Bodybuilding isn't rocket science
, 08-01-2008 at 07:05 PM (581 Views)
Bodybuilding isn’t rocket science, anybody can do it all you need to do is follow three simple rules TRAIN, EAT and SLEEP. In order to achieve any real muscles you can not skimp on any of the three rules, no compromise. There is a right way and a wrong way to train, eat and sleep, do any of the three rules wrong and you slow down your progress.
If you lift small your muscle will look small, if you lift big your muscle will look big. Your muscles need a reason to get bigger; over load your muscles, which tells them what you’re doing your muscles are not strong enough to deal with it, in response your body reinforces your cells bigger and stronger to cope with the stress. You are the boss, your body works for you, whatever you do your body must deal with it the best way possible. The next time you walk in the gym load up the bar with a few extra ponds, remember your body has adjusted itself for the last weight, if you train with the same weight your muscle are ready and you won’t cause much damage, in other words you have not given it a reason to grow. Ok what about the guys who have been lifting for 10 years you can’t add 2 kilos at every workout, otherwise we should see guys lift train track wheels, adding weight is one form of intensity, once you have reach a point where no matter how hard you try you’re just not able to lift more weights, that where super sets or drop sets, force sets, negative set and the list goes on and on, comes in to play. Adding weight is the easiest and the best way to start, the whole idea is to create a stress full environment for your muscles, you want to create so much intensity that your muscle are unable to cope and start breaking down, by using any of the for mentioned principles that’s what you’re doing. Your body is clever it can adapt very quickly once it sees a pattern it will adjust itself accordingly, unless you change its environment it will have no reason to grow.
Forget skipping breakfast that’s your first mistake, you have just woken up your body has been fastening, the meal you had last night is all gone, the protein your body used it to repair muscles, the carbohydrates are either turn into glycogen or turn into stored fat, good fats have been absorbed and utilized most probably by your organs and bad fats have added more work for you to get rid off. Food doesn’t last in your system for very long especially protein it gets utilized with in three or four hours, once its gone your body doesn’t wait for you to supply it more, it turns into a state of catabolism, meaning it will destroy one muscle in order to support another. You work 8 hours, sleep 8 hours, you play 8 hours that mean you’re awake using your muscles 16 hours a day, if protein last between three too four hours then lets play it safe and divide 3 into 16 and you will roughly get 5, so that’s 5 protein meals a day you should consume in order to be in a positive state for muscle growth. Carbohydrates is energy for your body you must add them to your meals, be careful the storage capacity for carbohydrates are limited for your muscles and liver but fat has no limit, you may choose to eat low glycemic carbs during the day and fibers carbs in the evening. Do not try to eat no carbs, your body will then use protein as it energy source and once again turning you into a state of catabolism. Don’t even think about going fat free, you need fats, good fats that is, essential fatty acids, ***** 3,6 and 9 they do a host of goodness in your body, from keeping your organs health to help you with fat loss, that right good fats help you get rid of stored fats.
This is the only place where you grow muscle, not in the gym, that’s where you’re destroying them. After you fall asleep your body goes into REM mode (rapid eye movement) your brain is of into la la land and your body is paralyzed literally, if you were to wake up in the middle of rem sleep you could not move a muscle, that’s probably where the stories comes from about aliens coming to your bedroom and waking you up and you were paralyzed, you’re scared you have no clue what’s going on so you make shit up, you most probably woke up during rem sleep. Once your muscles are relax that’s the only time your body can start its repair properly, similar to a mechanic he can’t fix your car if you’re using it. You need plenty of sleep fixing takes time, if you’re training heavy you need rest to recover, you won’t recover much if you sleep 4 or 5 hours. I would recommend 8 hours, the first 4 hours are used to repair all the damage you have done, the other 4 is to recover.
If you want to grow muscles you need to be consistent these are your three minimum requirements without these you can forget to see any real change.
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