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Thread: Stacking T3/Clen/Frag then hopping onto my first cycle?

  1. #1
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Stacking T3/Clen/Frag then hopping onto my first cycle?

    Hello, and thanks for taking the time to check out my post.

    I'm currently cutting and plan to cut for the next 3 months.
    I'm thinking of stacking T3, Clen , and possibly Hgh frag to help me with that goal.
    After the 3-month cut, I plan to start my first cycle (Test E at 500mg/week).

    1. Does HGH Frag stack well with T3 and Clen?
    In the past, I've used T3 with Clen and was pleased with the results, but I have no experience with Frag (I did a fair amt of research on it) and don't know how wise it would be to stack it with the rest.

    2. Is it appropriate to run Winny on my first cycle, alongside Test E? For that matter, is it appropriate to run ANYTHING in addition to Test E, for my first cycle?

    3. On my first cycle, can I keep cals at maintenance level and recomp, or just 500 above maintenance?

    I'm 28 years old; 5'11; 228 lbs. I plan to drop 10% body fat before running my first cycle, although a 10% drop wont take me into the single digit range. Following the cut, I'd like to do a recomp.
    I'm not looking to use any of the above substances as a shortcut. I understand the consequences of my intended plan, I've done my research, and I want to take a measured risk.

    I'd appreciate an answer to the above question(s) or any additional info/tips that you'd want to add.
    Thank you for your time!

  2. #2
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Hello, and thanks for taking the time to check out my post.

    I'm currently cutting and plan to cut for the next 3 months.
    I'm thinking of stacking T3, Clen , and possibly Hgh frag to help me with that goal.
    After the 3-month cut, I plan to start my first cycle (Test E at 500mg/week).

    1. Does HGH Frag stack well with T3 and Clen?
    In the past, I've used T3 with Clen and was pleased with the results, but I have no experience with Frag (I did a fair amt of research on it) and don't know how wise it would be to stack it with the rest.

    2. Is it appropriate to run Winny on my first cycle, alongside Test E? For that matter, is it appropriate to run ANYTHING in addition to Test E, for my first cycle?

    3. On my first cycle, can I keep cals at maintenance level and recomp, or just 500 above maintenance?

    I'm 28 years old; 5'11; 228 lbs. I plan to drop 10% body fat before running my first cycle, although a 10% drop wont take me into the single digit range. Following the cut, I'd like to do a recomp.
    I'm not looking to use any of the above substances as a shortcut. I understand the consequences of my intended plan, I've done my research, and I want to take a measured risk.

    I'd appreciate an answer to the above question(s) or any additional info/tips that you'd want to add.
    Thank you for your time!
    What's your BF% right now? If I were you, I'd diet better (and longer) and skip the T3, Clen and HGH frag.

    And as far as running other stuff in addition to test, you don't know how your body is going to react to 500mg of test E. Don't complicate things by blindly throwing more compounds on top of that. As much stuff as you read on the internet, you're, at the end of the day, still just experimenting with these compounds. Be methodical in your approach and you'll like the outcome better.
    Cylon357 likes this.

  3. #3
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    What's your BF% right now? If I were you, I'd diet better (and longer) and skip the T3, Clen and HGH frag.

    And as far as running other stuff in addition to test, you don't know how your body is going to react to 500mg of test E. Don't complicate things by blindly throwing more compounds on top of that. As much stuff as you read on the internet, you're, at the end of the day, still just experimenting with these compounds. Be methodical in your approach and you'll like the outcome better.
    BF% right now is easily in the mid 20's; pandemic rly fucked me.

    My diet is on check, and while I'm not against going on a longer diet, my body responds best to aggressive cutting (of cals). I figured that 3 months of aggressive dieting is enough to bring my weight down to the appropriate lvl, but I'm open to other suggestions and would b interested in hearing your thoughts on that.

    I'm really not trying to use T3, Clen, and HGH Frag as a replacement for proper dieting. Should I really skip them? The difference they'd make is very minimal, but its still something, no?

    As for the cycle, I'll just stick to Test E and forget the other compounds.

    Thanks for the tips, much appreciated!

  4. #4
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    3 months of diet and cardio and u can reach all ur goals.

    do not use the chems, diet, cardio and repeat. in 3 months you can decide what u want.

    everyone thinks they diet good, however if u really want to cut get a food scale and be honest.

    and stop blaming pandemic, u got fat, no worries it happens to us all. I guarantee u that in 90 days u can make amazing progress if ur body responds like u say.

  5. #5
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    BF% right now is easily in the mid 20's; pandemic rly fucked me.

    My diet is on check, and while I'm not against going on a longer diet, my body responds best to aggressive cutting (of cals). I figured that 3 months of aggressive dieting is enough to bring my weight down to the appropriate lvl, but I'm open to other suggestions and would b interested in hearing your thoughts on that.

    I'm really not trying to use T3, Clen , and HGH Frag as a replacement for proper dieting. Should I really skip them? The difference they'd make is very minimal, but its still something, no?

    As for the cycle, I'll just stick to Test E and forget the other compounds.

    Thanks for the tips, much appreciated!
    Yeah, you're diet is in check. That's why your BF% is in the mid-20s. I'm not trying to be a dick, but you have to be honest with yourself, if you want good results. BTW, if you're going to aggressively drop 10% of your weight in 3 months, you're likely going to lose quite a bit of muscle as well. I would suggest to raise your protein intake while decreasing your overall caloric intake. Maybe make some dietary choices that are not very calorically dense so that you don't feel hungry all the time.

    And in the mid 20s BF%, I really don't think that stuff is going to make enough of a difference to make a difference. Certainly not worth it.

    But you can take what I said or not. There's no point in trying to pled your case against it.

  6. #6
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Yeah, you're diet is in check. That's why your BF% is in the mid-20s. I'm not trying to be a dick, but you have to be honest with yourself, if you want good results. BTW, if you're going to aggressively drop 10% of your weight in 3 months, you're likely going to lose quite a bit of muscle as well. I would suggest to raise your protein intake while decreasing your overall caloric intake. Maybe make some dietary choices that are not very calorically dense so that you don't feel hungry all the time.

    And in the mid 20s BF%, I really don't think that stuff is going to make enough of a difference to make a difference. Certainly not worth it.

    But you can take what I said or not. There's no point in trying to pled your case against it.

    No, I totally appreciate the honesty. But I c the big lebowski reference on your profile, so how'd you expect expect notnto say, "shut the fk up Donny"? Haha.

    To be clear, I'm not disagreeing with anything you said. I was just providing additional context. Thanks for the additional tips! I'll stay off of the supps on my cut.
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  7. #7
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    3 months of diet and cardio and u can reach all ur goals.

    do not use the chems, diet, cardio and repeat. in 3 months you can decide what u want.

    everyone thinks they diet good, however if u really want to cut get a food scale and be honest.

    and stop blaming pandemic, u got fat, no worries it happens to us all. I guarantee u that in 90 days u can make amazing progress if ur body responds like u say.
    Thanks for your reply. Will stay off the chems, cut, and then revisit my goals in like 1.5 months or so.

    Can I just place the blame on former VP Joe Biden?
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  8. #8
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    great choice.

    start a log in the diet section, report daily. Post up the diet and training routines.

    it will help, being supported by like minded people will help you, and we will support you..
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Thanks for your reply. Will stay off the chems, cut, and then revisit my goals in like 1.5 months or so.

    Can I just place the blame on former VP Joe Biden?
    You sure can, that POS is responsible for everything

    Best of luck, good to see you back and motivated. Your goals are reachable for sure and then cross back over to the dark side


  10. #10
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys, its.good to be back. I just finished law school, and i threw my entire life at it for 3 years.

    Time went by so fast that I forgot to check up on everything else in my life. Friendships, family, my own health...I let it all go and i have also done things that I'm not proud of.

    The gym is where I go to attone for all that and to get a good lashing and set myself straight. And i feel better knowing that you guys and the other members of this community are still here and willing to help me be a better version of myself. Thank you. If, God forbid,, you ever find yourself in a pinch, you can count on me to be the first person at your bail hearing. ����
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  11. #11
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    Now it’s time for some “Opus Dei” and get your corporal mortification going for some atonement…

    The good news is, it’s all waiting for you and the gym doesn’t care if you’ve been gone 3 days or 3 years. It doesn’t pass judgement and it will give you back everything you put in the collection plate.

    Good luck on your journey home

    Congrats on such an amazing accomplishment too, you should feel extremely proud!
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  12. #12
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Now it’s time for some “Opus Dei” and get your corporal mortification going for some atonement…

    The good news is, it’s all waiting for you and the gym doesn’t care if you’ve been gone 3 days or 3 years. It doesn’t pass judgement and it will give you back everything you put in the collection plate.

    Good luck on your journey home

    Congrats on such an amazing accomplishment too, you should feel extremely proud!
    Thank you, but three years of law school taught me that I hate lawyers. It's a cool degree to have, so I'll find something else I'm sure.

    Including today, I've been back at it in the gym for 22 days. Each day, I've done an hour of cardio and hit one muscle group. And, I've had no issues w/ dieting. Everything is going as planned.
    I'm definitely adding to the collection plate at the gym, but there's a lot that I need to fix and work on outside of the gym.

    I've always had one approach to reaching my goals: I set the goal, and I throw everything at it like my life depends on it.
    That method worked when I was a simple college student w/ no major responsibilities.
    Now that reality has taken a giant sh* in my soup, I'm having a hard time balancing my fitness goals with my other personal responsibilities.

    Is it possible to go balls to the walls with my fitness goals, and also hit my other personal goals/responsibilities with the same level of intensity and motivation?
    If so, do you use any tools or any system to help keep you accountable and organized on that front?
    Or is everything I've written a bunch of bullshit; and if that's the case, should I just stfu and do what I have to do?

    On paper, the gym is like a 2-hour thing for me, and the dieting aspect of it doesn't take up much time at all.
    But in practice, I feel like I let this process consume me and all of my time.
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  13. #13
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    it is a lifestyle, no doubt about it. people who look good most of the time work really hard at it.

    the training and food prep is easy part. The hard part is the time between, having the strength to make the right choices for the overall goal. Now there is a in between, you can enjoy and still stay true. That is where the experience and knowing ur body comes in. Take the time to learn and do it right, dont just follow some jerkoff on youtube cause he a pro and its what he does. LEARN YOU.

  14. #14
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    Life is all about moderation…find your balance.

    My nickname with my friends is “All in”.

    I tend to follow the same approach and throw myself headfirst into whatever I’m into at the moment. I’ve had to temper my expectations and rethink what is most important. There’s room to be great at a lot of things but really this lifestyle shouldn’t come at the expense of those we hold dearest. Nothing should.

    Life is short and precious and vanity is the root of a lot of evil. Find your balance and regain your equilibrium, only you will know what that looks like as it’s different for all of us.

    Best of luck and don’t forget to exercise your heart and your brain
    Graham1992 and tempest818 like this.

  15. #15
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Life is all about moderation…find your balance.

    My nickname with my friends is “All in”.

    I tend to follow the same approach and throw myself headfirst into whatever I’m into at the moment. I’ve had to temper my expectations and rethink what is most important. There’s room to be great at a lot of things but really this lifestyle shouldn’t come at the expense of those we hold dearest. Nothing should.

    Life is short and precious and vanity is the root of a lot of evil. Find your balance and regain your equilibrium, only you will know what that looks like as it’s different for all of us.

    Best of luck and don’t forget to exercise your heart and your brain

    My friends call me “Extremist,” “Extremist Shawn.” I’m not a terrorist, they just weren’t smart enough to think of “All-in Shawn.” Lol.

    Sampson and Mooseman, thanks again for the tips.

    After roughly one month of consistent gym/diet, I’m at 228 lbs. My op says the same thing, but I had given a bad estimate (bordering on fake news). Dieting alone puts me at 2lb/week deficit + I’ve upped my cardio frm 1 to 1.5 hours ed + lifting 5-6 days/wk.

    I’m having kidney pain, which is starting to worry me. I frequently get kidney stones but never had them while on a clean diet (lol). I don’t mind it now, but I need to do some research and find out if cycling would make things worse.
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    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Just an update..

    I did 1.5 hours of low intensity cardio (power walking on treadmill, changing the incline). My right leg just flails or feels uncoordinated, and I can’t walk in a fluid motion. I’ve noticed this in the past, but I did legs yesterday and it exacerbated the issue/ made it a lot more noticeable.

    On top of that, I’ve been sweating like an absolute monster. Normally it’s absurd to consider sweating a problem, and I don’t mind looking like I got out of a shower, but it’s def an unusual amount even for me...I normally sweat like a hog.

    Kidney pain, issues with mobility/coordination, and excessive sweating. Think I’ll go see a doctor. Don’t want this bullshit interfering with my progress, cause there’s no way I’m slowing down now lol.

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    Another update + potentially useful info...

    I did some research and found that poor posture leads to an unbalanced stride while doing cardio. I, personally, like to walk with my head down out of respect to the women who do crazy stretching exercises/ass workouts right in front of the cardio machines; i know, that sounds silly. But apparently, walking with your head down is a great fkin way to create imbalances in the way you walk. I stopped doing this, and now my stride is back to normal and my leg doesn't flail when I walk on the treadmill. Also, I'm not sweating excessively anymore, and my kidney pain went away as well: All I did was up my water intake.

    I'm now on Day 34 of my cut:

    Still doing about 1-1.5h of cardio x 6 days/week, along with my bro split.

    Definition is coming back, mainly in my arms, and even my top abs (my abs are visible at much higher bf%).

    Strength is slowly coming back as well. I can squat 225x5 and bench 145x10, and I'm bringing DLs back into my routine starting this week. Those numbers are fkin pitiful, but on my first week back I was barely benching 115x3. At my best, a couple of years ago, I was squatting 315x8, benching 225x8, and deadlifting 405x1: I know those numbers aren't phenomenal, especially compared to the weight that gets tossed around by some of you monsters. But they serve as a good reference point and a reminder of what a weak ass pussy I've let myself become.

    Although, I don't really focus on how much weight i'm pushing/pulling. I focus on getting full contractions and full ROM; and for each exercise I like to mix in pauses, slow negatives, forced negatives, or forced reps.

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    Hope everyone is doing well! Day 45 of my cut, everything is the same with respect to my training + diet. No issues so far.
    My lifts have gone up drastically (relative to my previous #s), and I'm giving it another 5 weeks before I change my diet for a recomp.

    I also started my first cycle of test (cyp).
    Yes, I know, I should have waited until after my cut. And the founding fathers should have placed more stringent checks and balances on the Legislative and Executive branches.
    But fuck it, it's done. Did pre-cycle labs, and I have my test cyp, AI, hCG , and PCT on hand. My diet and training are on check, i have a good support system, and I'm going to see this cycle through.

    I'll keep posting updates here. Thanks, and much love!
    Last edited by tempest818; 10-13-2021 at 05:02 AM.

  19. #19
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    although i do not agree with the cycle, I understand and did the same many, many years ago.

    with ur bf, watch the estrogen sides.

    tighten that diet up even more, no room for mistakes. train ur ass off, keep us updated.
    tempest818 and almostgone like this.

  20. #20
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Day 65 of my cut, everything is going well. I've been consistent with my diet and training, and I'm making great progress.

    My cycle is going very well. There is one thing: red dots. They crust over and disappear and reappear on my left and right side. Started out on my obliques, and made its way up to my rib cage and down to my thighs. Hydrocortisone cream helps, but I've been spraying isopropyl alcohol and it seems to work better. Are these dots appearing because my hormone levels are adjusting, or is it a sign of high estrogen? Interestingly, they're appearing in places where I carry the most BF (places where I have been losing fat).

    My BP levels are normal. I was taking 0.25mg of adex EOD, but I decided to just take 0.5mg when I notice issues like excessive water retention. Is that a better option, as opposed to just taking it eod?

  21. #21
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Hi everyone, hope all is well. Just posting an update.

    My male sex organs are gone and I’m transitioning into a female. Please help.

    Apart from that, cycle is going great. I’m on track with my cut (dropped around 20 lbs) and I’m getting stronger each week.

    When I come off the cycle, given that I’ve been cutting, should I expect to lose more weight? Or would there be a slight rebound?

  22. #22
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Hi everyone, hope all is well. Just posting an update.

    My male sex organs are gone and I’m transitioning into a female. Please help.

    Apart from that, cycle is going great. I’m on track with my cut (dropped around 20 lbs) and I’m getting stronger each week.

    When I come off the cycle, given that I’ve been cutting, should I expect to lose more weight? Or would there be a slight rebound?

    Are you now officially “Shawnda”

    Give us a better update, I lazily scrolled up but a recap would be good.

    Starting weight, current weight, weeks on and dose.

    Done calipers? Mid cycle blood work?
    Read you did pre blood work, what were your baseline hormone numbers?

    Come on, you’re the smart one…give us a little more to go off of.

    As far as the red bumps, who knows? Try some hydrocortisone cream. Could be a number of things…
    Certainly nothing to panic about.

    What’s your plan for PCT and how far out are you from starting? Yes, things are going to change. PCT can be rough, fight though it

  23. #23
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Are you now officially “Shawnda”

    Give us a better update, I lazily scrolled up but a recap would be good.

    Starting weight, current weight, weeks on and dose.

    Done calipers? Mid cycle blood work?
    Read you did pre blood work, what were your baseline hormone numbers?

    Come on, you’re the smart one…give us a little more to go off of.

    As far as the red bumps, who knows? Try some hydrocortisone cream. Could be a number of things…
    Certainly nothing to panic about.

    What’s your plan for PCT and how far out are you from starting? Yes, things are going to change. PCT can be rough, fight though it
    Mr. Sampson, how’s it going.

    My pronouns: sHooop / aaahhhhh

    Age/Ht. 28, 5’11

    Current weight: 215

    Starting weight: 228, weighed myself on 9/14, but this was my weight one month into my cut.

    Weeks on cycle: 8

    400 mg/wk Test Cyp
    250 mg/wk Primo
    40 mg/day Anavar

    I added the primo and var after week 4. I’m dropping the var this week and will miss the skin tearing pumps. I’m taking supplements as well, and I threw in carnitine injections eod and cardarine as well.

    Seeing massive development in all muscle groups, delt striations, ab definition, etc. It’s actually insane. Still doing cardio and hitting the weights hard. High volume.

    The gear has def impacted my cardio, and Im gassed out between sets, but overall I feel great.

    Going in for mid cycle labs this week. Also, I haven’t checked out my pre cycle labs but I’ll report back. And the red dots went away. I’m still trying to figure out my body’s response to high/low estrogen...water retention isn’t always reliable or consistent as an indicator, and I don’t want to leave it to mid cycle labs to find out my estrogen is through the roof or crashed.

    Pct is the tricky part. I’m cutting for another 4 weeks, then I’d like to up the cals for a couple of months, and I’ll go back to a deficit in the 3 months before summer (I’m just using summer as a goal post).

    Given those goals, if I run PCT, then my second cycle will land on my second cut. Ideally, I’d like to run my second cycle while bulking. And to that end, I’m not sure how to time the pct/bulk/cut (described in the last paragraph) so they align within that timeframe.

    In theory, could I not just run a Trt dose of test instead of PCT? I’m going into my 30s and my natural test is about to fall off a cliff anyways.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Mr. Sampson, how’s it going.

    My pronouns: sHooop / aaahhhhh

    Age/Ht. 28, 5’11

    Current weight: 215

    Starting weight: 228, weighed myself on 9/14, but this was my weight one month into my cut.

    Weeks on cycle: 8

    400 mg/wk Test Cyp
    250 mg/wk Primo
    40 mg/day Anavar

    I added the primo and var after week 4. I’m dropping the var this week and will miss the skin tearing pumps. I’m taking supplements as well, and I threw in carnitine injections eod and cardarine as well.

    Seeing massive development in all muscle groups, delt striations, ab definition, etc. It’s actually insane. Still doing cardio and hitting the weights hard. High volume.

    The gear has def impacted my cardio, and Im gassed out between sets, but overall I feel great.

    Going in for mid cycle labs this week. Also, I haven’t checked out my pre cycle labs but I’ll report back. And the red dots went away. I’m still trying to figure out my body’s response to high/low estrogen...water retention isn’t always reliable or consistent as an indicator, and I don’t want to leave it to mid cycle labs to find out my estrogen is through the roof or crashed.

    Pct is the tricky part. I’m cutting for another 4 weeks, then I’d like to up the cals for a couple of months, and I’ll go back to a deficit in the 3 months before summer (I’m just using summer as a goal post).

    Given those goals, if I run PCT, then my second cycle will land on my second cut. Ideally, I’d like to run my second cycle while bulking. And to that end, I’m not sure how to time the pct/bulk/cut (described in the last paragraph) so they align within that timeframe.

    In theory, could I not just run a Trt dose of test instead of PCT? I’m going into my 30s and my natural test is about to fall off a cliff anyways.

    Not a theory at all

    That’s what I’d do…just remember the longer you stay on, the harder it is to recover. If you’re willing to commit to it for life (or the possibility at least) then yes, I’d stay on a trt dose until your next run.

    Congrats on your progress…

  25. #25
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Not a theory at all

    That’s what I’d do…just remember the longer you stay on, the harder it is to recover. If you’re willing to commit to it for life (or the possibility at least) then yes, I’d stay on a trt dose until your next run.

    Congrats on your progress…
    Thank you.

    Yes, once the cycle is over, I think I’ll lower the test to TRT lvls.

    I spoke a little too soon when I said I’m feeling great. Two days ago I had a sudden onset of severe anxiety/panic at the gym. The next day (yesterday), it was less severe but I had anxiety right before going to the gym and all the way through my workout. Also having weird muscle aches and throbbing/pulsing in my fingers.

    Blood pressure (rested) was 138/99. Right after the gym I was at 149/98. Not out of the ordinary for me.

    I dropped the Anavar and stimulants for now.
    I’m going to get bloodwork done today.

    It could be an estrogen issue but idk if it’s from high or low lvls since the symptoms overlap.

    Should I lay off the Arimidex until I get results? I don’t want to obliterate my estro if my lvls are already too low.

  26. #26
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    Shooting from hip brother, who knows….

    See what your labs say. Doubt it has to do with E2 levels though.
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  27. #27
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Shooting from hip brother, who knows….

    See what your labs say. Doubt it has to do with E2 levels though.
    Will do, thanks. I felt a lot better at the gym today. Might have been a fluke.

  28. #28
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Shooting from hip brother, who knows….

    See what your labs say. Doubt it has to do with E2 levels though.
    Oh man, I nuked my estrogen.

    Estradiol is at 7.
    Just for reference, some of my sides were muscle aches, joint pain, and shortness of breath.

    Total/Free Test is 2100/760. But, I went in for the labs before taking my second weekly shot (it landed on the day of my labs).

    Later I’ll post the full work up from my computer. There were some interesting numbers, especially my T4 and IGF levels (low).

    I just realized that this test didn’t include FSH LH Prolactin and DHEA. So I’ll get those checked out individually.
    Last edited by tempest818; 12-17-2021 at 12:46 PM.

  29. #29
    ISK8 is offline New Member
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    Hello does anyone know a legit safe website for injectables thanks

  30. #30
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Damn it’s been over a year! How’s it going guys. I’m several cycles deep already. Loving it. And it’s not the tren ace. It’s everyone else.
    Last edited by tempest818; 07-19-2023 at 09:28 PM.

  31. #31
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Damn it’s been over a year! How’s it going guys. I’m several cycles deep already. Loving it. And it’s not the tren ace. It’s everyone else.
    It's been closer to 2 years than 1. Did you make the gains you were looking for?

  32. #32
    dpstore is offline Associate Member
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    May 2019
    just FYI Dragon Pharma have a product called cy3 wich contains yohimbine clen t3 inside tabs

    and another one with clen and yohimbine called helios Dragon Pharma injectable

  33. #33
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by dpstore View Post
    just FYI Dragon Pharma have a product called cy3 wich contains yohimbine clen t3 inside tabs

    and another one with clen and yohimbine called helios Dragon Pharma injectable
    Nobody wants your fuckin products man stop spamming I wish they would ban idiots like you

  34. #34
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Yes it has, hope all has been well. It really feels like I asked this question a month or so ago lol.

    I thought I was making decent gains until I started my current cycle of test + tren ace & enanthate + HGH. I've been on for like 5 months and I ran this cycle longer than my other ones, and I've seen more progress in the past couple of months than I have from all the other cycles combined (not exactly but you get the idea). Maybe my BF is lower so its easier to see how the gear is changing me. Running the cycle a tiny bit longer made all the difference.

    On the flip side, I went from cool/mellow to explosive rage in a matter of weeks (its gotten much better), and although my gyno (from before/childhood) didn't grow, my left nipple started lactating recently.

    I took letro yesterday and I've been on caber for the past couple of weeks, so we'll see where it goes. I'm at the end of my cycle and I've dropped the tren. But all in all, definitely worth it.
    Last edited by tempest818; 08-04-2023 at 05:47 PM.

  35. #35
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    198 lbs. We did it boys. Fuck the fucking world. Now to 190.
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