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Thread: Ending cycle momday

  1. #121
    Marsoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Not going to cycle at least for another year, probably next august September (started this cycle on sept 9)

    I just want to take advantage of the mega Christmas sale my source is going to have.

    I want a "cutting" cycle for lack of a better word. I know diet dependant.

    Test e or sustanon base, and either winstrol , equipose, masteron , anavar , it's mix of 3 orv4

    Test and mast and var, seem like a good stack.

    How should a test, mast, var cycle look like. Weeks and dosages
    Nigga you don't need to cut. Look at you. Mr shredder cheddar lol
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  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Remember even if a cruise makes u feel better and its much more easy to keep your gains, your next glory days will not be so glorious as they could be. Meaning, your next blast will not be so efficient when u cruise. Unless you go crazy with the doses like Bostin. Iknow u dont wanna go that road.
    And 60 days rest is not enough to boost the effiency of your next.

    Do your pct. Consider 90 days pause. Plenty of time to summer. Why dont u dig into the world of peptides and mk677 or if u can afford it, hgh, while you wait. And use the harder days as motivation to find new ways to eat better and train more efficient.

    I never dig deep when i juice. Everything is so easy and my bis are swollen and grow when i jerk off.
    But when off i dont have any choice but to digg deep and find new smarter paths...without cheating with my ARs.
    Dud lol wtf haha that's how my forearms got so a switch hitter when I beat my meat.

    Ps: have you been watching the Viking series on history channel ?

  3. #123
    kirkjamest is offline Junior Member
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    Couch, glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm doing my last AAS shot Saturday, gonna keep following you cause you're helping quite a bit. Yours is the only thread I have found that actually documents PCT daily. I think I may do the same since I'm much older and it may help the guys in late 40's and 50's who are trying first cycle.

  4. #124
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Day 16 of pct, 50 Clomid & 20 nolva

    I'm feeling good, I definitely seem to have lost about 20% of the bulk in my shoulders chest and biceps. My Triceps however seem bigger. Probably my routine, been focusing more on sit ups, dips and leg raises.

    I start each day liked this
    30 min on stationary
    200 dips in sets of 40-50
    200 push ups in sets of 50
    250 sit ups in sets of 35

    3 sets dumbbell bench
    3 sets of that does
    3 sets of lateral raise

    100 more dips.

    Mental condition:
    I seem to get pissed off with normal day to day shit way easier and more often.

    I get pretty dramatic thoughts in my head over small shit.

    Other than that, I'm fine.

  5. #125
    kirkjamest is offline Junior Member
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    Awesome to hear. You are helping me deal with the fear of PCT. I'm quite susceptible to loosing my mind over little stuff (holdover behavior from my alcoholic days). As a result, I informed my psychiatrist I was taking Supra physiological doses of AAS and he laughed at me saying I'm a nutcase. He had a go around with TRT a few years ago which led to him removing his prostate but he also talked to me about the delicate nature of his psychological wellfare when he came off the TRT. So, he prescribed meds for me to avoid or reduce the effect of freak out time. Hopefully I won't need them but have em on hand.

  6. #126
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kirkjamest View Post
    Awesome to hear. You are helping me deal with the fear of PCT. I'm quite susceptible to loosing my mind over little stuff (holdover behavior from my alcoholic days). As a result, I informed my psychiatrist I was taking Supra physiological doses of AAS and he laughed at me saying I'm a nutcase. He had a go around with TRT a few years ago which led to him removing his prostate but he also talked to me about the delicate nature of his psychological wellfare when he came off the TRT. So, he prescribed meds for me to avoid or reduce the effect of freak out time. Hopefully I won't need them but have em on hand.
    Ok my bad last update was day 15, today's day 16, 50 Clomid, 20 nolva.

    I am really starting to get energy back today big time. I got really low around day 10 to 14, day 15 and today seem like I've crested the hill top.

    Erections are pretty much back to normal. I look forward to sex. Was kinda just not into it during the first 12 days.

  7. #127
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    So I'm in middle of 3rd week of pct. This friday (2-3-2017) will begin my 4th week.

    I'm wondering if my pct should continue Nolvadex to week 5 and 6 at 20 per day and 10 per day, respectively.

    It was 600mg test c per week.


  8. #128
    kirkjamest is offline Junior Member
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    Couchlockd, how is PCT coming along? I'm starting my clomid/nolvadex regimen on Sunday. based on your dates you are almost done with PCT, how are you feeling and did you decide to taper the nolvadex?

  9. #129
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kirkjamest View Post
    Couchlockd, how is PCT coming along? I'm starting my clomid/nolvadex regimen on Sunday. based on your dates you are almost done with PCT, how are you feeling and did you decide to taper the nolvadex?
    This is my 26th day of pct

    I ran it like this
    75/50/50/50 Clomid
    40/20/20/20 Nolva

    I'm undecided on running nolva for 2 more weeks at 10mg ed

    I was going to see what advice numberE would give regarding the extra 2 weeks.

    I'm not sure why I trust his advice soo much. I think its because I see his advice is based on scientific fact, and not opinion or bro science

    On another note I feel absolutely fine mentally I maintain my training and I the whole time during PCT and I don't think I have lost much of my strength gains or body mass at all, in fact I think I've gotten a little bit bigger during PCT

    I handle PCT very well we'll see what happens in August when I run my next cycle

  10. #130
    kirkjamest is offline Junior Member
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    You should post the question about running the 10 mg of Nolvadex in the PCT section to see if you get any responses there. Bio-Active responds to a lot of questions for me there. Is you thinking behind running the Nolva a few more weeks to avoid E2 rebound or are you thinking about avoiding Gyno?

    I'm curious about it as well because others have tapered the nolva after running CC as per the above protocol. They did it because they had experienced E2 rebound when they came off PCT then tried tapering and never had an E2 rebound.

    Did you do any other OTC stuff during PCT?

    I start PCT on Sunday, not looking forward to it because I had a bad experience last year when I started then had to stop a cycle after three weeks but, I didn't run the Adex during the 18 days before PCT so I had a horrible E2 rebound that sent me into a spiral of depression and anxiety that lasted about 6 weeks. I recovered but it took a long time to get back to baseline. In other words, I didn't do anything right lol. But this time I have followed these protocols as suggested the same way you did so I'm hoping to follow in your footsteps. Of course I'm 20 years older than you so I can imagine it may be a little tougher for me.

    Anyway, I'm glad you provided this information during your experience, you have been extremely helpful to me so thanks for your time and willingness to share. I will continue to check up on ya.

    I'm also going to start a PCT thread documenting my experience with it day by day either in the PCT section or the over 50 section to hopefully help somebody out. Thanks again brotha and keep up the good work.

  11. #131
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Just a fyi for all my friends,

    If you don't hear from me for , I dunno, 30 to 180 days, I'm not dead. Ill be in county lock up for a punk was Probation violation (you know those pharmacies I mentioned in another thread I'm not allowed in? I mindlessly went into one Friday night, had the cops called and got arrested for criminal trespass) and a condition of my probation was to stay out, I completely overlooked the fact they meant ALL WALLGREENS not just the one were the incident occured, SOME how the security lady that worked at one, was filling in a shift at a separate one.

    One minute I'm buying protein bars, next minute I'm being asked for ID by 4 cops. And immediately put in cuffs.

    The original incident was "if I wasn't in a hurry, id come across this counter, shove your head up her ass, and your head up his was and make a pharmacist totem poll. Ill finish it off by stuffing the whole box of syringes up your bottom members ass and drag you out front and skull fuck all three of you.

    Well they didn't take that lightly, called cops was put on paper for agg. Menacing, inciting panic, and disorderly conduct.

    With my prior record they went hard and gave me 12 months paper and 180 over my head.

    Hopefully it goes well. If not ill see you more ripped in a few.

    Ill be doing pushups and eating tuna for 24 hours a day
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  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Just a fyi for all my friends,

    If you don't hear from me for , I dunno, 30 to 180 days, I'm not dead. Ill be in county lock up for a punk was Probation violation (you know those pharmacies I mentioned in another thread I'm not allowed in? I mindlessly went into one Friday night, had the cops called and got arrested for criminal trespass) and a condition of my probation was to stay out, I completely overlooked the fact they meant ALL WALLGREENS not just the one were the incident occured, SOME how the security lady that worked at one, was filling in a shift at a separate one.

    One minute I'm buying protein bars, next minute I'm being asked for ID by 4 cops. And immediately put in cuffs.

    The original incident was "if I wasn't in a hurry, id come across this counter, shove your head up her ass, and your head up his was and make a pharmacist totem poll. Ill finish it off by stuffing the whole box of syringes up your bottom members ass and drag you out front and skull fuck all three of you.

    Well they didn't take that lightly, called cops was put on paper for agg. Menacing, inciting panic, and disorderly conduct.

    With my prior record they went hard and gave me 12 months paper and 180 over my head.

    Hopefully it goes well. If not ill see you more ripped in a few.

    Ill be doing pushups and eating tuna for 24 hours a day
    Its hard to stay free. Everyone is such a pussy scared for their lives. In the state of missouri if they can prove you entered into any structure with the intention of commiting any crime such as a threat, it classifies as felony b burglary sentencing of 5-15 years. If you have a prosecutor trying to justify his job, he will hit you with a count for everyone you threaten. You could have faced 15-45 years for you heinous crime.

  13. #133
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Yep, I read that when researching trespassing laws last night.

    Ovezealous prosecutors will up charge you With 5 different counts hoping to get you to plea out to one and drop the others in some makeshift half assed deal.

    I need prayers, I can't leave my family. It will,effectively make 3 People homeless if I get cracked for more than a week.

    My 6 year old daughter, and fiancee will loose the financial support and sooner than later be out on the street.

    I wish my test induced temper would have let me keep my fat mouth shut. But I saw red I needed my needles. Lol, kinda. After getting 3 pharmacies that day deny me After 2 months of easy sailing, I freaked
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  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Yep, I read that when researching trespassing laws last night.

    Ovezealous prosecutors will up charge you With 5 different counts hoping to get you to plea out to one and drop the others in some makeshift half assed deal.

    I need prayers, I can't leave my family. It will,effectively make 3 People homeless if I get cracked for more than a week.

    My 6 year old daughter, and fiancee will loose the financial support and sooner than later be out on the street.

    I wish my test induced temper would have let me keep my fat mouth shut. But I saw red I needed my needles. Lol, kinda. After getting 3 pharmacies that day deny me After 2 months of easy sailing, I freaked
    Having a record makes it hard. I will pray for you. I know you dont need to be leaving your family over chewing someones ass.
    Soon enough I will be able to tell my story on here, its pretty fucking unbelievable. No one understands what its like until they have been there. People stand judging, thinking oh that guy has been to prison he must be a pos! They see one tenth of a story and say some very uneducated things. They are quick to point fingers and demand stern judicial action.
    One day they wake up and roll out of bed into a felony indictment and woder "why me?"

    Its so fucking simple and easy in todays world of spinless people, to go to prison, its sickening.
    I know the knot in your gut brother, it will all work out in the end man. God bless.

  15. #135
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    When my shit came raining down, I was working a full time job and starting my tree service entirely alone with 5 kids and a wife that literally did nothing to help any matters. I was working 100 hour weeks and coming home to a destroyed house and my bank account emptied daily. I didnt have time to take a piss let alone get charged for a crime. What fucking crime, I worked for everything and did not socialize?

    I got charged. So my wife decides its time to work on herself by leaving with the kids and how about that seven days later she meets someone (yeah right). I laid in bed hearing shit that wasnt there and ready to die not really giving a fuck.

    More to come at a later date.

  16. #136
    kirkjamest is offline Junior Member
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    Well shit man, I hope they don't try to throw the book at you. Buying protein bars is hardly enough to prove a trespass with intent to steal (aka burglary). The no trespass order has to come from an underlying charge of theft in order to justify a burglary. A no tresspass order for aggravated menacing should be a different scenario all together. IMO you should only be facing a paper violation and maybe a misdemeanor tresspass. And if you are charged that way, AND if this your first pv chances are you will get reinstated.

    Sounds to me like a case that can be handled relatively easy in my state. Don't believe the hype on the net man, no prosecutor in his/her right mind should try to lock up someone on a first pv with no new crime. I don't know what state you're in but I could walk you on that BS the in my hometown. Get an attorney who gives a crap.

  17. #137
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kirkjamest View Post
    Well shit man, I hope they don't try to throw the book at you. Buying protein bars is hardly enough to prove a trespass with intent to steal (aka burglary). The no trespass order has to come from an underlying charge of theft in order to justify a burglary. A no tresspass order for aggravated menacing should be a different scenario all together. IMO you should only be facing a paper violation and maybe a misdemeanor tresspass. And if you are charged that way, AND if this your first pv chances are you will get reinstated.

    Sounds to me like a case that can be handled relatively easy in my state. Don't believe the hype on the net man, no prosecutor in his/her right mind should try to lock up someone on a first pv with no new crime. I don't know what state you're in but I could walk you on that BS the in my hometown. Get an attorney who gives a crap.
    It is a new crime.


    But yeah I hope not.

    I would have to literally start my life over

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by kirkjamest View Post
    Well shit man, I hope they don't try to throw the book at you. Buying protein bars is hardly enough to prove a trespass with intent to steal (aka burglary). The no trespass order has to come from an underlying charge of theft in order to justify a burglary. A no tresspass order for aggravated menacing should be a different scenario all together. IMO you should only be facing a paper violation and maybe a misdemeanor tresspass. And if you are charged that way, AND if this your first pv chances are you will get reinstated.

    Sounds to me like a case that can be handled relatively easy in my state. Don't believe the hype on the net man, no prosecutor in his/her right mind should try to lock up someone on a first pv with no new crime. I don't know what state you're in but I could walk you on that BS the in my hometown. Get an attorney who gives a crap.
    Burglary is defined by each state. In my state it is "entering a structure with the intention of commiting any crime". You dont have to illegaly enter the structure, you dont have to steal anything.
    Its a very fucked up system. Everyone thinks the legal system is not harsh enough, then they get an indictment.

    You can walk in a place and threaten to whoop someones ass and see 2-3 times as much prison time as a child sex offender.

  19. #139
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    Well my PO must love me or have a crush on me. She said I was only short 10days of completing my 6 months paper, and that IT WAS not a condition of my probation to stay out of any store. Just maintain a job was the only condition.

    She let me off paper Scot free.

    Told me that since there was never a actual warning on file at local pd, regarding being told to stay out,that they will probably dismiss the trespassing charge come monday, if not its at worst going to be a fine of 250.

    Pays to look boyish cute and sexy I guess.


    No it pays to not have actually done shit but scare people with threats
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  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Well my PO must love me or have a crush on me. She said I was only short 10days of completing my 6 months paper, and that IT WAS not a condition of my probation to stay out of any store. Just maintain a job was the only condition.

    She let me off paper Scot free.

    Told me that since there was never a actual warning on file at local pd, regarding being told to stay out,that they will probably dismiss the trespassing charge come monday, if not its at worst going to be a fine of 250.

    Pays to look boyish cute and sexy I guess.


    No it pays to not have actually done shit but scare people with threats
    Hell yeah! Good to hear!

  21. #141
    kirkjamest is offline Junior Member
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    Good, glad to hear it. This is why you don't want to look at stuff on the internet and its good to have an attorney for a friend.

    Obs, yes burglary is defined in many different ways, in my state an intent to steal has to be the underlying motive and that has been upheld by our S. Ct. However, Breaking and Entering can be charged on anyone for just about anything. Don't even need to break anything to enter, just entering with a no tresspass will get a person indicted for B and E.

    If there is no record of "no tresspass" citation, the coppers can't prove squat couch, of course they may try to pressure you in court still but if they can't produce it, no case. Glad to hear you're square.

  22. #142
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    Bro if you fly off the handle like that and you love your family GO NATTY! Beacuse seems like you can't handle aas.

  23. #143
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kirkjamest View Post
    Good, glad to hear it. This is why you don't want to look at stuff on the internet and its good to have an attorney for a friend.

    Obs, yes burglary is defined in many different ways, in my state an intent to steal has to be the underlying motive and that has been upheld by our S. Ct. However, Breaking and Entering can be charged on anyone for just about anything. Don't even need to break anything to enter, just entering with a no tresspass will get a person indicted for B and E.

    If there is no record of "no tresspass" citation, the coppers can't prove squat couch, of course they may try to pressure you in court still but if they can't produce it, no case. Glad to hear you're square.
    Yes all good.

    Its my past record.

    Agg. Armed rob.
    Home invasion
    Concealed handgun
    Multiple possessions of narc.

    All from 1 single incident the week i turned 18.

    Prosecutors in the past when dealing with minor things say "your a hardened criminal".

    I'm like 'no, I'm not. It was one incident 13 years ago"

    Basically a dope crack fiend stole my 1962 vespa scooter out of my garage. I then a week later found he sold it to the crack pushers in the jets for 150 bucks worth of drugs.

    I had to pay them dicks 500 for them to give it back.

    I found who it was and me and a few friends kicked his door in beat him with a pistol, and we destroyed his shitty ass tv, vcr, microwave and fucked up his stove.


    I ate the blame for my buddies so they wouldn't go down.

    I had spent nearly 3500 dollars to restore that scooter, sent the motor and tranny assembly off to first kick scooter in Cali to be rebuilt.

    Body was sent to a classic auto body restorer and refinished to original factory baby blue baked laquer color.

    Rechromed, the whole 9 yards.

    The scooter was left in the garage of my grandfathers house when he died and we inherited it. It was in our family since 1962.

    I worked since age of 15.5 years old at a family owned paint and hardware store for 5.25 per hour it took 3 years to save that money, including birthdays and Xmas money.

    Needles to say I was pissed.

    Regret it now.

    And worst part was the dealers who traded for it ran the 2 stroke engine on plain gas no oil. And fucked it all up.

    I used to even put lead additive in it.

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Just a fyi for all my friends,

    If you don't hear from me for , I dunno, 30 to 180 days, I'm not dead. Ill be in county lock up for a punk was Probation violation (you know those pharmacies I mentioned in another thread I'm not allowed in? I mindlessly went into one Friday night, had the cops called and got arrested for criminal trespass) and a condition of my probation was to stay out, I completely overlooked the fact they meant ALL WALLGREENS not just the one were the incident occured, SOME how the security lady that worked at one, was filling in a shift at a separate one.

    One minute I'm buying protein bars, next minute I'm being asked for ID by 4 cops. And immediately put in cuffs.

    The original incident was "if I wasn't in a hurry, id come across this counter, shove your head up her ass, and your head up his was and make a pharmacist totem poll. Ill finish it off by stuffing the whole box of syringes up your bottom members ass and drag you out front and skull fuck all three of you.

    Well they didn't take that lightly, called cops was put on paper for agg. Menacing, inciting panic, and disorderly conduct.

    With my prior record they went hard and gave me 12 months paper and 180 over my head.

    Hopefully it goes well. If not ill see you more ripped in a few.

    Ill be doing pushups and eating tuna for 24 hours a day
    Don't drop the soap.
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  25. #145
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post

    Don't drop the soap.
    I'm clear. I ain't going no were.

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Yes all good.

    Its my past record.

    Agg. Armed rob.
    Home invasion
    Concealed handgun
    Multiple possessions of narc.

    All from 1 single incident the week i turned 18.

    Prosecutors in the past when dealing with minor things say "your a hardened criminal".

    I'm like 'no, I'm not. It was one incident 13 years ago"

    Basically a dope crack fiend stole my 1962 vespa scooter out of my garage. I then a week later found he sold it to the crack pushers in the jets for 150 bucks worth of drugs.

    I had to pay them dicks 500 for them to give it back.

    I found who it was and me and a few friends kicked his door in beat him with a pistol, and we destroyed his shitty ass tv, vcr, microwave and fucked up his stove.


    I ate the blame for my buddies so they wouldn't go down.

    I had spent nearly 3500 dollars to restore that scooter, sent the motor and tranny assembly off to first kick scooter in Cali to be rebuilt.

    Body was sent to a classic auto body restorer and refinished to original factory baby blue baked laquer color.

    Rechromed, the whole 9 yards.

    The scooter was left in the garage of my grandfathers house when he died and we inherited it. It was in our family since 1962.

    I worked since age of 15.5 years old at a family owned paint and hardware store for 5.25 per hour it took 3 years to save that money, including birthdays and Xmas money.

    Needles to say I was pissed.

    Regret it now.

    And worst part was the dealers who traded for it ran the 2 stroke engine on plain gas no oil. And fucked it all up.

    I used to even put lead additive in it.

  27. #147
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post


    1962 150cc 4 speed manual Italian motor scooter top speed 75mph

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	167651

  28. #148
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    I don't care wat you did in the past I ain't here too judge you all I am saying is if aas makes you act like that out in public you need to rethink things.And hell it was only test don't you dare touch tren you will be gone.

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post

    1962 150cc 4 speed manual Italian motor scooter top speed 75mph

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	images.jpg 
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ID:	167649

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1966.jpg 
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	178509946_1962Vespa150.jpg 
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Size:	27.7 KB 
ID:	167651
    Daytona Dyna Glide
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	167654

  30. #150
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I don't care wat you did in the past I ain't here too judge you all I am saying is if aas makes you act like that out in public you need to rethink things.And hell it was only test don't you dare touch tren you will be gone.
    Its more my actual temper, I'm a hot headed 75% Sicilian 25% Italian .

    The freak out was more me than aas, although it probably doesn't help, maybe it lowered my filter a little bit. But not aas fault
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  31. #151
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Aight nvm legal stuff.

    Back to ped.

    With test suspension/TNE, would using 50mg pre workout 3x a week cause a need to readjust Ai's dose around TNE use?

  32. #152
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Ok so its been 8 days since my last 20mg dose of Nolva. Ran Nolva 6 weeks, Clomid 4 weeks.

    I also quit smoking 8 days ago.

    I feel like a million dollars.

    Never felt bad during pct. I did drop some weight (fat, mainly)

    I ate like a demon whole cycle and even bigger during pct. No shit some days my little ass took in 5500 cals (mainly days n protein.) Was not in common to eat scoops of whey mixed with 8 oz all natural organic fresh ground peanut butter.

    2 to 2.5 pounds of cooked breast a day.

    Still sitting at 150lbs naked after morning poop.

    Oh I also quit smoking pot the day I stopped cigs. Had to, pot made me habitually want cigs after a session.

    Any way first cycle guys don't believe the hype about pct being terrible, I'm a naturally down negative doomsday type guy, and I felt fine.

    I wanna thank a few guys for their invaluable advice before during, and after cycle.

    Mr. BB
    Song dog

    I also wanna thank my buddies for bulkshitting with me and making this fun,

    You guys made this a very welcome and warm place to cyber chill.

  33. #153
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    What is your net gain in lbs?

  34. #154
    PT1982's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Well last pin is going to be monday, test c 300mg,

    Will continue my hcg and car at 35mg ed until pct.

    I'm already planning next cycle of test, eq, var

    I'm thinking though, I was lightly considering cruising into the next cycle at 100mg to 200mg per week of cyp.

    I'm leaning towards pct like I planed but can't help thinking about cruising for 60 days into next cycle?

    Good lawd! Var and EQ would have me crippled these days. I'm getting back and calve pumps just thinking about this. Lol. I wish you guys would find a fountain of youth for me to go live in

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT1982 View Post

    Good lawd! Var and EQ would have me crippled these days. I'm getting back and calve pumps just thinking about this. Lol. I wish you guys would find a fountain of youth for me to go live in
    I didnt run var and eq.

    I ran a slight short bit of var for 28 days.

    All it did was help get a touch of strength. Torwards the end when strength gains started leveling off.

    I went from 137 lbs to 155 on cycle, and now am at 150.

    My most impressive gains were not mass, they were strength.

    1 rep max bench went from 260 to 315.

    Workouts with 70 lbs dumbbell bench went from 12 reps to easy 25 reps for sets.

    80s went from the same 10-12 reps to easily getting 25.

    I was able to pick up and rep 100lb dumbs for 8 to 10 reps.

    Right now, I lost a bit on bench, I tried a max the other day, I got 295, I tried for 310 after but missed it pretty bad. I may have been spent from the 295, either way I know by how 295 felt, 315 was just not in the realm of possible .

    But hell, 295 is 145 lbs over body weight.

    I'm happy.

    In really want to run my next cycle now, but I am not till July or August.

    Its going to be
    1-14 test e at 400mg per week
    3-14 mast e at 400mg per week
    3-14 Test base (TNE) 50MG 3x a week before chest day. Back day. And arms day.

    If course AI eod, and hcg 2x per week, and same pct I ran for this cycle
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  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I didnt run var and eq.

    I ran a slight short bit of var for 28 days.

    All it did was help get a touch of strength. Torwards the end when strength gains started leveling off.

    I went from 137 lbs to 155 on cycle, and now am at 150.

    My most impressive gains were not mass, they were strength.

    1 rep max bench went from 260 to 315.

    Workouts with 70 lbs dumbbell bench went from 12 reps to easy 25 reps for sets.

    80s went from the same 10-12 reps to easily getting 25.

    I was able to pick up and rep 100lb dumbs for 8 to 10 reps.

    Right now, I lost a bit on bench, I tried a max the other day, I got 295, I tried for 310 after but missed it pretty bad. I may have been spent from the 295, either way I know by how 295 felt, 315 was just not in the realm of possible .

    But hell, 295 is 145 lbs over body weight.

    I'm happy.

    In really want to run my next cycle now, but I am not till July or August.

    Its going to be
    1-14 test e at 400mg per week
    3-14 mast e at 400mg per week
    3-14 Test base (TNE) 50MG 3x a week before chest day. Back day. And arms day.

    If course AI eod, and hcg 2x per week, and same pct I ran for this cycle
    I know that anavar is one of the most amazing drugs for me to put on mass. Believe it or not. It gives me pumps so bad that I can't really tell much on strength increases, but I have a really easy time putting on a quick 10 lean pounds over 6 weeks. Winstrol for me might as well be halo. I can increase most of my compounds movements by 35% pretty fast. It leans me out, but makes me strong as heck. I rarely use winstrol anymore though. I liked it, but I like anavar much better.

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I didnt run var and eq.

    I ran a slight short bit of var for 28 days.

    All it did was help get a touch of strength. Torwards the end when strength gains started leveling off.

    I went from 137 lbs to 155 on cycle, and now am at 150.

    My most impressive gains were not mass, they were strength.

    1 rep max bench went from 260 to 315.

    Workouts with 70 lbs dumbbell bench went from 12 reps to easy 25 reps for sets.

    80s went from the same 10-12 reps to easily getting 25.

    I was able to pick up and rep 100lb dumbs for 8 to 10 reps.

    Right now, I lost a bit on bench, I tried a max the other day, I got 295, I tried for 310 after but missed it pretty bad. I may have been spent from the 295, either way I know by how 295 felt, 315 was just not in the realm of possible .

    But hell, 295 is 145 lbs over body weight.

    I'm happy.

    In really want to run my next cycle now, but I am not till July or August.

    Its going to be
    1-14 test e at 400mg per week
    3-14 mast e at 400mg per week
    3-14 Test base (TNE) 50MG 3x a week before chest day. Back day. And arms day.

    If course AI eod, and hcg 2x per week, and same pct I ran for this cycle
    I been meaning to ask you if you lost anything. Good job! Keep after it and charge into another!

  38. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Just a fyi for all my friends,

    If you don't hear from me for , I dunno, 30 to 180 days, I'm not dead. Ill be in county lock up for a punk was Probation violation (you know those pharmacies I mentioned in another thread I'm not allowed in? I mindlessly went into one Friday night, had the cops called and got arrested for criminal trespass) and a condition of my probation was to stay out, I completely overlooked the fact they meant ALL WALLGREENS not just the one were the incident occured, SOME how the security lady that worked at one, was filling in a shift at a separate one.

    One minute I'm buying protein bars, next minute I'm being asked for ID by 4 cops. And immediately put in cuffs.

    The original incident was "if I wasn't in a hurry, id come across this counter, shove your head up her ass, and your head up his was and make a pharmacist totem poll. Ill finish it off by stuffing the whole box of syringes up your bottom members ass and drag you out front and skull fuck all three of you.

    Well they didn't take that lightly, called cops was put on paper for agg. Menacing, inciting panic, and disorderly conduct.

    With my prior record they went hard and gave me 12 months paper and 180 over my head.

    Hopefully it goes well. If not ill see you more ripped in a few.

    Ill be doing pushups and eating tuna for 24 hours a day
    Nevermind. Question answered above..
    Last edited by Marsoc; 03-02-2017 at 09:44 PM.

  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Nevermind. Question answered above..
    Yeah it turned out good. P.o. didn't care, not a condition of paper to not go in again.

    I just gotta deal with the trespass, which is no biggie

  40. #160
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    So 6 weeks after last pct dose is a good time to run post cycle bloods? Correct?

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