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  1. #1
    n1x0n is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2015

    PCT - Feeling like shit

    Second cycle. I did the following:

    1-15 Test E 300mg Mon/Thurs
    1-18 HCG 250iu Mon/Thurs
    1-18 Adex 0.25mg Mon/Thurs
    12-18 Tbol 80mg ed

    21 days after last pin
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 75/50/50

    I'm currently on week 2 of PCT and I don't feel that good. My first PCT went by without me even noticing but this time around its harder.

    I have a very short fuse, moody, lethargic. My strength is still there, I haven't lost anything yet. Volume wise I have lost a bit but I guess it's mostly water in this short time.

    My question is if it's the clomid that's causing this or just my hormones beeing fckd from beeing on for 15 weeks? Should I try to discontinue the clomid or should I bare with it?

    Last time I did pct I followed the same protocol but it was clomid from an UG so it can have been bunk and maybe that's why I didn't feel like shit last time?

  2. #2
    Eduke93's Avatar
    Eduke93 is offline Senior Member
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    Try and stick with it if you can... It will get better.

  3. #3
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    I personally can't run Clomid; I get so depressed from it that I won't even eat (bye bye, gains). I substitute with Toremifene instead. PCT, in general, sucks anyway. I always feel down, moody, depressed, and lethargic, but Clomid seems to make it exponentially worse. Perhaps do some research on it, and you can give it a try on your next run.

  4. #4
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Stick with your PCT. Your hormones have been through a rollercoaster ride and it is somewhat of a mind fvck until you regain your normal levels. Personally, I would pull labs 4-6 weeks post PCT to make sure everything is back in range. Ideally, it is a good idea to pull labs pre cycle as well so you know what your "normal" levels are.
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  5. #5
    n1x0n is offline Junior Member
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    Well tomorrow is the last day of PCT. I still feel like shit. I haven't had sex in like 5 weeks, I'm tired, I feel like I'm 100 years old when I wake up, I'm barely able to speak at work.

    Omg I'm never cycling again.

  6. #6
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    Ahh, steroids

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  7. #7
    Lordluke's Avatar
    Lordluke is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by n1x0n View Post
    Well tomorrow is the last day of PCT. I still feel like shit. I haven't had sex in like 5 weeks, I'm tired, I feel like I'm 100 years old when I wake up, I'm barely able to speak at work.

    Omg I'm never cycling again.
    Don’t worry mate things will come good, this is the part where you need to be mentally strong. Just focus on eating well and training hard. Don’t let this part get the better of you, you’ve Come this far, man up and power through it.

  8. #8
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yeah f*ck Clomid. That sh*t F*CKS with my emotions bad...IMO it's much better to blast hcg to kick your nuts back into gear while taking Nolva to make sure you don't grow tits lol.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by n1x0n View Post
    Second cycle. I did the following:

    1-15 Test E 300mg Mon/Thurs
    1-18 HCG 250iu Mon/Thurs
    1-18 Adex 0.25mg Mon/Thurs
    12-18 Tbol 80mg ed

    21 days after last pin
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 75/50/50

    I'm currently on week 2 of PCT and I don't feel that good. My first PCT went by without me even noticing but this time around its harder.

    I have a very short fuse, moody, lethargic. My strength is still there, I haven't lost anything yet. Volume wise I have lost a bit but I guess it's mostly water in this short time.

    My question is if it's the clomid that's causing this or just my hormones beeing fckd from beeing on for 15 weeks? Should I try to discontinue the clomid or should I bare with it?

    Last time I did pct I followed the same protocol but it was clomid from an UG so it can have been bunk and maybe that's why I didn't feel like shit last time?
    If your estrogen level is changing due to the PCT, you could be experiencing and estrogen rebound. It's a chemical change in the brain that affects mood. It's like having depression. It's a physical/chemical change in the brain. It's not you, it's the darn brain chemical. It's not going to go away because someone told you to "man up". You'll just have to ride the wave through it. When your body chemistry reaches homeostasis, you'll feel better. It stinks but it's a part of an AAS cycle. One question is, "why didn't I feel this way on my last cycle?" Every cycle is an "new" cycle for your body. I cycled Tren a number of times with no issues. Then on a particular Tren cycle I noticed hair loss! Give yourself some slack and don't get down on yourself. It's temporary and it will pass.

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