Hey guys, few questions.

I’m coming to the ladder portion of my first cycle. I’m in competition prep right now, the cycle is Test CYP (500mg/week), clen (2 weeks on, 2 off) winstrol (50mg/day), AI, I absolutely love it.

But questions, I’m looking into doing nolva + clomid as my PCT. Would you guys stack anything along with it? Change anything? Stats are below.

Also, would love to see suggestions/comments on a 2nd cycle (for offseason or early contest prep next season). After I run the PCT for 8 weeks (getting blood work done) then stay off everything for 4-8 weeks (getting blood work done again). By that time I might even be back into competition prep.

Any feedback would be great. Thanks.

170lbs (currently but dropping due to prep)
22 y/o
BF: unknown, getting dexa scan done next weekend.
Physique competitior