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Thread: Gear and cortisol

  1. #41
    fiddlesticks's Avatar
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    I find it extremely unlikely we produce anywhere close to 50iu. Few studies I read showed plasma insulin levels going up literally 120x the normal amount from around 30-80 ius. Whatever the case is , the exogenous insulin is ridiculously strong at doses 5iu or less compared to a natural dude's production. To me its pretty weird that the pros get so insulin resistant because in my own observation I've noticed alot of AAS make the body WAY more sensitive to insulin, especially orals
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 02-19-2019 at 09:54 PM.

  2. #42
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    I find it extremely unlikely we produce anywhere close to 50iu. Few studies I read showed plasma insulin levels going up literally 120x the normal amount from around 30-80 ius. Whatever the case is , the exogenous insulin is ridiculously strong at doses 5iu or less compared to a natural dude's production. To me its pretty weird that the pros get so insulin resistant because in my own observation I've noticed alot of AAS make the body WAY more sensitive to insulin, especially orals
    It's long term use of growth hormone that causes insulin resistance not AAS.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    It's long term use of growth hormone that causes insulin resistance not AAS.
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    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 02-20-2019 at 03:03 PM.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    It's long term use of growth hormone that causes insulin resistance not AAS.
    Even so, I've seen some pretty astonishing differences in insulin sensitivity from certain aas but I think the required amount of insulin goes up very very much the more size is obtained. I've seen dudes at the top that run 200-350iu mostly long acting and basically drink a sugary drink constantly throughout the day. Don't really understand how people can consistently eat 2000 carbs a day but it's possible.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    Even so, I've seen some pretty astonishing differences in insulin sensitivity from certain aas but I think the required amount of insulin goes up very very much the more size is obtained. I've seen dudes at the top that run 200-350iu mostly long acting and basically drink a sugary drink constantly throughout the day. Don't really understand how people can consistently eat 2000 carbs a day but it's possible.
    I honestly don't know enough about insulin to make any valuable contributions to this conversation lol. Insulin seems to be the second least discussed tool in bodybuilding (synthol being the first) which is why there's SO much misinformation out there. Hell, there's actually people out there at this very moment who still think the guy on the cover of Flex magazine looks like that because he does 30 sets and drinks whey protein powder and creatine postwork out lol.

  6. #46
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    I honestly don't know enough about insulin to make any valuable contributions to this conversation lol. Insulin seems to be the second least discussed tool in bodybuilding (synthol being the first)
    don't forget about DNP !

    its getting to the point where the fear mongering about insulin is finally settling down and people are realizing its one of the most side effect free 'anabolics' we can use and its really easy and safe. now the attention is going to DNP as the new bad guy (even though its been in bodybuilding for decades)
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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    don't forget about DNP !

    its getting to the point where the fear mongering about insulin is finally settling down and people are realizing its one of the most side effect free 'anabolics' we can use and its really easy and safe. now the attention is going to DNP as the new bad guy (even though its been in bodybuilding for decades)
    That's true DNP's another one that people don't wanna talk about.. I don't think it's quite AS prevalent as insulin and synthol though but I could be wrong....

    I have mixed feelings about DNP personally. I've used it before and it def burns fat very effectively but the amount of oxidation concerns me as does the mechanism of action as forcing cells to essentially leak atp sounds kinda sketchy to me lol....can't be healthy.. Not that most of the shit we do is "healthy" lol but I guess I'll minimize long term health risks where I can.. The only guys that prob would ever actually NEED to use it are your true endomorphs....The rest of us are just being lazy lol!

  8. #48
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    DNP is extremely safe when used correctly.

    Some of the guys at the top just use strong stims to diet anyway.. Not talking about ephedrine lol. Alot worse than DNP.

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