So I just got my bloodwork back, and have been taking 480 test cyp with 660 Primo per week.

My Total test came back at 1783, which I thought should have been higher, but my free test is 1086.

It was just a few years ago when 200mg of Cyp would raise my levels to 1500, so I don't get it. I guess age could be an issue, or does the Primo increase Free test more rather than total test?

I'm taking 50mcg of T3 a day, but my test came back with:

T3 = 92
TSH = 1.18.
Free T4 = 1.0

I would expect T3 to be higher? Yet I'm losing fat, albeit slowly and my digestion is way better.

My lipids are prefect, aside from LDL = 37.

Hematocrit = 51.1

AST = 52

I'm waiting to see what my IGF 1 levels to come back so I can see how good these kits I've been taking for months are.

But ya, I was expecting to see way higher Total Test from my homebrew gear.