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  1. #1
    Grand_Cannons is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2003

    Question How much will tamoxifen hamper my gains

    Hi, First time on this board and can already see alot of interesting subjects. I'm about to cycle soon and would like to understand the concept of the tamoxifen I will be using. The guys at the gym are horse laughing me because I was wanting to cycle tamoxifen while on a cycle. The reason they was horse laughing is they said doing tamoxifen while on a cycle will greatly hamper ones gains so basically im wasting the test. So it's come to this how much does it hamper or does it hamper at all. My knowledge which isn't much on this subject is that while taking tamoxifen on a cycle will cut down the bloat and chances of gyno. But the reason I would like to take it is the gyno part. Now the guys also told me it takes alot of bloat to actually grow in muscle size so that you gain mass is this true? So basically I'm wanting to get super big and super strong but don't want to take chances with gyno. Taking 500mg/test enthanate for first cycle and taking 10 to 20mg of tamoxifen a day will It still get me big in lean muscle mass with out the bloat look and will it still give me the strength I'm looking for. I don't want to take the tamoxifen if it will be wasting the test and I get nothing at all. Also will it be advisable to take the tamoxifen post cycle as well and for how much longer after it's over, I have clomid as well. And also will 10mg of tamox be enough or should I stick with 20mg. Thank you all

  2. #2
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Nah you wont hinder any. Use it and then throw it in their face and laugh back at them.

  3. #3
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Tamoxifen only blocks the receptor so estrogen can't bind to it. You will still have that estrogen in ur body. Some say you grow better with a little estrogen in the body, but i wouldn't take a chance. I don't like bitch tits.

  4. #4
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    I use it every cycle. I've heard all about it supposedly hindering gains. If it does I haven't seen it.

  5. #5
    chaos mage is offline New Member
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    Nolva is an estrogen agonist/antagonist. In some tissue it competitively competes for the estrogen receptor (namely the breast). In other tissues it can actually increase local estrogen concentrations (lower body..). I doubt it hinders gains significantly... unless science proves otherwise, take it from day 1 of your cycle.

  6. #6
    trimunex's Avatar
    trimunex is offline Senior Member
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    I agree with these guys .. even if it did hinder gains a little, I'd still take it 'cause it's not worth taking the chance of getting BOOBS!


  7. #7
    Grand_Cannons is offline Junior Member
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    So how much should I take how long? Has anyone used 10mg a day and been fine or should I use 20mg, also how long should I run it after cycle is up or do I even need to since I have clomid. Also I read where there could be a rebound effect does this usally happen post cycle when estrogen/test ratios when test is the lowest? If so it might be a good idea to do it post cycle as well until I get my natural test up what do you guys think?

  8. #8
    Grand_Cannons is offline Junior Member
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    Someone care to answer the question above that is my last question thanks.

  9. #9
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    I think the only thing to worry about is abruptly stopping your use especially on a cycle… for whatever reason.... I think that’s the only concern... because what you have is your ER's surrounded by a flood of estrogen if that were to happen...
    Nolvadex is also beneficial off cycle to keep, maintain or add more gains... I personally feel 20mg is a minimum dose for anybody. I use 40-60mg Ed, typically 40mg... One way to look for minor results is to feel a bit tighter and less bloat a little less bloat... It would also depend on your body mass also... 200 lber I say 40mg a day 250 I say 50-60mg a day of coarse this is IMO.
    Last edited by mmaximus25; 07-19-2003 at 06:01 PM.

  10. #10
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    20mg a day

  11. #11
    tony_canuck's Avatar
    tony_canuck is offline Junior Member
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    i use 20mg per day and never had any sides, no bloat even on high test dosages..........

  12. #12
    Grand_Cannons is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys, So If I stop after last shot is there still a chance of a rebound effect and should I continue to take 20mg for another 2 weeks until I start my clomid at 300-100-50 for 21 days

  13. #13
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I use nolva durring PCT. There's always a very good chance of rebound effects and yes run it throughout at 20mg a day. JMO

  14. #14
    Za_S|ick is offline New Member
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    Hello! I was wondering, wouldn't Arimidex be a better choice to run on a cycle than Tamoxifen ? I am asking this because that is my impression after reading the profiles of these two drugs on this site....
    Thank you.

  15. #15
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Za_S|ick
    Hello! I was wondering, wouldn't Arimidex be a better choice to run on a cycle than Tamoxifen ? I am asking this because that is my impression after reading the profiles of these two drugs on this site....
    Thank you.
    They both do the job. One thing you have to realize is that Arimidex will stop the test from converting into estrogen and you do need a little estrogen to put on the muscle. Nolva just stops the estrogen from binding to the receptor site

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