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Thread: I tried Dnp

  1. #41
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Shit, why not just order some tapeworm eggs online and swallow them down

  2. #42
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Shit, why not just order some tapeworm eggs online and swallow them down
    That was also an old remedy for fat loss;
    A package of
    -tape worms
    Take the antibiotics when you want the worms to die.

    Wonder if somebody actually does it nowadays?
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  3. #43
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    That was also an old remedy for fat loss;
    A package of
    -tape worms
    Take the antibiotics when you want the worms to die.

    Wonder if somebody actually does it nowadays?
    Crazy. Put something dangerous in your body then antidote when you want the side effects to stop.

    Even more crazy to put poison in with no way to make the side effects to stop.

    Decisions decisions......
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  4. #44
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Dnp , its a crazy Nazi invention.

    "Take this and you won't freeze when you fight Russians in winter. Yes its going to kill them, but not as fast as the winter would or the Russians"

    No thanks. Herman göring

  5. #45
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Nah, don't know if the nazis tried it, if so, not in any great amount on their soldiers. Might have tried it when they experimented on concentration camp prisoner of how long people they could survive in ice water and be resuscitated.

    But we've barely heard about the experiments the Japanese did, which was on a scale very much larger than what the nazis did.
    F.ex. They contaminated a village of 200000 with the bubonic plague/Black Death.

  6. #46
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Nah, don't know if the nazis tried it, if so, not in any great amount on their soldiers. Might have tried it when they experimented on concentration camp prisoner of how long people they could survive in ice water and be resuscitated.

    But we've barely heard about the experiments the Japanese did, which was on a scale very much larger than what the nazis did.
    F.ex. They contaminated a village of 200000 with the bubonic plague/Black Death.
    There is a really gruesome and detailed book about the empirial Japanese army's medical experiments on Korean and Chinese POW and slaves. I can't think of the name of it off hand. Their program made the nazis look like boy scouts, some very disturbing stuff. Then to the US's credit, when they discovered these experiments and literature. They punished all the war generals and war criminals and took the doctors back to the US and continued the work.
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  7. #47
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auscraig View Post
    I have used DNP a lot.
    Extremely effective. The side effects are no worse than other products we all use. Yes it is dangerous if you overdose. Very simple concept. Don't overdose.
    The main side effect is obvious, you get hot. Very hot. The more carbs you eat the hotter you get. Also skin, urine and seman go yellow. This is because of the compound itsleft not because of dehydration or anything else. It is a dye. It literally temporarily dyes you yellow.
    The fatalities from DNP have almost all been attributed to teenage girls double dosing to get better results. Rarely if ever a athlete overdosing.
    The story about blindness, many studies find lack of evidence and end as inconclusive.
    I regularly have liver and kidney function tests and never had an issue. I've probably completed 5 courses over 2-3 years lasting 3-4 weeks each.
    No health problems to mention.
    Of cause, you take to much, you will die.
    Hi. Some will say you are cheating death and cheating yourself of proper training and diet. Since you cycle it a lot, seems this may be true. Why don't you establish a baseline training and nutrition plan rather then yoyo weight gain and not risk death?

    How certain can u be is the strength - until OD And f up your life. Your choice but do not recommend this as a fat loss protocol over proper training and nutrition.

  8. #48
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    There was a member Gingerbreadman who ran DNP experiment. Lost fat....and then gained it all back plus some. Served a purpose of cutting fat but not how to eat consistently.

  9. #49
    PT1982's Avatar
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    Guys come on now! There is always use for DNP . We wouldn't have gotten as many photos of the WW1 & WW2 era without it. Not to mention a terrific fungicide to use in the sterilization of external wounds that have been left untreated for many days.

    Oh wait..... are some of you guys eating it? Lol.

  10. #50
    Auscraig is offline New Member
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    Yeah most of your comments are simply unusefull.

    Why do I think I'm healthy after 5 cycles? Because as I said I had liver and kidney function tests ( which are the most direct indicator of toxicity ) and because I have regular medicals for my job. Yearly in fact. Which include ECG, urine protein, blood glucose, other blood work, hearing and eyesight tests.
    So yeah. I know what I'm talking about unlike most of you just making claims based on nothing.

    I said myself you should not do cardio and train heavily on DNP . Yes I did mate. Apparently you say "this says it all".
    If you understand even remotely what DNP does to help you burn fat then you understand why.
    DNP depletes energy levels at a cellular level.
    So bad idea to go doing heavy exercise.
    This is exactly the same as heavy dieting or keto. It's not a dangerous side effect, it's what the shit is meant to do.

    Most comments made seem to be based on belief and not facts. So I'll stop posting it's a useless argument.

    Oh and why have I used it so much ? Someone mentioned this must mean all my techniques and dieting is wrong. The same reason many of you use clen or other anabolics to loose fat. So unless you are going to have a go at all those peOple as well. Pull your head in
    Last edited by Auscraig; 08-24-2017 at 08:48 PM.

  11. #51
    austinite's Avatar
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    I am not a fan of DNP and my use was too long ago. ALIN is very familiar with it and can answer questions. Maybe reach out to him.

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  12. #52
    Auscraig is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    There was a member Gingerbreadman who ran DNP experiment. Lost fat....and then gained it all back plus some. Served a purpose of cutting fat but not how to eat consistently.
    Have you never heard of bulking and cutting cycles mate? It's like just to win your argument you completely discredit the most popular body building method around. Smart

  13. #53
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auscraig View Post
    Have you never heard of bulking and cutting cycles mate? It's like just to win your argument you completely discredit the most popular body building method around. Smart
    Heard of cutting without DNP ?

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auscraig View Post
    Yeah most of your comments are simply unusefull.

    "Why do I think I'm healthy after 5 cycles?" "I know what I'm talking about unlike most of you just making claims based on nothing."
    I don't think anyone is saying you don't know what you're talking about. But to assume some of us don't just because we don't think it should be used is not reasonable. That's a flaw on you. Of course there are some who've never used it, but there are plenty of resources out there for people to learn from. That doesn't mean they don't know what they're talking about. It just means that they have chosen not to go down the path because the risk to reward ratio is off putting. I would venture to say about 90% of people will tell you it's a bad idea for the simple fact that it is. I mean yeah, you can use it, but you can also use mercury. It doesn't mean it's a good idea. It's not "like" a poison, it is literally a poison. In the end it's up to you to decide. I consider this Q&A section more about harm reduction rather than to affirm everyone's ideas. I think using DNP , bloodwork or not, is a harmful practice. That's from both studying the chemical itself as well as using it. There is nothing that would make me think running DNP again would be a good idea. You can take all the T3/T4 in the world. B12, vitamin C, clen , 3 gallons of water, etc and still feel like garbage. If you say you felt great taking it you're either lying, or it was bunk or way underdosed. I've known dozens and dozens of people who have used it (and many that still do), and I've never heard of anyone who looks forward to using it.
    Last edited by PT1982; 08-25-2017 at 02:55 PM.
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  15. #55
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auscraig View Post
    Yeah most of your comments are simply unusefull.

    Why do I think I'm healthy after 5 cycles? Because as I said I had liver and kidney function tests ( which are the most direct indicator of toxicity ) and because I have regular medicals for my job. Yearly in fact. Which include ECG, urine protein, blood glucose, other blood work, hearing and eyesight tests.
    So yeah. I know what I'm talking about unlike most of you just making claims based on nothing.

    I said myself you should not do cardio and train heavily on DNP . Yes I did mate. Apparently you say "this says it all".
    If you understand even remotely what DNP does to help you burn fat then you understand why.
    DNP depletes energy levels at a cellular level.
    So bad idea to go doing heavy exercise.
    This is exactly the same as heavy dieting or keto. It's not a dangerous side effect, it's what the shit is meant to do.

    Most comments made seem to be based on belief and not facts. So I'll stop posting it's a useless argument.

    Oh and why have I used it so much ? Someone mentioned this must mean all my techniques and dieting is wrong. The same reason many of you use clen or other anabolics to loose fat. So unless you are going to have a go at all those peOple as well. Pull your head in
    Oh, god. Getting a bit defensive are we?

    I would wager I know pretty well what DNP does.
    It does exactly the same as a natural compound your body produce called "thermogenin", except the body only produce that in brown adipose tissue, and it is tightly controlled.

    What I reacted to is that you advocate a drug that has a very low safety profile.
    What I mean by that is it has a low ED to LD ratio. (Effective dose:lethal dose)

    And since you (or most people) won't know if what they got is 100% pure or less, that makes it even more dangerous.
    Cause of it's long half life and toxicity.

    I don't have any moral reason against it.

    And why I said that you can't train while using it kinda sums it up for me,
    isn't because I think one should train on it.
    I know why one can't, or shouldn't.

    That sets DNP apart from all other diet aids we use.

    To each their own, if it works for you by all means.
    But when you ingest something that makes you unable to train,
    that's not a good way to cut in my book.

    I could see DNP having its uses for people that are headed for gastric bypass,
    under very controlled conditions, but that's about it.

    If you are able to lift weights then why use DNP as a shortcut?

    That's also why I asked whether you got leaner each time,
    or why you needed it again and again.
    That was a question, not a personal attack.
    I followed it up with that I think most people who use DNP will regain their weight, precisely because it just causes weight loss without any change in diet or lifestyle.

    I don't know you, so I can't speak about your use,
    but I can ask questions and give my opinion on what I think most people will get out of it; which is a temporary weight loss and feeling shit,
    and if they dose it wrong or push it (which is common to do when you do it again and again; it's human nature to think that if 400mg made me lose X amount, I'm now gonna use 800mg to lose more)
    which is particularly unsafe with DNP.

    It's everyone's choice, and as far as morality, I don't give a fuck.
    But if you were my friend I'd suggest extreme caution and looking at other alternatives first.
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  16. #56
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    And if you want to explain how DNP works,
    How it effects the mitochondrial electron chain, disrupting the H+ (proton) gradient, uncoupling ATP production from the passage of protons through the ATPase "rotary pump", and so on.
    Be my guest,
    but I know it pretty well.

    And when you think about that most cells use about 40% of their energy to drive the Na/Ka-antiporter, one can allready see why messing with a nonspecific mitochondrial uncoupler has some side effects.

    On a side note,
    DNP in very small doses is actually quite interesting,
    seems it could be of use in some disorders of the nervous system.
    But that's another story altogether.
    PT1982 likes this.

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