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Thread: Controlling, and acceptable blood pressure while on.

  1. #1
    99JT's Avatar
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    Controlling, and acceptable blood pressure while on.

    Was running test and deca and bp was 130/80, added 350mg/wk tren acr 5 days ago and blood pressure was 160/90 last night, 125/85 this morning and 155/85 1 hour post workout. Just wondering what you guys do yo control it, and what do you consider acceptable?

  2. #2
    Gallowmere's Avatar
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    5-10mg Tadalafil per day.

    Outside of that, stressing about it will just make it worse. The shit’s going to be high on cycle for most people. If it worries you enough to cause extra stress, lower your dose.

    Otherwise, calm down and enjoy the ride.
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  3. #3
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    Lisonopril and Atenolol from the pharmacy controls my blood pressure. It’s normal for blood pressure to be higher if you just sat down or were moving around, or even had a sexual thought or angry thought. Keeping the variables consistent when taking blood pressure readings is important.
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  4. #4
    99JT's Avatar
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    thanks guys. first time really running tren and having BP jump up so i just wanted to be sure.

  5. #5
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    350mg of tren A per week is a lot IMO for your first run.
    I would recommend 150-200mg per week.

  6. #6
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Outside of that, stressing about it will just make it worse. The shit’s going to be high on cycle for most people. If it worries you enough to cause extra stress, lower your dose.

    Otherwise, calm down and enjoy the ride.
    I agree.

    Sauna is great too. 3-5 times per week.
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  7. #7
    gnosis is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    5-10mg Tadalafil per day.

    Outside of that, stressing about it will just make it worse. The shit’s going to be high on cycle for most people. If it worries you enough to cause extra stress, lower your dose.

    Otherwise, calm down and enjoy the ride.
    I'm wondering if the tadalafil alone would be enough for how high his BP was getting?

    I'm in the same boat whereas sometimes it's 130 over something, then it's 150, etc.

    I'd love to be able to just do the tadalafil daily instead of BP meds.

  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    125/85 blood pressure first thing in the morning is totally acceptable while on cycle . your morning reading is all you need to track .. post workout blood pressure means nothing.

    I wouldn't worry about taking any supps or blood pressure meds with that low of blood pressure. IF your morning blood pressure gets to 145/90 + then you may want to consider blood pressure meds and supps.

    here is a link to my thread on blood pressure supplement support
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  9. #9
    Quester's Avatar
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    Dump some blood. You can find places that use it for research so it will not matter if you're on finasteride.
    Also, limit salt. By limiting salt you will drink and need less water. By drinking less water, you'll have less blood volume which means lower BP. As long as you're pee is lemon or clearer, you're fine.
    Tadalafil dilates blood vessels which lowers BP.
    There are medications that effect rate and rhythm but it isn't worth the side effects and I don't know where you could get them.
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  10. #10
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    Sorry, i missed the 125/85. GH is right, forget about it. Take Cialis if you start to worry.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    5-10mg Tadalafil per day.

    Outside of that, stressing about it will just make it worse. The shit’s going to be high on cycle for most people. If it worries you enough to cause extra stress, lower your dose.

    Otherwise, calm down and enjoy the ride.
    The more i tead of your posts the more I like your input.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    The more i tead of your posts the more I like your input.
    Something something shoulders of giants.
    Guys like yourself, GH and kel have been crucial in my dive into this absurd world of pins and hormones.
    I find myself more often than not trying to be the voice of reason to newer guys. I have no quarrel with people running as much shit as they want, but the current culture outside of here has gotten stupid.
    According to most idiots now, anything under a gram is a waste of gear. Maybe for guys who have been at it for a while. However, chances are good that someone freaking out about blood pressure, estrogen, etc. isn’t in the “moar gear” realm yet. If they would calm the fuck down, actually learn about the various compounds, and pull the plunger just a cc or so less, they’d get similar or better results and not feel like shit.
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  13. #13
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    very true .. its funny , often times the guys with the most side effects and negative experiences from their cycle are the guys running only 300mg of test per week and 0.25mg of Adex every other day (which is what you see as a common first cycle all over the internet) .. these guys seem to have the most problems and complain the most about every little thing.. heck if they even get a hemorrhoid they will think its because they are on cycle, a puffy nip is gyno, if they get a headache its gotta be test flu. then of course they have no sex drive and are tired all the time cause of the arimidex which they don't need.

    then you got other guys running 3 grams of gear and don't have a single side effect and feel great and don't complain about shit.

    a lot of it is mental I think .. if you go into a cycle as a noob thinking your going to have all these negative side effects, you will talk yourself into actually getting them , no matter your dose (this happens a lot with tren and guys first run of it)

  14. #14
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    While i agree with all the above, 350 tren A is high for a first round im guessing its your first round. 155-160 isnt “that” alarming of a bp considering you are on 3 compounds 1 being Tren....wouldnt hurt to donate some blood. Ive done it alot and its never hurt my gains, whether it would help your Bp i cant prove. Obviously drink plenty of water and stay away from junk foods thats a big no no...eleveted estrogen could play a slight role in elevated bp.
    Cialis will also help lower your bp, maybe get you down in the 140s...

    Its part of cycling, just monitor it. Drop the Tren dose if needed or take a bp pill which i don’t recommend doing unless its a last resort. Good luck with the cycle

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    While i agree with all the above, 350 tren A is high for a first round im guessing its your first round. 155-160 isnt “that” alarming of a bp considering you are on 3 compounds 1 being Tren....wouldnt hurt to donate some blood. Ive done it alot and its never hurt my gains, whether it would help your Bp i cant prove. Obviously drink plenty of water and stay away from junk foods thats a big no no...eleveted estrogen could play a slight role in elevated bp.
    Cialis will also help lower your bp, maybe get you down in the 140s...

    Its part of cycling, just monitor it. Drop the Tren dose if needed or take a bp pill which i don’t recommend doing unless its a last resort. Good luck with the cycle
    This is exactly why I’m being conservative with guiding a friend through his first run of Tren. He has familial concerns relating to CV issues, naturally shitty LDL, and preexisting psych stuff, but really wanted to give it a shot anyway.
    As such, for his first run, we’re just combining a test dose we know he’s good on (350) and 100mg Tren. If he feels good, midcycle bloods are okay and he isn’t seeing a bunch of warning signs, we may slightly titrate up his dose.
    Since we’re both TRT patients anyway, there’s none of the stupid “why shut yourself down for such a small cycle” crap, and we get to avoid a whole bunch of problems in the process.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    This is exactly why I’m being conservative with guiding a friend through his first run of Tren . He has familial concerns relating to CV issues, naturally shitty LDL, and preexisting psych stuff, but really wanted to give it a shot anyway.
    As such, for his first run, we’re just combining a test dose we know he’s good on (350) and 100mg Tren. If he feels good, midcycle bloods are okay and he isn’t seeing a bunch of warning signs, we may slightly titrate up his dose.
    Since we’re both TRT patients anyway, there’s none of the stupid “why shut yourself down for such a small cycle” crap, and we get to avoid a whole bunch of problems in the process.
    Agree im on trt for life myself and I started with a 225mg tren dose and eventually backed it down to 150mg . Doesnt sound like shit but i respond well to low doses. I know guys on the board run a gram of tren, and i think to myself i would be in jail within a week lol!!

  17. #17
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    This is OP's second run of Tren .. he ran it at the end of his last cycle at a lower dosage, 150mg, but didn't get crap out of it (thought he was a bit of a non responder) . so this time around the dosage has been bumped up to a more moderate dosage and he is finally starting to get some results from that.
    yes other guys I've helped have ran only like 15mg of tren per day , which isn't much at all, and they respond very well to low dosages of Tren and I'm really just adding the low dose Tren in to increase the androgenic load of the cycle without having to increase Test (works great).

    also of note, OP is slightly anemic , and runs very low hemoglobin/hemaotcirt . so low he usually can't even donate blood . so combining Deca and Tren at moderate dosages here in hopes to elevate his RBC and hemo . he may finish off with some Anadrol to push that even further.
    its my opinion that you grow better when your hemo levels are elevated above 17 (along side elevated estrogen and water retention) . now sure this not good for blood pressure , but its just a temporary thing.
    but a resting blood pressure of 125/85 is not at all concerning at this point anyhow
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    This is OP's second run of Tren .. he ran it at the end of his last cycle at a lower dosage, 150mg, but didn't get crap out of it (thought he was a bit of a non responder) . so this time around the dosage has been bumped up to a more moderate dosage and he is finally starting to get some results from that.
    yes other guys I've helped have ran only like 15mg of tren per day , which isn't much at all, and they respond very well to low dosages of Tren and I'm really just adding the low dose Tren in to increase the androgenic load of the cycle without having to increase Test (works great).

    also of note, OP is slightly anemic , and runs very low hemoglobin/hemaotcirt . so low he usually can't even donate blood . so combining Deca and Tren at moderate dosages here in hopes to elevate his RBC and hemo . he may finish off with some Anadrol to push that even further.
    its my opinion that you grow better when your hemo levels are elevated above 17 (along side elevated estrogen and water retention) . now sure this not good for blood pressure , but its just a temporary thing.
    but a resting blood pressure of 125/85 is not at all concerning at this point anyhow
    Fantastic thinking. Interestingly, this is why I decided to go with Deca for my second cycle. My RBC and hemo stays on the lower end (I was only 4.8 and 15.9 seven weeks into my 600mg test cycle), so I’m hoping that pairing Deca with it will help push that up.
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  19. #19
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    I think too many guys are scared of elevating their RBC and Hemo because they hear of horror stories online that high levels can cause a stroke . this however is misinformed. high RBC is a positive side effect of most AAS . heck its often times what they are used for in medicine (as well as sports performance). high RBC is only an issue if its coupled with elevated blood platelet count. if your Hemo is high, but your blood platelet count is normal , your totally good.

    heck world class athletes will sleep in barometric chambers, train at high elevation, train with compression clothing on etc. etc.. doing all they can to increase their RBC and hemo , because that gives a performance benefit (same reason they blood dope).

    of course we are not competing and getting drug tested , so we can easily just take some Deca or Anadrol and accomplish that blood elevation fairly easily .

    again , the concern is blood platelet count . when that is high you've went too far and need to go donate blood. so don't just look at hemo , if thats elevated thats a good thing for the most part

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    This is OP's second run of Tren .. he ran it at the end of his last cycle at a lower dosage, 150mg, but didn't get crap out of it (thought he was a bit of a non responder) . so this time around the dosage has been bumped up to a more moderate dosage and he is finally starting to get some results from that.
    yes other guys I've helped have ran only like 15mg of tren per day , which isn't much at all, and they respond very well to low dosages of Tren and I'm really just adding the low dose Tren in to increase the androgenic load of the cycle without having to increase Test (works great).

    also of note, OP is slightly anemic , and runs very low hemoglobin/hemaotcirt . so low he usually can't even donate blood . so combining Deca and Tren at moderate dosages here in hopes to elevate his RBC and hemo . he may finish off with some Anadrol to push that even further.
    its my opinion that you grow better when your hemo levels are elevated above 17 (along side elevated estrogen and water retention) . now sure this not good for blood pressure , but its just a temporary thing.
    but a resting blood pressure of 125/85 is not at all concerning at this point anyhow
    I was at 350mg/wk last time quit after a month because I didn't seem to be responding and had zero sides obviously an issue with the gear. Was thinking of lowering the dose to 75mg/EOD because the sides are pretty rough (nauseous, tired, and lack of appetite)

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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I think too many guys are scared of elevating their RBC and Hemo because they hear of horror stories online that high levels can cause a stroke . this however is misinformed. high RBC is a positive side effect of most AAS . heck its often times what they are used for in medicine (as well as sports performance). high RBC is only an issue if its coupled with elevated blood platelet count. if your Hemo is high, but your blood platelet count is normal , your totally good.

    heck world class athletes will sleep in barometric chambers, train at high elevation, train with compression clothing on etc. etc.. doing all they can to increase their RBC and hemo , because that gives a performance benefit (same reason they blood dope).

    of course we are not competing and getting drug tested , so we can easily just take some Deca or Anadrol and accomplish that blood elevation fairly easily .

    again , the concern is blood platelet count . when that is high you've went too far and need to go donate blood. so don't just look at hemo , if thats elevated thats a good thing for the most part
    I have AB+ and the red cross is always wanting my platelets . By donating platelets does this lower red blood count ?

  22. #22
    Blaze 57 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    I have AB+ and the red cross is always wanting my platelets . By donating platelets does this lower red blood count ?
    I'm AB+ too and donating blood is a bitch. Yes, you are right they want your blood for plasma only because anyone can use it. When they run out of other blood types then yours they can grab and use it if they have a emergency shortage.

    Now they still need AB+ whole blood sometimes and if I call ahead they will schedule me for whole blood donation only.

    This is at a Vitalant donation center in Spokane so check for a local Vitalant near you or non mobile unit that is open daily and call ahead when they might need you. They also need AB+ double red cell donations too.

    Oh and NO! Donating for plasma only will NOT lower your red cells count.
    Last edited by Blaze 57; 12-12-2019 at 11:04 PM.

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    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Controlling, and acceptable blood pressure while on.-14b69810-c237-4101-a670-f5c4b5484d7b.jpg

    The power of an optimized diet and supplement protocol with no life stress. This was on high dose Tren with Deca .
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    Good BP but dat pulse doe.

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