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  1. #1
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Need cardio/stamina help

    Hey guys,

    as i've stated in prior posts, 6 weeks ago I shattered my 4th metacarpel (second from finger from the pink - in the backhand) via strikes vs a meth-head, that day i got my surgery (pin through hand)

    now, i've been doing NOTHING for 6 weeks, and i mean, no gym, no running, no nothing,

    I did my 10 minute run to gage my fitness level today and i was dying once i got off the treadmill

    I'm going to train with my buddy in BJJ simply for cardio reasons, i have some sparring partners i'm sure i could get, but here's what my plan is, my goal is to win the provincial KB championship

    2 days BJJ
    2 days Boxing
    2 days Kickboxing

    i have probably just slightly less than a year before i enter a major tourney,

    all my previous matches have been inschool tournaments only

    what i need from you guys is a deadset cardio setup which is realistic

    one thing i got going for me, take away the cardio, is a hard work ethic, so you dish it out, and i'll try it out

  2. #2
    BDTR's Avatar
    BDTR is offline Retired
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    Off topic... how do you intend to win a BJJ championship when in another thread you asked how to escape a basic rear naked?

  3. #3
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    blahahahaha no bdtr, i'm gonna be honest, i suck at BJJ, as i said in my last post

    "I'm going to train with my buddy in BJJ simply for cardio reasons, i have some sparring partners i'm sure i could get, but here's what my plan is, my goal is to win the provincial KB championship"

    KB = kickboxing

    i think BJJ will help strengthen my bodycore

  4. #4
    BDTR's Avatar
    BDTR is offline Retired
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    Oops lol, i didn't read the KB thing and to be honest i just skimmed your post. I thought you were training for a BJJ match and remembered a post where you didn't know how to get out of a rear naked.

  5. #5
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Well you've a full year to condition yourself, it'll be no problem at all. Do a search from a member 'tapout', he got some great advise from Chicamohomico ( I have to learn to spell that **** name). Its alittle early to start proper conditioning for the fight so just do your normal everyday stuff for most of the year. But as soon as is possible you'll have to be running and building our stamina. Then as the fight approaches drop alot of your weight training, drop SOME sparring rounds for more intense rounds, If you normally spar ten rounds and your conditioning doesn't allow ten flat out rounds drop it to six rounds and intense sparring. Most people knowing they have ten hard rounds will pace themselves for that and not give 110%. But knowing its only 6 will bust a gut, this is better than the ten medicro rounds.

    Really its a little early to talk about conditioning for a fight 12 months away. And there's so many different things which could be covered, like running, sparring rounds, hitting the heavy bag (an ABSOLUTE), rest, diet and mential conditioning!. You should also have a choice of sparring partners, from light and very fast to heavy and strong. If your rolling I think its very important to have stronger heavier partners.

  6. #6
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    one of my bar managers is a golden gloves (x2) champ, this is what he outlined for me to get started

    20 km walk/run x3 a week,(by that i mean, run as much as you can, then walk to rest, than run) + x4 alt cardio

    1000 situps (all kinds of situps to strenghten the trunk)

    3x3 minute rounds of allout heavybag drills

    skip 10 min / speedbag 10 min

    this is suppose to be an intro, this sounds a bit soaringly overboard,

    can i get some advice?

  7. #7
    KAEW44's Avatar
    KAEW44 is offline Senior Member
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    kickboxing is very aerobic so you need to srengthen your aerobic cardio, BJJ is more anerobic (using muscles and not breathing while preforming moves), continue doing the BJJ because you need both types of stamina in general, but to emphasize on KB you need to attack your cardio from as many directions as you can! I used to do running only on the treadmill for the about 30minutes because that was twice as long as the actual duration of a KB fight, and i thought that would make me in shape timesX2......i was wrong!! when you get in the ring (even after many fights) you are a bit nervous, the ring is raised from the floor and you are getting hit by the other guy so you are taking damage as the fight progresses! Many factors end up making you very tired after only one round!

    Your boxer friend has some good advice, but kickboxing is a bit different because when kicks are involved you will waste a lot more energy!! thas why KB matches dont go 12rounds like boxing!! The amateur KB fights i compete in all require the minumum 6kicks per that the case in yours too? My advice is get the kicks out of the way in the first 15seconds! thn from there you can relax and box to use less energy..and kick only when you need to.

    As for the training, do everything in 5minute rounds! and do 5 of them! there are no such things as 5X5min rounds in kickboxing but if you can do these then you will be in great shape for your fight and you will build a good core-stamina/cardio wich you will have for a while.

    dong these five rounds will be hard at first , but you have plent of time to build up o them! every day do only two types of cardio or even one.
    5X5min rope
    5X5min treadmill intervals
    5X5min heavy bag (be aggressive)
    5X5min Sparring
    5X5min only kicks on the heavy bag non stop!!! this is hard but it will work you!!
    5X5min rounds grappling
    45minutes medium jog on the road or the treadmill

    Try to pick two of these every day and do them, for total of 10rounds at 5min each! and as you get better you can start doing them at 100%, and the next step would be to do them right after eachother! for example do the 5rounds of rope..then go to 5rounds of sparring...and so on. Work your way up from 2minute rounds and push yourself to eventually do the 5X5minute rounds easily!

    When you get in the ring to do a 3X2min amateur bout you will feel its a piece of cake!

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