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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1
    freakyshreddedcraig is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2018

    First Cycle

    Hey guys I've been doing a lot of research in preparation for my first cycle. However, as I'm sure a lot of you know there are a lot of conflicting answers on here. I really want to keep it simple for the first one and was thinking:

    week 1-(500mg)
    week 2-(500mg)
    week 3-(500mg)
    week 4-(500mg)
    week 5-(500mg)
    week 6-(500mg)
    week 7-(500mg)
    week 8-(500mg)
    week 9-(500mg)
    week 10 -(500mg)
    week 11-(Clear System)
    week 12-(Clear System)
    week 13-(PCT) 2 (nolva) per day 40mg total per day
    week 14-(PCT) 2 (nolva) per day 40mg total per day
    week 15-(PCT) 1 (nolva) per day 20mg total per day
    week 16-(PCT) 1 (nolva) per day 20mg total per day

    Injection days 250mg on Monday/Thursday
    Test-E 500mg per week

    also taking: 10mg of Nolvadex per day for estrogen/gyno control

    will switch to letrozole every other day at half a 2.5mg tab if serious gyno problem occurs

    Some basic questions: Do I continue to take nolva at the 10 mg while in weeks 11-12? Should I take nolva outright or wait till symptoms occur? Anything I'm missing? and any concerns?

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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  3. #3
    freakyshreddedcraig is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Thanks, this was very helpful! I've seen some articles saying that I shouldn't run HCG the first time and that nolvadex is fine for controlling estrogen on the cycle? and for PCT? and should i add clomid to PCT? sound about right?

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