control. Like a say the same cycle without Test, is very rough on the mind etc, but BP was not an issue.

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by naz1054 View Post
    For PCT after 15 days I may have gotten away with just coming off, but used nolva for 7 days and felt fine. I would say this cycle was a success
    Comeback in 8 weeks with bloodwork, then we can all congratulate you.
    Juced_porkchop likes this.

  3. #3
    Tearracodo is offline Junior Member
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    This is really resurrecting an old thread, but I just wanted to update everyone on some of the long-term impacts post-cycle.

    Looking back through this forum and my own posts, the first thing I'd note is how wild/stupid I was nearly 8 years ago. I believe the cycle mentioned in this post was the last one I ever did. When I read this post, it reminds me of how often the young can be reckless.

    Despite my past choices, I've been fairly fortunate. Recent blood tests confirm that my lungs, heart, liver, and kidneys are all in good shape. I've never encountered any fertility issues and now have a child. While I don't have any significant health complaints, I think a lot of that might be attributed to luck rather than any conscious decisions I made.

    Interestingly, the only lingering effect appears to be increased aggression, something I don't recall experiencing before starting any cycles. While it's not life-altering, I do sense a heightened level of aggression in myself.

    Regarding blood work, I had some tests done about 18 months after this cycle, and the results weren't favorable. However, over the span of 8 years, which covered most of my 20s, I seem to have made a recovery.

    In terms of weight, I still hover around 85kg. a significant portion of this is now fat. Since just before the onset of COVID in March 2020, I haven't been to the gym and have been working from home, resulting in minimal physical activity. I restarted my fitness journey a couple of months ago and have seen notable strength gains.

    Perhaps the only silver lining of this entire experience is understanding that once you undergo a cycle and develop new muscle fibers/cells, they, much like fat cells, never truly disappear. Instead, they simply shrink when not in use. This means that when I returned to the gym, I was able to achieve impressive strength gains relatively quickly.

  4. #4
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tearracodo View Post
    This is really resurrecting an old thread, but I just wanted to update everyone on some of the long-term impacts post-cycle.

    Looking back through this forum and my own posts, the first thing I'd note is how wild/stupid I was nearly 8 years ago. I believe the cycle mentioned in this post was the last one I ever did. When I read this post, it reminds me of how often the young can be reckless.

    Despite my past choices, I've been fairly fortunate. Recent blood tests confirm that my lungs, heart, liver, and kidneys are all in good shape. I've never encountered any fertility issues and now have a child. While I don't have any significant health complaints, I think a lot of that might be attributed to luck rather than any conscious decisions I made.

    Interestingly, the only lingering effect appears to be increased aggression, something I don't recall experiencing before starting any cycles. While it's not life-altering, I do sense a heightened level of aggression in myself.

    Regarding blood work, I had some tests done about 18 months after this cycle, and the results weren't favorable. However, over the span of 8 years, which covered most of my 20s, I seem to have made a recovery.

    In terms of weight, I still hover around 85kg. a significant portion of this is now fat. Since just before the onset of COVID in March 2020, I haven't been to the gym and have been working from home, resulting in minimal physical activity. I restarted my fitness journey a couple of months ago and have seen notable strength gains.

    Perhaps the only silver lining of this entire experience is understanding that once you undergo a cycle and develop new muscle fibers/cells, they, much like fat cells, never truly disappear. Instead, they simply shrink when not in use. This means that when I returned to the gym, I was able to achieve impressive strength gains relatively quickly.
    Yeah, it's a lot easier to reccover gains when you return to lifting than it is to get those gains the first time around.

    I wouldn't use covid as an excuse for getting fat though. Before I found a gym that was open and operating outside, I put together a workout at home. You don't need equipment to get some sort of workout in. You can still be doing air squats, pushups, run up and down stairs, go running, etc. I'm sure you could also find stuff that's relatively heavy and do some sort of exercises with it. Most people chose to overeat and watch TV/play videogames all day.

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