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Massive arms in one month

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by , 08-01-2008 at 07:07 PM (850 Views)
WTF are they talking about, massive arms in one month, rock hard abs in 7 minutes per day, what a crock off crap. When will people learn there are no short cuts, stopping wasting your time. It takes time to grow muscle, it takes time to loose fat. Did they mean a massive fat arm?

I hardly ever buy a bodybuilding magazine, they are all owned by a supplement companies, they are just one giant brochure, the Pro talking about his arm routine probably doesn’t even know that he is in it, they take the tons of photos of him before a show doing just about every body part, put all the arm exercises together and get some guy to write a story on how he trains arms, towards the end of the article he will tell you what supplements he using which helped him gain such huge arms. Point in case I just read an article about a certain top Pro being interview, they were mentioning his weight, the Pro talked about how he didn’t want to be over 300lbs his normal weight being 325lbs, so he struggled all year round to stay under 300lbs, doing more cardio watching what he ate, towards the end of the interview the question was, what supplements did he use, he mention brand X and how he was able to gain 20lbs of muscle, he telling us that brand X is awesome but by doing so he contradicts what he was saying.

Washboard abs in seven minutes a day, this could be true for a serious bodybuilder spending only seven minutes on his abs, heck he probably wouldn’t even need to do it everyday, combine this with dieting over a 8-12 week period. Sad to say these types of exercise schemes are directed towards the average guy looking to get in shape, the guy that’s wants the abs but don’t want to commit, like a drive thru for abs, these are the guys who fall prey to the seven minute hype bullshit.

If you want to see any real results it will take longer then a month and more than seven minutes per day, the two most successful diet books The Atkins diet and Body for life, mentioned that to see any real results takes time. If book is advocating that you can gain rock hard abs in 7 minutes per day and it was true that book would be a number one seller.

Lets say you have been training for a long period of time, you have used every exercise for arms imaginable, used every type of routine, do you really believe there is a routine out there that you have never tried that will give you great results like never before, is there such a thing as a magic arm routine, no not for anybody part, there is no magic.

The only reason you read about these in magazine is because they need something to get your attention in order for you to buy it, the real purpose for you to buy it is not to teach you something new, but rather to bombard you with ads about their products. If you don’t believe me pick any bodybuilding magazine read any story about a certain routine and at the end of that article you will hear how he is using Super Protein X, flick a few pages after and you will see a nice big ad about Super Protein X, coincidence, hmm I think not and more than likely Protein X owns the magazine.
