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Thread: Do you really burn fat while in a cycle?

  1. #1
    TheDreamer is offline Associate Member
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    Do you really burn fat while in a cycle?

    I mean like burning fat and gaining muscle at the same time during a regular test cycle. I ask because I'm at 19% bf right now and I'm just soo frustrated that I haven't been able to get rid of this abdominal fat that keeps ruining my plans. Do not preach because I've been reading about steroids for years. I'm not a total newbie even if I haven't start my first one ever.

    Just wondering how bad it'll be for me to start the cycle now or if I'm actually going to burn a bit during the actual phase. Perhaps the fact will stay the same?

  2. #2
    TheDreamer is offline Associate Member
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    And I'm way too broke to get an lipo. It costs about 4,000 bucks here in my area.

  3. #3
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Comes down to nutrition and genetics. I would look into a “recomp”.

    Essentially burning fat and gaining muscle. Building quality muscle will help your body naturally burn fat but it’s not as simple as taking steroids to accomplish that. So many different variables in the algorithm. If it was easy then all of us would walk around looking like men’s fitness models.

  4. #4
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    diet and cardio my brotha.

    figure that out before you start the other.

    you say not total newbie, no worries, then you should no at 19% u can still drop fat pretty quick. THis way when you start ur cycle ou will get more then u ever dreamed from it.

    patience, go to the diet section, spend time tweaking that. Hell, give it 30 days and u will be ready.

  5. #5
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    You will likely put on more fat imo. Everyone can lose fat, just eat less, and then eat even less than before. Eventually you will lose fat.

    I personally get hungrier on cycle. Everyone tends to hold more water on steroids , thus you will likely look more bloated from this alone. I agree with Sampson & Moose... it's diet, cardio, and genetics related. But the rule is that you must be in a caloric deficit to lose weight, which is hard the first week or so, but gets easier as your brain gets used to less carbs/sugars.

    I find the best approach for me to lose weight is "don't think, just do," and don't have anything but healthy foods in your presence/home. That means no cereals, nutrition bars, fiber bars, crackers, chips, etc. Try to have just one source of carbs, and the more complex the better. The idea is that the less unhealthy or unproductive choices you have, the better.

    My suggestion is to start the dieting process now, and when you start seeing abs, then think about your next move.

  6. #6
    Charlie67's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDreamer View Post
    I mean like burning fat and gaining muscle at the same time during a regular test cycle. I ask because I'm at 19% bf right now and I'm just soo frustrated that I haven't been able to get rid of this abdominal fat that keeps ruining my plans.
    Yes, its possible... depending on Age, etc... but its a SLOoooW process to do it right. Like Sampson said, look into "recomp" cycles if you have the patience to do it right (otherwise, it'll just be a waste). But given the frustrations you mention above, maybe not the right solution for you.

    No one wants to hear this, but you'll lean out far faster if you don't worry about muscle loss and just focus on diet. Those are all decisions for you to make for yourself. You say you're stuck at 19%, brother, sometimes you just need to dig deep and lose it. Its not any more complicated than that.

    If I could do it all over again (I'm old) I would have gotten lean and done a non-stop lean-bulk for the last 20 years. I don't need 6 abs, 2 would keep me beach(ish) ready with big shoulders and a couple cheat meals here and there.

    Best of luck,
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  7. #7
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    All in your diet

    I did it all - got fat af while juiced, recomped a ton & dropped bF
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  8. #8
    Hughinn is offline Banned
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    I've done that few times. Cardio and all.
    What happens to me is I get pretty good and lean at about 205. Then my love handles stick out real bad. No amount of starving, dieting or cardio will get them off, i simply start losing muscle mass and eventually my body goes flat. I've gone down to 190lbs. I'm only 5 11 but pretty thick.

    I've never tried any gear. Always done it naturally.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 09-23-2020 at 10:31 AM.
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  9. #9
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    I've done that few times. Cardio and all.
    What happens to me is I get pretty good and lean at about 205. Then my love handles stick out real bad. No amount of starving, dieting or cardio will get them off, i simply start losing muscle mass and eventually my body goes flat. I've gone down to 190lbs. I'm only 5 11 but pretty thick.

    I've never tried any gear. Always done it naturally.
    I’d just get lipo

    I never got that issue - my fat is well spread, and has nasty deposits - like my bitch tits. . . I have to pull deep into single digits to see em go down, then when I gain - it all pops right back
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 09-23-2020 at 02:36 PM.

  10. #10
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDreamer View Post
    I mean like burning fat and gaining muscle at the same time during a regular test cycle. I ask because I'm at 19% bf right now and I'm just soo frustrated that I haven't been able to get rid of this abdominal fat that keeps ruining my plans. Do not preach because I've been reading about steroids for years. I'm not a total newbie even if I haven't start my first one ever.

    Just wondering how bad it'll be for me to start the cycle now or if I'm actually going to burn a bit during the actual phase. Perhaps the fact will stay the same?
    I do not mean to go full science nerd on you here but one never “burn” fat. Fat cells expand and shrink and are a set number from the beginning that does not change with the exception of morbidly obese people.

    What generally happens is that you build bigger muscles that stretch the skin a bit making you look less fat. That is why many guys on here with higher body fat but big muscles still do not look very fat.

    Going from 19% to sub 15% should not take very long and if it is not working your nutrition is off no matter how much you might think it is on point.

    I can very much emphasize with the frustration you are feeling though as I have been there and got this very feedback on these forums.
    Hughinn and Test Monsterone like this.

  11. #11
    wango's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    I've done that few times. Cardio and all.
    What happens to me is I get pretty good and lean at about 205. Then my love handles stick out real bad. No amount of starving, dieting or cardio will get them off, i simply start losing muscle mass and eventually my body goes flat. I've gone down to 190lbs. I'm only 5 11 but pretty thick.

    I've never tried any gear. Always done it naturally.
    I’m brand new here, but have experienced your dilemma. I’ve never cycled (that’s why I’m here to learn), but damn, just TRT alone helped me drop fat and add muscle. And that was without a drastic change to diet or cardio. If you’ve never tried any gear, I’m assuming you haven’t done TRT as well?

  12. #12
    TheDreamer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hughinn View Post
    I've done that few times. Cardio and all.
    What happens to me is I get pretty good and lean at about 205. Then my love handles stick out real bad. No amount of starving, dieting or cardio will get them off, i simply start losing muscle mass and eventually my body goes flat. I've gone down to 190lbs. I'm only 5 11 but pretty thick.

    I've never tried any gear. Always done it naturally.
    This exactly what happens to me. I bulk and then lose a lot of fat. But in the process I also lose most of my muscle mass. At this point I'm just frustrated and about to give up.
    And yes, I have spent weeks doing cardios with the stomach empty and the lowest I've been is 17% bf. I've taken Lipo 6, apple cider vinager (I know) and even clen too. NADA happens. Clen actually doesn't work on me. Weird.

  13. #13
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    On roids cutting/recomping is a whole another world

    On enough gear, I built muscle under a severe calorie deficit

  14. #14
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    On roids cutting/recomping is a whole another world

    On enough gear, I built muscle under a severe calorie deficit
    Amazing things can happen
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  15. #15
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Amazing things can happen

    While on steroids
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  16. #16
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You are looking at the wrong reasons for taking AAS.

    Before I ever cycled, I went from 240 lbs to 165 all natural in 9 months. Strict diet and cardio 2x day and at 45 yo.
    AAS does not burn fat, it preserves muscle. - there is a little more to it , but you do t need that information.
    Even while on AAS, your diet dictates if it is a bulk or cut. There are no magic pills.
    There are many here that can help you with diet and cardio.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  17. #17
    AwareXx is offline Junior Member
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    Watching over your food and nutrition is all good natural and cost efficient way

  18. #18
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Starvation & mega doses are money tho

    That’s how u get that insane look & still keep strength

    But, that’s later stuff - diet is always #1 & the hardest to manage

  19. #19
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I’d just get lipo

    I never got that issue - my fat is well spread, and has nasty deposits - like my bitch tits. . . I have to pull deep into single digits to see em go down, then when I gain - it all pops right back
    Op, a lot of plastic surgeons know people don't have that kind of money upfront and they have financing options.

  20. #20
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Op, a lot of plastic surgeons know people don't have that kind of money upfront and they have financing options.

    My PS is cheap af - but, talk about getting what you pay for

    He had to be the last one in his graduating class

  21. #21
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    My PS is cheap af - but, talk about getting what you pay for

    He had to be the last one in his graduating class
    What do you call the guy who graduated last in his class in medical school?


  22. #22
    beanpo1e is offline Junior Member
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    You should look at fasting to drop the body fat. I know what you are thinking - starving sucks. Wrong, it's not starving. After 24 hours fully fasted, you will be in ketosis burning through fat. You will have decent energy levels. Fast for one week and you will burn fat guaranteed.

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