I am not understand what you have written about your sust. First you are saying you are running it 750mg a week and then you are saying right after that 3 X a week. Am I safe in saying that you are trying to say you are going to be doing 3 injections a week totally 750mg/week?? To get the full benefit of the prop in sust you should be injecting EOD with sust.

As for you dbols, I don't see a reason for you ramping them up like that. 50mg ED and then even going to 60mg/ed is far to much for a guy who is only doing his second cycle in my opinion. You are much better running it at say 35mg/ED for 4 weeks.

Make sure your training and diet are in order this time and you will get much better results. Also at 60mg/ed in your first cycle sounds like Fake Dbols if you didn't gain anything. That is just my opinion though.