Quote Originally Posted by XnavyHMCS View Post
Ugh...??? Only 8-12 wks...???

I guess I have been engaging in a total "bro science" method; I guess I have been taking 1-2 dbol , pre-workout, for the last several years...

I am also taking a round of dbol before a "HOT night" with the girlfriend...

I am not experiencing any sides, that I am aware of. I fully understand the logic of running the dbol, as I have in the past, alongside an injectable (Sust 250 is the bomb / staple stack) for enhanced results. But now I am just taking at as a kicker before workouts.

Let me reiterate; I am NOT GH, nor do I claim to be, but I don't see anything wrong with what you are proposing. (In fact, it was GH who recommended the dbol as a kickstart before sex, if I remember correctly...
Thanks for the answer! i may give a try on my next cycle ��