Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
good luck coldstone. I'm going a little nuts waiting. I keep having dreams that my whole body is growing. I dream that my shoulder width is 4ft wide. Soon...soon.

Today's workout I had more of a pumped feeling in my biceps and triceps, but I felt more fatigued. My diet sucked last night because I had to study for a test, and it sucked this morning. So I think that had a part to play.

You're kidding me, right...? A few posts back in this thread that I started, you're telling me I should take my comments from my own thread to another forum.

Actually, this thread is about Test. Enanthate (& cyp) and how one is responding to/with it. I am not giving any type of workout progress, just how I am doing with enan/cyp. What was your post (quoted above) about, and how do you think it lines up with what you wrote to me and with the thread topic? [Please don't answer me here - do so in the lounge or PM me - thanks.]

I'm not being harsh, I just think you should read your own posts to determine if they're actually pertinent.

I sure welcome anything you have to add to this thread that is on-topic. Thanks for your understanding.



P.S. Sorry to bother the reast of you with this. Back to the topic...