1st cycle was a success, and I ran tren at 125mg EOD plus my TRT. Gained size, strength, got a little leaner, and kept most of my gains. I did not like the bacne I got from it, or how my liver and cholesterol levels were slightly elevated, or how my T3 and T4 levels decreased below the normal range.

So, instead of running tren for 8 weeks, couldn't I'm thinking of doing this:
Week 1-12 - Test Cyp
Week 1-6 - Oral Winstrol
Week 7-14 - Anavar

1. Does "Moon Face" from high test come from elevated E2? So long as I keep my E2 in the 20's, will that eliminate moon face or does high level test cause water retention via other means as well?
2. Would this cycle accomplish essentially the same thing as my tren cycle did?
