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Thread: Frontloading test e with prop?

  1. #41
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naturallyhard View Post
    I have test prop and wanted to know if my schedule will workAttachment 176893Attachment 176893
    I don’t know how to read graphs? And like I said my plan is week 1-4 test prop 35 mg Ed
    Week 1-10 test 250 mg tues/thurs
    In my opinion, the purpose of front loading:
    It takes time for long esters to build up in the system, so you run a higher dose at the start of the cycle to compensate. What you are doing is not that. You're just running higher amounts and getting big spikes in the beginning.
    I don't blame you, "more is better" is always enticing
    If you want to front load and have nice stable levels, do it the way I suggested in my previous post.
    Those graphs, the x axis is time (in days, confusing because they have half day increments I know). And the y axis is the amount of mg of aas built up in the system
    A lot of very credible people in the bodybuilding community strongly advocate for lean red meat in the diet. It just takes longer to digest so I personally keep it away from training times during the day
    I personally do not think using prop at the start of your cycle will have any benefit and will only send your hormones on a roller coaster (as you can see in your graph). Adding an oral MIGHT. But you're needlessly over complicating things. You have a lot to learn and plenty of time to do it. Just make sure you have a successful first cycle and keep it simple.
    Good luck

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Last edited by HoldMyBeer; 07-01-2019 at 03:24 AM.
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  2. #42
    Naturallyhard is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    In my opinion, the purpose of front loading:
    It takes time for long esters to build up in the system, so you run a higher dose at the start of the cycle to compensate. What you are doing is not that. You're just running higher amounts and getting big spikes in the beginning.
    I don't blame you, "more is better" is always enticing
    If you want to front load and have nice stable levels, do it the way I suggested in my previous post.
    Those graphs, the x axis is time (in days, confusing because they have half day increments I know). And the y axis is the amount of mg of aas built up in the system
    A lot of very credible people in the bodybuilding community strongly advocate for lean red meat in the diet. It just takes longer to digest so I personally keep it away from training times during the day
    I personally do not think using prop at the start of your cycle will have any benefit and will only send your hormones on a roller coaster (as you can see in your graph). Adding an oral MIGHT. But you're needlessly over complicating things. You have a lot to learn and plenty of time to do it. Just make sure you have a successful first cycle and keep it simple.
    Good luck

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Wait a minute one guy told me that it would result in more gains to kickstart with prop rather than just do 500 mg of a week so what is it? Like I said I don’t have enough test or money to frontload! I have 4 vials 2 prop 2 e!

  3. #43
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naturallyhard View Post
    Wait a minute one guy told me that it would result in more gains to kickstart with prop rather than just do 500 mg of a week so what is it? Like I said I don’t have enough test or money to frontload! I have 4 vials 2 prop 2 e!
    You already bought them? mAh bad.
    There are mixed opinons on front loading. Logically it does, but I think the difference is insignificant vs the roller coaster you will send your hormones on.
    I'm going to assume each vial is 10ml, the E is 250mg/ml, and prop is 100mg/ml
    If I had 2 vials of each, I would do 400 E / week (split twice a week) for 12 weeks and 150 prop (split ED or EOD) for 12 weeks.
    However, if that's all you have (there's way too many replies to read them all, so I'm sorry if I missed info or someone already said it), you're in dangerous territory. If you don't have enough money or sources to get more than what you have on hand. What if you need an AI? What if you need to get blood work done? Etc etc.
    Front load vs not vs whatever, it doesn't really matter too much. If your levels are high, you train hard and eat right, you will make gains. It's more important that you plan for contingencies and don't end up w gyno, have mental health issues because your hormones are all fucked up, or numerous other things. I'm assuming you're not TrT after, do you have everything you need for PCT?
    My point is, running a cycle is more than just what compounds to run and at what levels.
    Good luck

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

  4. #44
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naturallyhard View Post
    Wait a minute one guy told me that it would result in more gains to kickstart with prop rather than just do 500 mg of a week so what is it? Like I said I don’t have enough test or money to frontload! I have 4 vials 2 prop 2 e!
    the amount of gains your going to be getting, wither you front load or not is somewhat relative. its not going to matter much.. you only have about 6000mg TOTAL of testosterone and you say you can't get more. so theres really only so much your going to get out of that low amount of test you have on hand (I'll go through that much test in a couple weeks if I'm blasting a test cycle).

    but if you want to run low doses of only test for a moderate duration, thats totally fine and will definitely help you recover and add some glycogen and water to the muscle cells.. but again, actual solid gains in muscle tissue from that little bit of test isn't going to be much either way, so again front load or not won't make a big difference when your only talking limited total gains in the first place

  5. #45
    Naturallyhard is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    You already bought them? mAh bad.
    There are mixed opinons on front loading. Logically it does, but I think the difference is insignificant vs the roller coaster you will send your hormones on.
    I'm going to assume each vial is 10ml, the E is 250mg/ml, and prop is 100mg/ml
    If I had 2 vials of each, I would do 400 E / week (split twice a week) for 12 weeks and 150 prop (split ED or EOD) for 12 weeks.
    However, if that's all you have (there's way too many replies to read them all, so I'm sorry if I missed info or someone already said it), you're in dangerous territory. If you don't have enough money or sources to get more than what you have on hand. What if you need an AI? What if you need to get blood work done? Etc etc.
    Front load vs not vs whatever, it doesn't really matter too much. If your levels are high, you train hard and eat right, you will make gains. It's more important that you plan for contingencies and don't end up w gyno, have mental health issues because your hormones are all fucked up, or numerous other things. I'm assuming you're not TrT after, do you have everything you need for PCT?
    My point is, running a cycle is more than just what compounds to run and at what levels.
    Good luck

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Yah I have everything pct to ai!

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