Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
I agree with S&D that it seems a little busy for me. I also think the 2 orals at the same time is not necessary.
I have read that the milk thistle competes for the receptors and will minimize the effect of AAS. I am not sure if it is true, but I never run it on cycle. I recommend NAC for the liver.
I personally only use Tren for cutting for a competition, but that is personal preference.
I would say drop the anavar and take the Dbol for 4 weeks along with MK677.
The MK will allow you to gain weight from the food. The Dbol will fill you up with water.
I do not use an AI however you usage seems a little high. NOtE : the AI will not help with prolactin

Just my $.02

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I have caber on hand, didn't need it last run of tren but better safe than sorry!